Sitting in the shade of a tree while watching the clouds with someone you love, and knowing that person loves you back, feels amazing. So peaceful; so comfortable. Especially when that special person ha s his arm around you.

"Are you cold, un?" Deidara asks as a breeze flows by.

"Nope. How can I when you're so warm?" I smile.

"Huh, I thought you were the one keeping me warm, un" he smirks.

"Tch, you're funny Dei," I laugh, "You know, I'm surprised you and the others don't have some sort of matching coat or something for the winter."

"Well, actually we do, un…" he says a little quietly.

"What does it look like?" I ask.

"Erm, well… "

His expression changes from carefree to secretive. I can't read it. He always becomes introverted when I bring up the group… Is this organization really that secretive that he can't tell me what their jackets look like?

"Pein ordered new ones this year," He says finally, "So we don't know what they're going to be like, un."

He's so obviously lying. "Oh, so it's like a surprise. Pein seems like a cool leader, giving you vacations and all these things," I say, playing along instead of pointing out his lie.

"He's actually really strict most of the time and locked in his room back at the base… Without Konan, he's a mess. He's only so 'nice' and lenient now because it's like he's baby sitting us. Its weird how the simplest mission is so hard for us, un."

"Heh… yeah…"

"Don't talk about the ring!" I think. "Just keep asking questions."

"So, does the group have a name?" I ask, feeling far away from Deidara now. It's weird how this topic seems to make us feel like strangers. He becomes so exclusive, and it makes me a little upset.

If we're going to be a couple, he needs to tell me what he does for a living. Or at least… I think that's what Ino would advise me.

Deidara looks so uncomfortable but manages to come up with, "I need permission from Pein to tell you, un…"

I'm skeptical, but that answer just makes me want to ask more questions.

"That's a very strange rule," I say, "What do you guys do exactly?"

Deidara lets out a puzzled sigh, not angry, but more in the sense that he just doesn't know what to say, "Geeze, I… I really can't explain everything. It's complicated, but let's just say we do discount missions."

I furrow my eyebrows. How is that complicated? That's a good thing! They do tasks to help others who need a missions at a low price!

"Oh, that's great! For a minute there, I thought you guys do something sketchy. Why so closed off? Is it because I'm not part of the group?" I ask, leaving the warmth of Deidara's side to rotate so I'm facing him. I'm so frustrated.

"No, Nene…I promise it's not like that! Its just… I'm not suppose to say anything about it. I would tell you, I swear, but I just can't."

He doesn't want me to know. He does something dangerous, I can feel it. There's no other reason he wouldn't be able to tell me.

Now, I'm worried about him. I finally find someone I love and it just so happens to be that his job endangers his life more than a normal ninja's job would.

I stand up and walk into the sunlight and cross my arms.

"Awe, don't be like that, un…" Deidara sounds a little hurt. He comes up next to me, and I can tell he's trying to think of what to say.

"I'm cold," I declare.

He puts his hand on my shoulder, leans in, and plants a kiss on my lips.

How can he do that? Just take away all my thoughts like that? One kiss and the only thing I can think about is him. The whole world is gone. All problems and troubles vanished, just because of him.

I want more.

"Are you still cold, un?"

"I'm freezing."

I feel like I just finished running a marathon while walking back to the hotel. I've never done anything like making out before. We both didn't want to stop, but we knew that the others would be waking up soon, if they weren't already.

I think I finally know why Ino is always so enthusiastic about boys- they're awesome. She wanted me to know how fun it can be to be unavailable. I never thought my mind would want someone so much!

All of a sudden, walking through the village, I felt the want to cling onto Deidara's arm so all the girls around me would know he's mine. If I should, I wasn't sure. I didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend… Maybe Deidara didn't like public displays of affection. Man, it's like I have a job now! If I do something wrong, I might get broken-up with. Will the others back at the hotel know? Or do we keep it a secret? I took a breath to ask Deidara what he thought, but I was rudely spun around by a strong grip on my shoulder.

"We need to talk," a frantic Ino said.

"What? Where did you come from?" I exclaimed.

"Deidara, I'm borrowing Nene for a while!" Ino informed as steals me away.

Hoping across roof tops, Ino fails to release her grip from my wrists until she throws me into her room. I stumble all over her messy piles of clothes until I crash on her bed.

I flip over and yell, "Ino! What's wrong with you!"

"Shush just listen!" She hisses. Ino flips over some piles of clothes and pulls out the chain that holds the wanted ring everyone is looking for, "I can't keep this anymore. Asuma saw it and wanted to give it to the Hokage! He was asking me where I got it and said it could be dangerous. I lied and said I found it in the woods. I ran off saying I had to go. Later this morning, he found me again and I told him I lost it. He's not believing me though. I can't keep the ring anymore, Nene."

"But I can't keep it either. I was heading back to the hotel the guys were staying at so we could start looking again."

"Just put it in here then!" Ino exclaims and shoves the ring in my bra.


"Don't you remember that sometimes things are best hidden out in the open? No one would think to look there."


"Ino! Asuma Sensei is here!" Ino's mom calls from downstairs.

"Crap! You need to get out of here!" Ino exclaims. She practically pushes me out the window and harshly hisses, "You were never here!"

Great. Now what was I suppose to do? It's true that the ring doesn't even poke through my shirt… and no one would touch me there…but was it really that good of a hiding place?

Troubled, I start walking to the hotel. Deidara is a priority after all. I can't just abandon him after I was so rudely snatched away. Ugh, what's gotten into me? Normally I would try to avoid them at all costs in a situation like this, but all of a sudden I'm daring and willing to risk the consequences I would have to pay if they caught me red handed. Maybe love isn't good for me, but I know, that overall, love is a good thing.

'Knock, knock.'

The hotel door is quickly swung open by Tobi. I'm greeted with the usual glomp and praise from the masked man-child while the others in the room are groggily slumping around. The crowd around the TV has grown because Itachi, Kakuzu and Deidara have joined Konan, and Sasori. Hidan and Kisame were sitting at the small circle table in the kitchen with mugs of coffee. Pein was no where to be seen. I've never been in a more depressing room before… It's just sad how a usually lively group of comrades is so down in the dumps.

"Nene, thank heavens, you're back!" Konan says excitedly, "It's such a bore here. No one wants to go out without Pein's orders because they're too lazy. Pein went out by himself because he was so fed up with these bozos."

"And we're freaking hungry!" Hidan exclaims from the kitchen, "Kakuzu is too cheap to get room service!"

"Why don't you spend your own money for once, you bigot!"

"I've never seen so many men act like babies…" I murmur. Konan giggles quietly.

"What was that…" Sasori provokes.

"It's nothing, grumpy," This time, Deidara chuckles. He hasn't said much, but we made eye contact a few times.

A few seconds of blunt, boring, silence pass until Konan says, "Pein is summoning me. Have fun lazing around guys." She disappears in a poof of smoke.

"We might as well get out of here too, un," Deidara mentions, getting up then walking over to me.

"Ooh! Where are we going?" Tobi bounces.

"You can go where ever you want Tobi," he says as he put his arm around me and poofs just the two of us away.

"That was so mean," I state, even though it was humorous at the same time.

"I know, un," he smirks.

"I love that mischievous look on your face," I ogle as I peck him on the cheek.

"Aren't you sweet?" He coos as we embrace in a delicate, yet passionate kiss.

He whisked us away to the river where I first formally met the organization. As winter approaches, the sun starts to set earlier and is now brightly hovering over the horizon. In about an hour, the sun will start to turn the sky and clouds beautiful hues. Hopefully, we'll spend that time here for a nice romantic change.

"I'm so glad I found you, un."

"Me too," I smile.

I feel his warmth engulf me as we continue to kiss. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I don't know how long we were there, but things started to gradually get more intense. I felt his abs under his shirt and it eventually the shirt came off. It was only a problem he started to take off mine, or what Ino calls "second base."

His strong hands started feeling up my waist all the way up to my chest, and that's when we both stopped.

"…What do you have in your bra?"

DUN DUN DUNNNN. I'm back~ To anyone still reading ;_; I promise to update more frequently. I'm sorry for leaving for so long OTL Hope you like the chapter though. See you soon and please review! I love to know what you think. 3 Ja ne!