How To Catch fYreflies

Carlisle's POV

I couldn't believe my luck. The last thing I needed was this - my dream man to see me looking like a fucking monster! What I did to piss off God recently was beyond me, but he had to go and take the one thing that I took pride in away - my face.

Well it wasn't all, but close enough. I liked my sue me. Not that it mattered now anyway; being covered with a baking soda paste on my face was not attractive in the slightest.

Edward had convinced me to take a 'nice, peaceful walk in the woods' and I should have known better. The only things in the woods were the demon spawn of satan, waiting to jump out at every turn. Not only spiders and ticks, but snakes and all sorts of creatures that would sooner claw your eyes out than deal with you. Hey, wait second! That last part sounded like a sale at my favorite boutique.

Anyway, I had the honor of leaning against the wrong tree while talking to Edward. We were in a deep conversation over what he should wear for he and Jasper's anniversary date and that's when it happened. I switched my position and bumped what I thought was a lower branch with my head, not knowing it was in fact a large bee's nest.

Before I knew it, they were swarming me and it felt like my face was on fire. I heard Edward yell at me to run and he tugged on my arms. I ran blindly back toward camp and thankfully, the little bastards stayed near their home.

In the end, Edward had come out mostly unscathed, except for some stings on his hand and forearms. I, on the other hand, had stings all over my face and neck. They were ugly, red and swollen. I appeared to have the elephant man's disease and it was horrifying to me. Edward and Jasper swore it wasn't that bad, but I'm not blind.

Anyway, I had sequestered myself in the cabin I shared with Emmett, effectively kicking him out and making him bunk with the other two. From what I'd heard, he was none too happy about it. He kept asking to be let into the room to 'talk' to me, but more than likely, it was to get his stuff or to yell at me.

We were friends of course, but Emmett had a temper on him and liked getting his way, something that had played a main feature in many of my fantasies; him getting his way...And let me tell you, imaginary demanding Emmett was sexy as hell.

A sudden banging on my door broke through my thoughts. "Damn it, Peaches, I've had enough of this bullshit! I want to talk to you and see for myself that you're okay. The boys won't even tell me what happened. If you don't let me in already, I'll bust this fucking door down!"

His authoritative voice sent chills down my spine, but I wasn't giving in. I didn't want him to see me like this and besides, me moping about would just ruin his vacation.

Directing my voice toward the door, I yelled, "I'm fine, Emmett. You've obviously been hanging out too much with me. You're being overly dramatic. I just want some time to myself, It's been a hell of a few weeks for me. Go find the boys and have some fun. Believe me, fun is not something I'd describe myself as at the moment."

I heard him punch something. "Fine, but I'll be back. You have my word on that."

Feeling pathetic, I laid down and went to sleep rather quickly. Dream land was definitely better than reality right now.

Sharp curses woke me and I realized someone was in the cabin with me. The room was dark and it was hard to make out anything. I must have slept longer than I thought.

"Who's there?" I called out. I was a little nervous, but not overly so since we were at a camp. I doubted Jason was real and had his chainsaw at the ready. Although, that would be the perfect kicker to this month.

"It's Emmett," his voice came from the shadowed figure. "Just a sec and I'll get the lights."

Fuck! What to do? What to do? You can't let him see you like this.

In a hurry, and just in time, I turned my back and buried my face into my pillow. The blinding light could still be seen through the cloth, though.

I felt the cot dip down with Emmett's weight. "Are you okay, Carlisle? I've never known you to hide from anything, least of all me. What's going on?"

Muffled, I answered, "It's nothing really, Emmett, I'm fine; I just don't feel good. I stumbled into a bee's nest and was stung quite a few times, honey. I'm achy and whiny and I don't feel like being around people, that's all. It's nothing personal, babe."

He was quiet for minute and I hoped he'd just let it drop, but that's not Emmett's style. With a huff, he stated, "Well, it sure seems personal when you'll see Jasper and Edward, but not me. What'd I do to deserve the cold shoulder? You told them about your job thing and not me, and now this. What's changed between us? I've always thought us to be close."

Still turned away from him, I tensed. He was right - my sudden change in attitude had to be confusing to him. I'm not entirely sure why it had happened either. It wasn't like my feelings or the slights I've received from him in the past were new. It had to be because I felt so vulnerable over this job loss. It seemed like everything I had lost or done wrong had been thrust into the spotlight.

Now the question is "How the hell do you explain that to Emmett, who has no clue how you feel about him?"

Before I could even answer myself, Emmett spoke again. "Well, I'm sorry to butt in on you and your privacy. I don't understand why it's needed from me, but it wasn't my choice to bother you right now. The boys thought they'd be cute and shove me in here. They've managed to barricade the door. I know for a fact it has to be more than their skinny little asses, otherwise I'd have taken them out."

Cue emo Carlisle now. He didn't even want to be here of his own accord. I began to sniffle like a fucking girl.

Cursing under his breath, Emmett demanded, "What the hell did I do now? I'm getting tired of asking shit and getting no answers from you. Why won't you even turn and look at me?" Frustrated, he grunted, "Look at me when I talk to you, damn it."

In a whiny voice that would have embarrassed me normally, I turned and cried, "I can't because I'm ugly!" Then started sobbing.

Emmett's sharp gasp made my humiliation complete and I started crying harder. I wanted nothing more than to hide again, but his eyes went soft and he looked regretful immediately. "Peaches, you could never be ugly to me. I was just taken by surprise. Thanks to the stings you're all swollen and in pain. I can tell by how angry the stings look. You're just not feeling well, baby. Where's the medicine you're using?"

I whimpered as I pointed to the homemade paste sitting in a bowl on the side table.

Picking it up and sighing, he turned a serious expression to me. "Let me take care of you, Carlisle. You are always the caretaker, let me return the favor." His request was sweet and simple, but there was something undefinable in his eyes that made my heart pick up its pace.

Swallowing the sudden lump in my throat, I nodded. Emmett was so gentle that it nearly brought fresh tears to my eyes - nearly. I'm not a damn girl. No offense to the fairer sex and all, but I still have a full ball sack dangling between my legs.

As he smudged on the mixture, he began to talk. "What's going on between us here, Carlisle? You're my best friend - even more so than the other boys. I've always felt a deeper connection with you. Why are you changing towards me? Have I done something wrong? How can I fix it if you don't tell me what it is?"

I grasped his wrist to stop his ministrations. I couldn't keep him thinking he'd done something to hurt me intentionally. Somehow, I had to explain this crazy need for him I had developed over the years, that had deepened with the loss of all the security I'd recently found.

"Emmett, I need you to listen to me. You've done nothing wrong, It's just me being silly and sentimental is all. Please stop trying to take the blame on yourself."

"What are you being silly and sentimental about? I'm confused."

God, this was humiliating. To not only have to tell him this now, but looking like this while doing so. Talk about some teen dream turned nightmare.

"Well, remember back in the past when we had our last day at this camp?"

He just nodded and waited for me to continue.

I couldn't take it anymore and decided to blurt stuff out. It wasn't my usual thoughtful style for sure. "When we kissed, it changed something inside me. I looked at you in a whole new light and realized I'd been attracted to you for a long while."

Emmett appeared stunned and then his eyes became fierce. "You're lying! You never gave me second look, not that day, and certainly not any other. Why are you playing games with me?"

He had me confused. What the fuck was he talking about? I've never lied to him about anything.

That's not true. You lied every time you told him you hoped that he and his current love interest would work things out. You lied when he would cry to you and you would say you're sorry he broke up with someone - most of all Alec.

"Emmett, I'm not lying to you! I wasn't going to fuck up a friendship because I couldn't control my emotions. Obviously, you had no interest in me with all the dating you started doing. You became worse than I ever was at man hopping."

"Oh please, Peaches, why do you think I started seeing people so much? I had to get the thought and taste of you out of my mind. I knew I wasn't someone you'd ever be interested in."

Exasperated, I huffed, "Why do you keep saying that? Of course I was interested."

"Okay, fine. Explain your actions back at NYU then."

I was ready to scream. How could he be so dense? All these years and he is now blaming our drunken make-out session on me. "Explain what...That you were drunk and wanted to use me as a way to get off? I thought that was self-explanatory."

He groaned and jumped off the cot so fast I thought it would collapse. Pacing back and forth while frustratedly pulling at his hair, he seemed even more pissed.

"Carlisle, that was a cheap shot and you weren't exactly resisting my charms. I was drunk and let my feelings get the better of me. I'd wanted to taste you again for too long and I..." he gasped and slapped his hand over his mouth.

My heart started racing along with my mind. I couldn't have possibly heard that right. Emmett had feelings and wanted me? I needed more. "Then why did you act like it never happened? You didn't bring it up once in all the years since then - not even the next day."

Throwing his hands in the air in aggravation, he asked, "Don't you get it? I didn't want to feel more the fool than I already did. The alcohol made an ass of me. I wasn't about to help that process along sober. I knew you didn't want me - especially when you didn't say anything either. You went on like it was just another ordinary day."

"Oh, darling Emmett, it was anything but ordinary. I woke up that day expecting our relationship to be transformed. I mean we separated awkwardly that night, but there was no denying the passion we had the night before." My face reddened as I said that last bit. I may be considered a Romeo of sorts, but this was Emmett, not some guy in a bar.

Suddenly, the room was filled with laughter as Emmett threw his head back. Now I felt like a complete ass; I'd just bared my soul to him and he was laughing at me.

Feeling deeply hurt, I turned my back to him. I was about to tell him to get away from me when I heard him mumble, "Jasper was right all along - every fucking word. We've both been morons."

My indignation got the better of me then and I sharply spun to confront him. "What do you mean that he said we were both morons? He knows I have feelings for you and he's never acted like I was stupid for them."

"No - no, he doesn't think we are morons, just acting like it." My confusion must have still shown through, because he sighed and then continued. "Let me spell it out for you...I'm. In. Love. With. You. There, I said it."

He looked as shell shocked as I felt and I said the only thing that came to mind. "Me too."

Emmett got that big, goofy dimpled grin I love on his face. "You love yourself too?"

"No! I meant..."

Somewhere from outside, I was interrupted my Jasper's voice. "Oh, would you two shut up an' kiss already?"

Jasper's right! Kiss that handsome devil before you wake up!

I launched myself at Emmett and attacked his lips like my life depended on it. He moaned and pulled me to his muscled body. Oh, my darling man fit perfectly against me.

We were interrupted again by a bright flash coming from the cabin window. Our lips barely leaving each other's, we glanced in the direction of the light to find Jasper looking quite satisfied with himself, holding my camera in his hand.

"See, Carlisle? You're not the only one skilled at catchin' fYreflies. High five, Edward!"

The last thing I saw was Edward returning the 'five', before I was pulled back into another deep kiss by my Emmett. It may have taken years, but I knew he was definitely worth the wait.

A/N: Thank you to my awesome Pre Reader Jasper1863Hale and my wonderful Beta HarryTwiFan.