A/N: OMG! That's what my best friends says all the time but today I must say it! This...this...OMG I need a moment...It's the...damn I'll just say it!

It's that last freaking chapter! I think I might cry. I tried and tried to make this longer in my mind but I have other ideas and it's hard that to have other stories and write them too because of the other ideas! So sad story and I'm rambling. Onto this hurt/comfort chapter!

I don't own Junjou Romantica or make any sort of profit writing this last...last...chapter...GOD I'M SO EMOTIONAL! I need a moment.

I watched.

I watched at it left.

I watched as my love was handling the pain.

I watched and yet I couldn't do anything.

I wanted to hold him, tell him it'll be alright, but I couldn't/wouldn't get through to him.

I saw this thing leave his body. Like this mystical aura of evil. Within moments passing in slow motion. I felt it laugh at Misaki as though he's about to die. I glared and it left this room through the window. As it left, my eyes drifted back onto Misaki's lifeless body.

"MISAKI!" I screamed as I went to pick hold his body as though it were a rag doll. I looked for his wrist to find any pulse and there was one. Quickly as I could, I slipped a pair of pants and a pair of underwear for Misaki since his clothes were bloody.

As soon as that was taking care of, I raced down the hall with Misaki in my arms and tried as fast as possible to get to the mental hospital (as in like a real hospital) and saw that everyone was coming back from the "emergency staff meeting". I saw a doctor next to Hiroki and I ran up to him.

"Can you please help him? Don't ask why were like this, I'll explain later. Right now, you need to help him!" I screamed. He nodded fast and took him from my arms and Hiroki looked as though he was about to kill me.

"What the hell did you do to him?" He yelled and I kept a straight, worried face.

"I didn't do anything. We kissed, we had sex, and afterwords, he started acting as though he was about to unleash the demon and told me to get away fast." I said fast as I took a seat in the waiting room.

"What happened?"

"He just started going crazy like he was about to attack, but it never did. I swear I thought this thing left him and started laughing as though he just killed Misaki. I ran to him, looked a for a pulse and took him here." He looked pissed, but he sighed and sat down next to me. "I swear I don't know what I'll do if he dies. I'll feel like it's my fault. I've been in love with him for so long. I shouldn't have pushed him into this and...God I feel like such a dick!"

I felt as a hand held my shoulder and I turned to look at Hiroki with guilt written all over my face. I felt sick as I didn't know what was happening. If I never mentioned having sex, then he would still be alright. I could have still been as close to him and yet he's sent to the hospital by having sex with me. Geez, just put me out of my misery. I looked up at the doctor Hiroki was with and I tried to prepare for the unexpected.

I wasn't ready for the news.

Misaki POV

I was in the dark. I was alone and didn't feel insane. The feeling as though all hope is lost, is gone. I felt...free. I felt as though I did when I was five and naive. Now fourteen years later, it was gone.

I opened my eyes slowly and I realized what happened. That I fought with It and now it was gone. I was in the hospital and the florescent light was beaming down on my face. I started to look around and saw that everyone was about 10 feet away from me. Sitting up all the way, I yawned and looked as though I had woken up from a nap.

"Are you okay Misaki?" I heard a voice and realized it was Dr. Kusama.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He walked closer and started to examine me and I just sat there. "Where's Akihiko?" I asked suddenly and he looked at me expressionless.

"You mean the man who brought you here?" I nodded. "What were you doing with him that involved both your clothes being off?" I blushed and hesitated to tell him everything. When I finished, he looked at me Disappointingly. "Why?"

"I fell for him. You may think that it'll only lead to a bad road with It inside me, but now, I feel free. Like he no longer is within. I think I can go back to the way things were. Like I can start a life that doesn't involve killing people in such horrid ways. I'm..free."

Dr. Kusama looked at me adoringly and waved for his colleagues to come near me and once it took some convincing, they took there steps closer until they reached me. I sat there and waiting and nothing happened. They confirmed that I could go out into the world and be a normal adult into the world. Although I had to spend my childhood locked up. I looked back at Dr. Kusama and he knew what I was wanting. He went into the hallway and within a minute, I saw the love of my life.

"Hey." I whispered and he walked up to me and captured me in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad that you're okay." I nodded and returned the hug.

"Yeah. Me too." He let me go for a minuted and we stared at each other intensely. "I'm free."

"I know. I felt as though I saw that thing laugh as it left you." I smiled and then I saw Dr. Kusama come back into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to you about something." we looked at each other and turned back to the doctor. "Since you're well, you don't need to stay in this place any longer." I looked at him wide eyed and turned back to Akihiko. We exchanged surprised looks and I pulled him on the bed with me. I held onto him as though my life depended on it.

"When do I need to go?" I whispered into Akihiko's bare arm. He looked down like he was guilty for making me leave.

"We all agreed tomorrow." I stiffened and wanted to cry. I didn't want to leave. Now that things were perfect and I was with the man of my dreams. Of course everything would turn to this. "We would like you to stay the night. Usami-san can also stay here with you and have your last good byes." We both nodded. He left us alone and I started to cry. I felt arms wrap around me and I laid against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"I don't want to go." I whispered as more tears leaked from my eyes.

"You know, most people would be happy to leave and here you don't want to go." He chuckled and I started to pout. "I don't want you to leave either. We'll just have to spend this night together, like it's our last; even though it is." I nodded and I let him do whatever he wanted to me that night because I knew we would never get the chance to do this again. What a fun birthday that turned out to be.

In the morning, I was woken up by the sound of Dr. Kusama coming in the room and telling us to wake up. I shook the silver headed man awake and I realized that he was the worst person to ever wake up to. His dark circles under his eyes and sad look on his face knowing that today is the day.

"Come on Misaki. You need to pack." I slowly got out of the bed and followed the doctor out and into my room. I got all my things and took one last look in my room before shutting the door. I made my way to the front door of the mental institution and saw that Akihiko and Hiroki were standing there waiting for me. I ran up to my former bodyguard and gave him the biggest hug I could manage and he held me like I was really his brother. I looked up to him and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Be good. I mean it." He whispered as I smiled to my 'big brother'. Once I released Hiroki, I went and hugged Akihiko. His arms wrapped around me and I started to sob in his chest. I never wanted to let go of the man that I gave everything to.

"I'll never forget you. I know that sounded cliché, but you were my first so I can't forget you." I looked up saw a gentle smile down on his face followed by a tear. I reached up and gave him the best possible passionate kiss so I could remember him because I'll never see him again. When we were done, I took a step back and looked at everyone. "Bye everyone." I whispered and saw there was a taxi for me. I waved one last time before I entered the car and drive away. At that moment,

I wished It never left.

1 year later.

I laid on the couch in my apartment and watched some game shows that happened to be playing that day. It was Saturday and I didn't have and work or school to go to so I lounged in my home.

I made a life for myself. When I first left the insane asylum, I was homeless and tried to find a job. When I found one working as a bartender, I met a guy and he let me stay with him. As I started to save up for my own place, I took out a school loans and took the test to get in college. Once I passed, I moved into my own apartment and started my life on my own. It took time and it's been five months being independent.

As I continued to lay down, I heard the door bell ring and I went to go answer it and I was ecstatic about the who it was.

"Akihiko!" I yelled as I jumped and went straight into his arms. I could sense he was expecting my reaction and held me close to him. I didn't waste anytime going and planting one on his lips and took the moment in. I never thought in my lifetime that I would see this man again. The kiss ended slowly and he gave me one last peck and smiled a very genuine smile.

"Miss me much?" His voice was sweet but with slight arrogance. I just shook it off.

"Of course I did. What are you doing here? Not that I mind and all!" I stated and asked fast.

"I'll answer if you let me in." I moved aside to let him in and I shut the door behind him. I went in the kitchen to start the tea and went back to Akihiko.

"Okay, now talk. How long have you been out?"

"I left about two months ago." I looked somewhat surprised. "When I came out, I had a lot of money in my savings account and I found a place to left and I started my career. I became a novelist. I figured that you wouldn't have left Tokyo so I searched for you and when I found out that you were enrolled in Mitsuhashi University, I looked up your address and found you here. Took me a month but I finally found you." I shook my head and stood up. I went back in the kitchen to fix the tea. I went to back to the living room and set the tea on the coffee table. His eyes looked happy and I sat in his lap and cupped the side of his face.

"It looks like we have a lot of catching up to do." I whispered and he smirked as he I leaned in gave me a kiss right on mouth and I kissed him back. I felt that I had forgotten something in that moment and I broke the kiss. "What day is it today?"

"Saturday, August 15th. Why?" He asked and I looked at him wide eyed. I got off his lap and looked at him seriously.

"Do you have car?" He nodded. "Can you drive me somewhere? I'll give you the directions." He nodded again and I went to hurry to get dressed. I put on a black tee-shirt and a pair of black jeans that I found on the floor. I slipped on my black DC and waited for him to leave after I did to lock the door.

We rushed and I found a flower shop. I bought a cheap bouquet of white roses and ran back into the car. We drove and drove and we finally ended up were I needed to be.

The graveyard.

I got outside and car and motioned for him to come with me. He followed me, side by side, and I stopped at the site. I bent down on my knees and started to talk.

"Hi guys. I know it's been a long time since we've seen each other. I'm twenty now so it would be twelve years ago when I committed that horrid crime. I couldn't help it though. If I were to tell you what's been happening with me, you would have killed me sooner, but that gave me no right to do it to you guys. The only bright side is that I'm free. I miss you so much. I got out of the insane asylum a year ago and met someone amazing. The guy standing right next to me," I looked up and saw that he had a smile on his face. "I really wish I still had my family to approve of him or get to know him like I did and you know, be my only family. I would have come sooner but I was sort of held up. I just wanted to come and introduce you to my boyfriend. I'll see you next year." I took the roses and put a few on Nii-chan's grave, my mother's and my father's grave. I stood up and looked at Akihiko. "You think they heard me."

"Yeah. I just hope they approve." I chuckled and we started walking back to the car. As we were walking a huge gust of wind blew by and pushed me into Akihiko's arms. He caught me and held onto me tight and I returned the embrace.

"I think they approve. I hear them loud and clear." I said as we looked up and saw the sun starting to appear out of the clouds as he held on my waist and I lean back.

I hear you.

The End.

A/N: Oh My God! It actually ended and I'm actually kinda sad about it! I was surprised that I can become emotional with my own story.

Anyway, I have good news for those who like the Battle for One. I changed something and I hope you guys would love it.

By the way, since volleyball season is coming so close and tryouts are one Monday-Wednesday, I might make JV and that will take up what little time I have for writing. I have an idea that I won't make it but oh well. MY mom will make me play another sport!