I really hate doing this because there's nothing worse than another chapter alert that turns out to be an author's note so, sorry! :-(

However, I did receive a few reviews/ PM's regarding sequels, open ended issues, why Bella didn't die :-) . . . which I wanted to address and I thought this would be the best way to do it.

I also pretty regularly update my profile page and post what I'm working on, new ideas, future story ideas, etc. So, if you ever want to know the status of any stories etc have a peek :-)

Why so many unanswered questions?

Short answer? The first draft of this story was written with the intention of a sequel. Then I decided to get a full time college education on top of a part time job so now I have a ton of unfinished stories, a shed load of essays and enough free time to eat and occasionally sleep :-)

So while there is a general mental outline for a sequel, it will not be forthcoming for a while yet. Truth be told, you are more likely to see the prequel to this story (Not All Who Wander) completed before a sequel, mainly because a sequel would reference that time period (what Leah got up to when she left and before The Volturi) and I would like to lay the groundwork first.

It doesn't make sense that the pack is protecting Bella when she broke one of their laws by killing a human. They should have been the one to kill Bella.

I agree. A big part of this story was Jacob coming to that realisation that sitting back and watching Edward hand out the car keys, so the vamp allies could pick victims outside of Forks, made the Pack guilty by association. On the other hand, none of their, er, hands are clean. Nearly every Cullen has had blood on their hands at one point. Any one of the Pack could flip and maul someone to death. Bella sucks but she hasn't done anything in this story that Jasper, Edward...even Leah while with The Volturi, hasn't done ten times over. Plus, they are not just wolves. The Pack traditions so far have been placed above everything, even human emotions and feelings and even morals some may argue but they are still there. It's not so easy when it's your family or friend who screws up.

Does Bells get reassembled?

Yes, minus the ability to stand up without falling over, as usual :-)

What about the Cullens and what was done to Bella?

This one I kind of don't know myself. I feel Edward and perhaps Alice might see at as a great tragedy but the more level headed family members like Jasper and Carlisle might think she got off pretty lightly :-/ This is another plot point that would be explored in a sequel.

I suppose the Cullens would seek retribution in kind if Bella didn't survive?

As much as I don't give a (expletive) about Bella, I think anyone as melodramatic and self absorbed as Edward would in that situation.

Still upset Bella isn't dead, but at least she got tortured more this time

* sigh * You and me both. And torture does not help ease the pain as much as you think it would :,(

Is it bad that I really wanted her to kill Bella?

Well, in my unprofessional opinion it makes you very normal indeed. You seem to have a lot of support in the review section, lol :)

It kinda makes me a little mad that Jacob is constantly ok with putting his family at risk.

Two words: Imprinting. Bad management.

What does Jake do about the imprint? Does he even GET to make a decision?

Anybody who has ever read any of my stories knows where I stand on the whole imprinting issue. Outlook is quite unlikely on him not even attempting to break the imprinting bond :-)

I really wanted jacob and leah to get together

Not a question but this is something I considered/still kind of consider. If there is romance, I have two possible options in mind and Jacob is one of them. Blackwater is my Titanic when it comes to Twilight shipping but something just didn't click in this story. I think I prefer their friendship bond more and how powerful that can be without any romance :-/

Does Leah rejoin the Pack? What place does Leah have in the Pack and in La Push?

Hmm, would she even want to? :-) When the sequel happens, this will probably make up the main plot of the story.

Does she make up with her family? Can she fit back into her old home after what she's been through and what she's done?

Well, she ends up back with her family at the epilogue but there's still a lot of issues that need addressing. However, there is not a lot that a mother won't forgive and Seth pretty much wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to his feelings about Leah.

Does Leah get better?

If the sequel goes as I have planned, then Leah will find a new purpose that will offer some self reflection.

I would dearly love to see Leah as she tries to put the pieces of her broken life back together

This is quite likely going to be the main theme of any sequel.

xx Thank you for reading, reviewing, PM-ing etc. I really appreciate all your comments :-) xx