"So, you've come here to stop the Darkrai of your dimension?" Commander High Roller asked for clarification.

"Our Darkrai's presence puts all dimensions at risk, our commander sent us here to stop him before catastrophic occurs." Lin Chung explained.

"Hmm, this sounds urgent, I'll need some time to look into this, you all, in the meantime, need to train a bit."

"Train?!" Mighty Ray responded.

"We're First Squad, we don't need training."

"Heh, according to our First Squad, you all were nearly killed by that Tyranitar out in the desert. Things are different here, and you will need to be prepared for anything."

"He does have a point." Rose pointed out.

"Yeah, we don't want to be caught off guard again." Volt Eye added.

Mighty Ray groaned.

"Ugh, fine."

The "Other" High Roller clapped his hands, catching the attention of a Garchomp nearby.

"Kindly lead them to the Dojo." He ordered.

The Garchomp nodded and led First Squad away. Alpha Girl watched with a very suspicious look on her face.

"Something doesn't seem right about these guys." She whispered to Zangoose. "Better keep an eye on them."

Garchomp opened the door to the dojo and led First Squad inside. Several Pokémon were inside, sparring with one another or punching the sand bags.

"Wow, they sure take their training seriously." Aura said pointing at two sparring Pokémon.

"We sure do." A booming voice rung out.

First Squad turned to see a large lumbering Pokémon with a twig in his mouth. He resembled a panda, but much meaner.

"Are you the, uh, trainer here?" Aura asked slightly nervous.

"You're smart kid, the names Pangoro, I run things around here."

"I'm pretty sure we already established that." Volt Eye said under his breath.

"Well, smart guy, my job is to make sure that everyone here is in tip top shape, and by the looks of you, you all could use some serious training."

"Is he calling us wimps?!" Aura whispered somewhat offended.

"Just roll with it Aura, we'll be gone once we stop Darkrai." Volt Eye whispered back.

As Pangoro led First Squad off to the training grounds, Lin Chung and Ember couldn't help but notice the "other" Alpha Girl and Zangoose, glaring at them but then walking off into the Citadel. Lin Chung and Ember looked back at eachother both equally puzzled, but out of curiosity, they strayed from the group to investigate.

Meanwhile, in the Commander's Chamber...

"Commander" High Roller observed a simulation of the balance destabilizing, it showed the several demensions distorting and eventually collapsing.

"Yeah, that can't be good." He said to himself.

"I agree Commander." Commander High Roller turned to see his loyal advisor Dusknoir approach him.

"I've been looking into the situation we find ourselves in."

"And what have you found?"

"Well, unfortunately, Commander, this other First Squad must stop their Darkrai soon, both our dimensions could be in great danger. As we speak, the balance is destabilizing and plunging into chaos. And soon the two dimensions will collapse into eachother."

High Roller was clearly shaken upon hearing this.

"How long do we have?!"

"If my calculations are correct we have 24 hours to stop Darkrai."

High Roller turned.

"Then we need to act quickly..."


Alpha Girl and Zangoose continued down the hall, unaware that Lin Chung and Ember were following not too far behind. As they walked, however, Zangoose stopped and sniffed the air.

"We're being followed." He growled.

Lin Chung and Ember froze as they stood in the shadows. Zangoose pointed in there direction, and Alpha Girl leaped into the air, club in hand.

"Wait!" Lin Chung rang out.

Alpha Girl stopped dead in her tracks, her club only inches away from Lin Chung's face.

"What the-? What are you doing following us?!" Alpha girl pulled her club back

"We-uh noticed you guys were glaring at us, we were curious..." Ember began.

"It ain't wise to sneak up on us you know." Zangoose growled.

"Forgive us, stealth is one tactic we were trained in back home."
"Well what do you two want?" Alpha Girl demanded.

"Since we would be fighting alongside eachother at some point, we were interested in meeting the rest of, well, First Squad." Lin Chung explained.

"That so?" Alpha girl seemed suspicious at first but not much.

"Well come this way." Alpha girl and Zangoose led them down the hall until the reached the room with a big one by it. She opened the door and the rest of the team turned their attention to them.

"Welcome to the team." Alpha girl explained. "These here happen to be some of the greatest fighters in Hidden Kingdom." She pointed to a warrior who looked much like their Kowloon. "That there's Kowloon, the greatest martial artist in East Citadel." She pointed to a green rabbit. "That's Spotter, the fallen Rabbit King, Ape Trully managed to turn his own subjects against him, he's the king when it comes to jump ropes." She then turned to a green Lucario. "There's Peridot, she isn't like most Lucarios, as you'll see on the battlefield." Ember looked over and a certain cat smoking a cigarette in the corner of the room. He boor a very strong resemblance to Ember but darker and with wing bones sticking out of his back. "Mister serious over there isn't from around here, much like you guys, he don't talk much, but he doesn't take crap from anyone, so watch yourselves around him." Lin Chung looked over to Ember who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Ember are you alright?"

"I-I gotta go." And with that Ember turned and made his way back down the hall. Lin Chung and Alpha Girl looked over at eachother, somewhat confused.

Ember walked down the hall, but he couldn't stop thinking about his strange clone, suddenly a hand grabbed him by the shoulder. He turned to see his clone.

"Not even gonna say hello eh?" He said.


"You don't remember me do ya?"

"Have we met."

"Yes, Ember, we have met."

"H-how did you know my-"

"Follow me." Ember followed his clone, and was led to East Citadel's café.


Mighty Ray slammed into the wall for the fifth time.

"Doh, grrrr, I wasn't ready!"
"Really? That's the fifth time you've said that Shorty." Pangoro retorted.

"This time I got ya, Big guy!"

Mistyque Sonia and Aura watched as Mighty Ray yet again flung himself at Pangoro.

"How many times do ya think Pangoro has to flatten Banana Brain, before he gives up?" Sonia asked.

Mighty Ray zoomed past them and slammed into the wall.

"I while..." Aura responded as Mighty Ray scrambled back into the ring.

Back at the Café...

Ember sat down on the stool next to the marble counter of the cafe. "So," he spoke to the darker-furred version of him, "what's your name?"

"Singe," he responded as he lit a cigarette.

Ember's muzzle became a shade of white rivaled by snow. "Oh my god."

Singe's expression showed confusion on all levels.

"You are my dark form... you tried to kill me!"

"Calm your mind, Ember. I've changed, so calm down. Besides, I play a key part in your future- and Lin Chung's."

"You mean-"

"I dabbled in the arts of light in order to change from your shadow, serving that b*** Ortho, to what you see. I could teach Lin Chung on the ways of light, and you with the Awakening."

"Got room for one more?" Peridot walked in, having a pack of cigarettes in her hand. She thrust the cigarettes into Singe's shirt pocket, and sat down next to Ember.

"I'm sorry, Peridot... I have to go."

"What's with him?" Peridot asked Singe.

"It's a long story..."

Suddenly High Roller's voice came on the intercomb.

"Both First Squads report to my office immediately, we have important matters to discuss."

To be continued...

Authors Note:

Man, this story arc is lasting longer than I thought, but I'll try not to make it last too long. I'll try my best to try and end this arc in the next one or two chapters