A/N: Hi everyone! After being inactive for about two years, I'm back with a new fanfic and enhanced grammar and vocab c:

This story does not follow with the Naruto time line, the characters are just there, doing their thing haha. Hope you like!

Whenever I have a day off, I like to enjoy my time alone and just relax.

I was doing just that on an absolutely perfect day in Konohagakure's forest until I heard Naruto's disgruntled shout.

The next thing I heard was a huge "thunk" and I get knocked out of the tree I was sitting in. With a small shout, I tumbled out and plunked right next to Naruto, who's face was smashed into the tree trunk.

"NARUTO!" I yell as I sock him in his side. I would have beaten him up if my head wasn't forced to it's side by a huge, slobbery, wet dog tongue. Akamaru.

Naruto gurgles and moans as he sits up.

"Eh… sorry Nene…You see, I was just giving Akamaru a test ride and-"

"Yeah, I can guess what happened next," I pouted, "What made you think it was a good idea to ride Kiba's dog?" I scolded, my hands akimbo.

"He didn't think!" A pissed Kiba shouted from a distance. He lands next to Akamaru and pets him on the head. Then he proceeds to Naruto cracking his fists. I leave before I can witness Naruto's beating; I've given him a fair share of black eyes and bumps on the head already.

I relocate my tired body that desperately needs some TLC to another tree, far away from my last spot. "No one should be out here." I think confidently.

I recline in a sunny spot on a wide branch as I start to doze off. The sun is so warm on my skin. It makes me feel fuzzy and care free for the time I'm in it. "Maybe I'll get a tan while I'm here," I hope.

My long, dark auburn hair drapes around my neck and over my shoulders down to my mid-biceps. It keeps me warm from the cool breeze that's passing though on this magnificent fall day. I can feel all my muscles loosen, and I'm relaxed for the first time in weeks-

Until a kunai stabs the bark six inches away from my face.

My muscles constrict and I spring up on full guard.

"What the fu-" I start to exclaim, but am cut off my an apology coming from a ninja with two buns.

"Whoa! Nene, I'm so sorry! I didn't even see you there."

Tenten. I got all worked up for nothing.

"Oh, it's fine. I just really wasn't expecting that… At all."

"Yeah, I get you, but my team usually trains over here today. You might need to find another place to nap."

"Ugh, she knew I was sleeping! Now, I seem like such a slacker…"

"Haha… yeah, I was just re-fueling for today. I'm going to train with Ino later," I lie.

"Oh, how cool. Maybe we can train sometime together!" She said, punching my shoulder, "I got to go, but see you around!" She said, retrieving her kunai and jumping away.

"Good bye…" I mutter.

"I guess I have to go even father," I sigh, hearing the clash of kunai in the distance.

Why is everyone out today? Is it the same reason I am? Because it's a beautiful day and I want to get some fresh air and enjoy myself? Why would I want to train today! I've been going on missions non-stop for the past week, and I'm sure everybody else has.

I just want to relax, is that too much to ask for?

I walk far away. I jump to the highest branch on the tallest tree to see how far from the village I am, and I'm pretty much on the outskirts now. I jump down to a reasonable height in another sunny spot and settle down for, I hope, the last time before I head back to my house. The coast seems clear, and the only thing I can hear is the sweet chirping of birds and leaves ruffling in the wind. My white black vest gently flutters and my legs extend from my purple cargo shorts, getting some color in the sun. My side bangs flop on my face as I lean back and finally fall asleep.

"She's pretty bangable."

"Agreed, un. "

"You two are idiots."

I pretend to sleep and try not to sweat. I was woken up by some gross men's voices talking about my body. I can feel their disgusting pervert eyes looking at me. How does someone react to that as their alarm clock? I was hoping that they would go away, but the complete opposite happened. I felt someone breathing on my face. He was so close I could feel his body heat radiate onto mine, but it wasn't nearly as bad I though it would be. In fact, my chance to "wake up" came by.

"TOBI WANTS TO HUG HER!" He exclaimed. My eyes fling open an dI jump and gasp while staring at the swirly mask in front of my face. Well, wasn't expecting to see that. All the guys are in generally casual clothes and have painted finger nails.

"Are they in some sort of club?" I think.

"Tobi, you little shit! You woke her up, un!" A guy with a long blonde half ponytail shouted.

"W-who are you!" I demand standing up. All of them are taller than me, and much more built.

"Just your horny admirers," Says a muscular man with silver hair.

"You're disgusting," I spit.

"Cool your ass, we weren't going to do anything, slut."

"What did you call me?" I say, clenching my fists, "Who do you think you are? You think you're tough?"

"You wanna find out, bitch? Are you even a ninja?" He asks raising his voice. It's only then that I realize that I have nothing on me. Not even my headband. As I examine his stature, I notice he has a huge scythe on his back, but he's also missing a whole arm. I almost accepted his challenge if it wasn't for a red headed guy speaking up.

"Don't even try it, kid. You don't who you're messing with."

"Yeah, you're in over your head if you were actually going to fight him, un."

"Well it's not my fault I woke up to a freak saying he wants to hug me and then have three other men loom over my sleeping body! "

"We don't see too many girls…" The blond says.

"Is that his lame excuse?"

"We're just looking for this bozo's arm, un."

"Well I hope he never finds it!" I exclaim and dash away.

Luckily, my strong point is speed. I'm nimble and quiet when it comes to serious matters.

I skip through the trees fast enough that the pervs are out of range within a minute. When I reach a calm, refreshing river, I stop and go to the waters edge. I was too focused getting away from the creeps that I didn't even think about what could have happened. I was so angry that was about to fight a mean, bulky, mysterious, man when I had no weapons and couldn't call for help. Not only that, but I could have been kid napped, or violated… or both.

I sit down and dip my feet in the water and stare at my reflection. Pinching the bridge of my upper nose, I run through all the scenarios that could of happened. I hate to admit it, but I was scared- so scared. I lost in all the situations I thought of.

"I'm so stupid!" I exclaim, kicking my feet and splashing water, "Today is terrible! It was supposed to be perfect and it's terrible!"

I storm away from the river to a near by tree and punch it with all I have. The force is enough to knock something out of it and have it bounce off the top of my head. I should have seen this one coming-

It's a freaking arm.

A/N: Hope you're interested ;D More to come very soon~ Please review! Predictions, comments, and kind criticisms, etc, are always welcomed~ Have a good one.