Okay... I'm back! So welcome the new fan fiction story, Embrace! So I'll be honest, this is a different story from the others I made. There will be a lot of OOC characters but it kind of had a reason why in the future chapters. This plot was made when I was in 3rd year high school. This is originally for Kingdom Hearts but after some thinking, it made me change back to FT.
Another one... This is a rock band fan fiction, so references of rock bands are here. This is basically merging the two things I love, writing and music (oh, insert FT too). So I'll post a reference of a song, a band, a musician, music terms and stuff.
All alone in her solitude as deep, pure, thick bass sounds resonating her room. With a Yamaha bass on her hands, still trying to get the chords right, but it's not as horrible like a few weeks ago.
She continued "warming up" by exercising her delicate fingers, stretching and let her feel the 6 strings. She started slow to fast playing, string skipping and making her pinky work too, since that's her weakness.
She took tutorials and instruction videos; she thinks it's not enough. She will follow the regime of her idol, John Myung of Dream Theater.
In the terrace, everyone is delighted to the slow lead song in the evening. As he leaned by the marble wall and swept the notes like its child's play. As it transcends, it got faster and chords got so much complicated. To others, he is special, prodigy, one of a kind. To others, he is a poor boy then became a rich kid because of his gift. To others, he is being envied and admired. Many girls wanted to be with him, especially his charisma on stage.
But, nobody knows him, except for his band. And this girl. He lost concentration when he remembered her; he just continued plucking his strings. She doesn't know this song is for her, way back, he really tried his best to play it for her. He let the guitar cry with his fingers (damn, that sounds dirty XD)
Joe Satriani is a genius in making this song.
"Freaking damn it," she whispers as she carries her bass bag. She is late to their practice. AGAIN.
As she runs to the corner of the street, a huge bump she felt that her shoulder hurt. The person that bumped her didn't even say sorry.
Her blood boiled up, as she realized they seemed to be a band.
The hooded suspect just ignored her and walked away, as she is supposed to run and give a punch to his face, his friend stopped her.
"Sorry about that, he is just in a bad mood," the black haired dude said.
She just shrugged off and turned around. The band left and she saw something sparkling on the ground. She picked it up and it's a guitar keychain.
It must fall off when they bumped. She attached it to her wallet.
("Hey! This is mine now!") She giggles as she runs to the venue where her band mates are waiting for her.
("She... She can't be...") the bassist of that band looked at the silent boy, the one who bumped the girl.
As they walk, he still remained silent.
"That band before us is awesome!" Juvia exclaimed.
"Yeah, their lead guitarist reminds me of someone," Erza said.
"I'm here guys... I mean girls," Lucy said while placing her guitar down.
"About damn time," Juvia said.
"Sorry, some band guy bumped me,"
"It must've the band earlier!" Juvia squealed.
"Well, I saw the black haired drummer dude," she explained.
"Oh, him!" Juvia squealed. "What else happened?" her fiery eyes activated, making Lucy shiver.
"Well yeah, he is the one who apologized to me. Not the other ungrateful bastard,"
"I don't remember him well... But judging to the keychain I found, he must be the lead guitarist,"
"The... the... the lead guitarist?" they shouted except for Lucy, who is oblivious in their reactions.
"You haven't seen his riffs, he's crazy I tell you," Erza said, grinning.
"He's like rare in this rock industry, he had all the talent," Erza said. "But they still rehearse here in Guitar Center, I don't know why,"
"The one you just bumped is what the crazy girls are after," Levy spoke.
"I don't know that one who I just bumped, the one the crazy girls after who had no manners, so what if he is charismatic and god on stage? Respect is the bottom line," Lucy sat on the chair with a soda can on her hand.
As they get in their big house, four young lads put their equipment down and rest.
The bassist whispered the drummer.
"He is out of league again." he points to the lead guitarist, staring at his phone.
He sighed and sat down beside him.
"Why is she alive?"
"Always with me, always with you" is an instrumental song from Joe Satriani.
John Myung is the bassist/chapstick player of Dream Theater (I'm a big fan of him!)
So I made the first chapter short because it's like an introduction or some sort. For people who wanted to broaden their musical tastes, especially ones who like rock music, the titles will be songs. Now you asking, why Lucy is the bassist? Why she isn't the vocalist? Well, I think (my opinion) that Levy is more suited to be the singer instead being the bassist (bass guitar is heavy). The band line up is... Lucy being the bassist (In my original story, its bass and lead thing). Levy (vocalist), Erza (lead because she's strong and flexible in battle, so it kind of suits her to do complicated riffs and shreds) and Juvia (drummer, since she is pretty strong especially being a fan girl and have inspiration).