Author's Note:

Here you go! The second chapter. Have fun :)

Third Person POV

All the demigods walked out of the Argo II and stood in front of the Romans. The tension was obvious between the two sides. Octavian was about to say something but a glare from Reyna stopped him. A blonde haired boy stepped forward.

"Hi everyone" said the boy. "Miss me?" He walked towards the praetors and stopped in front of Reyna.

"Hey Reyna,"

"Hi Jason," Reyna replied. Her next move surprised everyone. She hugged him! The expression of shock on Jason's face showed he didn't expect this at all. He paused; then he put his arms around her.

Someone coughed, though it sounded suspiciously like 'lovebirds'.

Reyna blushed and stepped out of the hug and cleared her throat.

"There will be a meeting at the Senate house in 15 minutes. Be there. The rest of you can all meet Jason later. Right now, go back to your activities. Centurions, stay here."

The Romans groaned and moaned at not being allowed to greet their former praetor but they followed Reyna's orders and left the Field of Mars.

Percy POV

"Annabeth?" I said/asked, looking at the blonde girl. She nodded; slightly apprehensive. I smiled and engulfed her in a hug.

"I missed you, Wise Girl."

"I missed you too, Seaweed Brain," came her muffled voice from my shoulder. I grinned inwardly, I had grown over the 8 months and now I was taller then Annabeth.

Annabeth pulled out of the hug and leaned upwards. I got the message and leaned down.

Our lips met.

(AN: Here's where they kiss. I can't describe it. Just imagine it.)

We pulled apart.

"You remember" She said.

"I remember," I said. I looked over at the rest of the people from the ship. All the cabin councillors were there as well as a few tag alongs and two people that I didn't know. All of them looked slightly uncomfortable; but that was understandable. They were in roman territory after all. However, the two I didn't know were even more uncomfortable.

"Who are they?" I asked Annabeth, pointing at the girl with choppy hair and the boy that looked like an elf - he seemed slightly familiar. Annabeth looked to where I was pointing.

"Ah. They are new demigods. The girl is Piper, daughter of Aphrodite and the boy, Leo, is a son of Hephaestus. They came with Jason. And-" she hesitated and looked at her toes.

"And what?"

She looked up.

"And they are part of The Prophecy of the Seven."

"Really? That's interesting. So we already know six out of seven people for the prophecy."

"Six? How?"

"Well, there's Jason and the two new demigods. Then in the senate meeting around half an hour, it was decided that Hazel, Frank and me-"

"and I," she interrupted. I grinned.

"and I will be going on the quest. So that makes six people. Now we just need one more." I finished. I didn't want to tell her about the two lines I had heard from Ella about the mark of Athena.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the new kids and then you can introduce me to Hazel and Frank," she said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the Greek demigods.

Third Person POV

Annabeth and Percy approached the demigod who were still standing by the ship, looking quite nervous. They spotted the duo making their way towards and relief was evident on their faces.

"Thanks the gods you're back! You have no idea how weird it was. Jason went over to that girl and you went to Percy and we were just standing here like fools," said Piper. Leo was nodding beside her.

"Hi guys, I am Percy Jackson," Percy said.

Piper rolled her eyes.

"We know. Annabeth just wouldn't stop about how much she missed your messy black hair and your sea green eyes!" she said. Annabeth blushed.

"Dude, you're like a legend at camp! Everyone is talking about you. Percy this...Percy that. It's like you're a hero or something. What did you do?" asked Leo with that crazy grin of his.

"It's a long story, buddy. That type of storytelling needs a unique atmosphere. Maybe later," Percy promised.

"Come on, let's go meet all the others," Annabeth suggested.

"That can wait. Right now, I want to spend some time alone with you," said Percy. Annabeth blushed and glared at Leo as he wolf-whistled.

Then she looked towards Percy.

"Do you know a place?" asked Annabeth, smirking.

Unknown POV

When Reyna had sent off the Romans back to their activities, two people had gone off to somewhere private.

"Do you have it?" asked a hoarse voice over the roar of the water from the aqueduct.

"Yes I do, hon," said a sweet voice, probably a girl.

"Then give it to me!"

"Oh I will sweetie, but what will I get in return?" she said, licking her lips.

"Isn't what she promised good enough for you?"

"Oh it is, hon. But I want something from you," she said, accentuating her last words by thrusting her chest out and tracing her finger down the boy's chest.

The boy smirked.

"You'll get everything you want from me. Everything." whispered the boy, leaning towards the girl.

"Really?" asked the girl in an overly sweet tone.


He paused. Then he leaned back and smirked.

"But you will only get everything when this task is finished," he finished. "Now give me the package."

In a flash, the girl's demeanour changed from being playful/seductive to annoyed/angry.

"Fine! Here you go," she spat, pulling out a brown manila envelope, like the ones from the MacBook Air adverts, and shoved into his hands.

"Thanks, luv." he said and opened the envelope. He unsealed the envelope and examined the contents for a while.

After a while of scrutinising the papers, he spoke:

"Yes, this will work. Her plan will work and He will suffer."

The girl looked up from examining her nails and looked at him, batting her eyelashes.

"Now, can I have what I want?" she asked.

The boy smirked.


I hope you liked this one. Review and tell me how it is. I love reviews!