Robstar at the cinema
"One ticket please" came from a boy, in a cape and black goggles "here you go" said the man at the counter so Robin (boy in goggles) and Starfire walked through the door and took their seats.
Starfire sat on the edge of her seat "Starfire sit back" came a quiet voice "what Robin" "be quiet Starfire people need to hear the movie" "what is happening in that room there Robin I do not understand." "Well this is a movie and you see that person wants her to marry her, but that man in the background is her old boyfriend, and he was just about to propose to her." "What is now going on Robin?" "oh… well they are, kissing Starfire" "what is kissing robin?" "They never had kissing on your planet Starfire? "No robin" "oh" so robin leaned in for a kiss and kissed Starfire, it felt like his heart was pounding but after it felt like love a sinking feeling in his heart and for Starfire her heart sunk as well it was true life and for the rest of the day Starfire was blushed.
When they got back to the titans tower it was 11pm, because robin took Starfire out for diner and then they went to the beach for a walk but as they got back to the teen titans tower and the only one up was raven curious to see what they had been doing "hello" a lonely sound greeted them as they walked in "what are you doing up are you going to go to bed soon? Because well uh." "Yes."
"hay robin and starfire where have you been"