Last chapter guys! Thanks for the support! xD I'll be writing about a short fic so please support that as well :P R&R
Chapter 12: Disaster date?
"Hurry up!" Layla was pulling Stella away from her room, she was still applying on some last minute make-up.
"Just a bit more" Stella circulated her lips with sparkling ruby red lipstick.
"You'll look like a freaking serial killer if you put on more make up!" Layla was playing tug of war with Stella's weight, not an easy task even though the fairy of the sun and the moon is skinny.
The bell for the morning class sounded off and that meant 1st period had just finished, the girls had the whole morning to get ready, since they were excused from classes, and be pretty. But who could finish anything when 6 fairies ran around, trying their best, to find the perfect outfit for that date they've been longing for? They kept bumping in between sprints to the bathroom and back to their room, it was like a mad house.
"We were suppose to meet up with them an hour ago, Stel!" Bloom was by the door looking back and forth from room to hallway, her whole body was automatically fidgeting.
"They won't mind their girlfriends being fashionably late" grinning on her air quoted words, Stella cropped out from the door with her new dress.
"Brandon won't mind, but I have a boyfriend who's a hot tempered jerk" the blue haired fairy of music rolled her eyes with both arms crossed and her hip stuck out to her right, she'll surely get the stink eye from Riven.
2 whole agonizing weeks of being with your boyfriend but you couldn't, or didn't, even spend some alone and romantic time with him. Musa's been patient for the past week but from all the experience she's had with Riven, well, his personality can be a little too active if you make him wait for too long.
"Seriously girls, Riven-" she halted as she heard footsteps come in to a halt just behind her.
"Ouch, a hot tempered jerk?" a voice that made the hair on her neck stand up.
The girls turned to see none other than the said boys who they were suppose to meet an hour ago, make that an hour and 10 minutes ago. Each of them stood as dashing as they could be, they wore smiles even though they found their girls just by the door of their dorm. Girls will always be girls.
"Oh.." she blushly smiled and walked to him with her hands behind her back. "Hey, Riven."
"Hey.." he simpered with full confidence. "Musa."
As each of the girls partnered up with their respective guy the couple, who were standing in front of the door, were still enjoying the awkward air that they made.
"We don't have all day" Nabu interrupted with a cough and his finger pointing at his watch.
"So.." Layla grabbed on to Nabu's hand and turned around. "If you two want some privacy, we'll be glad to get going."
Musa smiled from the side and blushed, her mind was being taken over by Riven's prescence. So as the tough girl she is, and it was the only thing she could think of doing, Musa grabbed Riven's arm and smiled at the girls.
"Let's go" she giggled with beautiful cherry cheeks.
In the streets of Magix there was this famous cafe called Cafe Lechee, it was a small yet very successful cafe that almost everyone in Magix loved. People from other realms would visit Magix just to get a taste of their food, Cafee Lechee never expanded so that means it's only found in the great city of Magix.
"You guys seriously got us reservations here?" Flora squealed and hung on to Helia's arm, she always wanted to try this place out but no one ever had the time to make a reservation.
"Of course, the best for our girls" Helia kissed Flora's forehead and proceeded to the cafe.
The rest of the Winx were really amazed as well, the guys really thought this date out and so far, it's been really good.
"I only got to taste their crème brûlée once, but that was during dinner." Stella looked around the place and it was still the same as she remembered it. "I wonder what they have instore for breakfast."
"Brunch" Brandon corrected and signed a piece of paper which had their reservation numbers on it.
"Brunch? We're having brunch?!" Stella smiled and looked at the girls, she was giving out a stare that they all understood. If they had left an hour ago then they'd be having breakfast, but no, thanks to Stella they're having brunch.
Brandon nodded as he guided his giddy girlfriend to the table, everyone else followed the two and let the excited fairy squeal with delight.
"Here" Riven pulled the vacant chair for Musa with a sly smile.
"You're too kind, sir." she rolled her eyes with blushed cheeks and sat on the chair.
"And that's for today only, don't get used to it" he laughed softly and winked over at her, Riven and kindness never work out.
"Jerk" she giggled as she took the napkin from the table and neatly placed it on her lap.
She turned to Riven and saw him stuffing his napkin in the collar of his shirt, his normal white muscle shirt and maroon pants. Where as Musa, wearing a simple blue dress with 2 think pink and purple lines running through her chest.
"What do you think you're doing?" she sighed and placed her hand on her forehead, trying not to laugh or start an argument with her boyfriend.
"Looking at the menu" he raised an eyebrow and pointed at the thin card that had 4 pages.
"No.." Musa closed her eyes and took a large in take of air, she then grabbed Riven's napkin and placed it on his lap. "Seriously, Riv, you are hopeless" she giggled to the side and began to scan the menu.
"I like eating my food with.." he re-placed the napkin on his collar and looked at Musa.
"With a bib?" she smiled but not looking away from the menu.
Riven pulled the napkin from his collar and dropped it on his lap, she was definitely pushing his buttons.
Ignoring the little quarrel the two had the guys began to give their orders to the waiter, a hint of surprise was the main goal in this date. The boys had something in stored for the girls which would really make up for last weeks mission.
30 minutes had pass and their food hadn't arrived yet, everyone was fine with waiting since they get to stay in the cafe longer and they'd get to talk more with the guys. But Stella, who had her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed, was practically killing the waiters passing by their table with her hazel brown glaring eyes.
"The place hasn't changed but the service did" she grumpily sat back on her chair and pouted.
"It'll be here any minute, they're probably sending it out right now" Brandon pointed at the two doored kitchen where you could see a waiter from the small window.
As said, 2 waiters with two trays equally balanced on both hands came out with their head up high. Stella sat up and rolled her eyes, It's about time, she then took a sip of water to ease her hot head.
"Sorry for the wait.." the waitor said out loud straight to the Winx and Specalists table.
"No harm done" Nabu waved his hand to show that everything was okay.
"Yes, but please, next time.." Helia's voice trailed off as the waiter made a right just before their table. "You should really.." he followed the man walk to the other table and apologize for the late service.
And that's when Stella started to snarl, she pulled her hand away from Brandon and marched over to the waiter that took their order, lucky enough it was the same person who just pass by them.
She tapped on his shoulder like she wanted to drill a whole on it and squinted her eyes, Stella was boiling red and her flaring nostrils was a sign of something awful.
"Yes ma'am?" the waiter turned and spotted Stella in her anger state, he backed away a bit and held on to the two trays.
"My friends and I have been waiting at that table.." she pointed at her vacant seat and empty table. "For 30 minutes and no one has served our meal, we were first to order than thos people!" this time she pointed at the customers sipping on their freshly made hot soup.
"I beg you pardon?" the older lady seated on the table dropped her spoon and motioned to get up, her husband was holding on to her arm and gesturing her to sit back down.
"Sorry but we were first to enter, order, and should be the first to be served!" Stella turned and flipped her hair, which hit the waiter's face, and walked over to her empty chair with he chi up high.
People began to whisper and murmur as they stared at the Winx and Specialists' table, they could feel the adults lecturing them about proper etiquette just by looking in to their eyes. But Stella paid no attention, she sat on her chair and crossed her arms once again.
"HELLO?" she snapped her fingers up in the air and looked from left to right. "Can't a girl get some decent service here?"
Bloom pulled Stella's hand down and gave her a warning look, you only get those looks when you've done something that could seriously put the Winx's name in shame. So far, Stella has the leading record of 10.
"You're going to get us kicked out" Tecna whispered and began to apologize to the other guests.
"Us? Kicked out? Ple-ase!" Stella scoffed and eyed the waiters tht were passing by.
"Just sit still and wait for the food" Layla ordered with a commanding tone, her eyes were directly at Stella.
But we know Stella, she won't give up just because her friends forbade her. So, she did what she thought was right. Stella sat on her chair and smiled at the girls, lifting one finger up and twirling it about 5 times. The girls began to panic.
"Don't you even dare, Stella" Flora was beginning to lose her patience.
"Please don't tell me.." Sky groaned and turned to Brandon.
"Yup" he nodded with both eyes closed, not wanting to see what his girlfriend would do next.
Ray of light. A large amount of blinding light surrounded their table and the guests began to scream from the pain that circled their eyes, this was a way to get some attention for Stella.
As the painful brightness dispersed everyone opened their eyes and saw that there weren't any customers left, everyone had fled because of Stella's little magic trick.
"Waiter.." Stella chimmed and snapped her fingers.
The two sneakly walked away from their raging group of friends, the couple, hand-in-hand, were trying to get that date that they've wanted for quite some time now but as of now, it wasn't going well anymore.
"They're going to kill me" Musa giggled as she ran next to Riven, she was trying to catch her breath since they sprinted away from their friends right after being thrown out.
It took them 2 hours to get out of the cafe, Stella had this big fight with the manager and they were charging her for the meals the guests had forgotten to pay because of her presentation.
"Don't worry, I'll be right there to protect you" he chuckled and took turn a few blocks away from the cafe.
Riven had something planned, something he never told the guys. The whole idea was to get Musa alone and spend the whole day with her, and only her. So the incident in the cafe was a great excuse to escape, he didn't need to drag or force Musa to ditch her friends.
He stopped in front of an ice cream shop while Musa was heavily breathing, she was wearing her new boots and they're definitely not for running.
"A-are.." she panted "You sure.." more intake of breath "Ice.. Cream" deep exhale "Is good enough for lunch?"
Riven smiled and spinned Musa around, she faced the door of the shop and saw the sign. 'Close'
She raised an eyebrow and smirked at Riven's reflection, he was holding up a red handkerchief with a grin.
"Surprises really don't suit you" she joked and closed her eyes.
"Shut up and no peeking" Riven laughed and tied the handkerchief with a secure knot, he tied it over her ears as well so she wouldn't have a 100% hearing.
His breath, his steps, his touch, his prescence, and his shadow. Those were the only things Musa could concentrate on, seeing him is completely different from feeling him. She didn't know what to do, Musa couldn't control her senses. They were overwhelmed by Riven's every move.
"C-can you please tell me where we're going?" she turned to him and smiled, maybe some feminine charms could help her make him reveal the big secret.
"No." he quickly responded without looking at her, but a smile was planted on his face.
"Why?" she whined, darn.
"Because, we're here" he halted her and began to untie the knotty knot.
As she felt the handkerchief loosen up Musa held on to the base of her dress, he was so close to her that she might get excited and do something stupid.
"Ta-da" he revealed with one pull and the handkey fell from her eyes.
She slowly opened her eyes and scanned the building in front of her, but in an instant Musa knew where they were.
"How did you..?" her mouth hung open, Musa stared at the building like she was in a dream.
"I've got some buddies in Red Fountain that personally knows the owner." Riven smiled and thanked those 3 freshmen boys in his head, a little bit of shaking and he got those perverts to agree on allowing him to have the shop for the day. They owed him that since those 3 boys bad mouthed the Winx.
Musa turned to Riven with a huge smile on her face, she jumped on him and pecked his cheek that always sent him to cloud 9. She pulled away and grabbed Riven by the wrist, running to the shop Musa pushed the door open and skimmed the different products they had.
Headphones, old vintage records, electric guitars, drum sets, pianos, harps, flutes, and many more instruments were hung up for customers to see. DJS. It was a shop opened by one of Musa's favorite Dj's, the famous DJ Sketch.
"Do you like it?" Riven flicked the last switch and light from the far back opened, revealing a small stage.
"Wow." she gulped, Musa always wanted to see DJS, but only exlcusive people are allowed and there was a 50 person per day rule.
Riven pushed Musa further to the stage and the more they close to it the more Musa's heart raced, it looked like a recording studio.
"Try it out" he handed her the headphones.
"B-but..." she stared at the item and tried her best to suck this surprise in, she was unquestionably surprised.
But nothing, Riven walked away from her and started one of the stereo's. Music filled the air within seconds while Musa remained still on the stage, none of this was real to her at all.
"Go on" he cheered and clapped, this was one of her dreams actually. To sing where other great vocalists sung, DJS hosts some parties for celebrities and they used the same mic Musa's using.
She shook her head and lip curved up right, Musa took in some air and slipped the headphones on. They fit perfectly.
She opened her mouth and listened to the where the song was. "You and I.."
But before she could even continue Riven had accidentally pressed his weight on one of the drum sets and it ripped a huge hole on it, it was the brand new drum to be in fact.
"Shit, shit, shit..." Riven grabbed the pieces and tried his hardest to put them back together, but come on, Riven? It's practically cloth.
"Oh my gosh" Musa took the headphones off and ran down to Riven's side, she'd seen these drums in one of her magazines before.
"I didn't mean it, I swear" he panicked and looked at Musa with guity eyes.
"We are so dead, Riv." she gulped and took some of the pieces that were completely torn off from the ground.
Musa swayed her hands and began to chant a spell under her breath, Riven watched as she fixed the mess he made. The fairy of music was succeeded in repairing the torn apart brand new, not to mention expensive, drum.
After another 5 seconds the hole disappeared and the bits that fell of were back in their place, they dodge the bullet there.
"We should probably go" Musa pointed at the door.
"What?" he snapped to reality and shook his head. "Why?"
"I can't take any more chances on you.." she crossed her arms and looked at the not-broken-intruments. "If you break another instrument I'm not sure if I can fix it again, that spell took a lot from me"
Musa took Riven's hand and led him to the door, he could feel her tired soft hands forcing itself to hold on. The spell Musa used was meant only for emerencies, instruments in Melody don't get broken everyday but when they do only a few people can fix them up like new. And that skill will drain a lot of energy.
"Come on" he pushed himself further and walked out from the shop with Musa behind her.
"Are we going home?" she rubbed her dozing eyes and tried to keep herself from tumbling to the ground for a quick nap.
"Not yet" he didn't look back, Riven had one last surprise since he knew that he'd eventually screw the date up.
They were at the park and it was already sun down, there were only a few people around the area but it was good enough for the annoyed Specialist.
Riven placed Musa next to a tree and stood in front of her, Musa, on the other hand, was bobbing her head with running down eyes.
"Muse" he whispered, not wanting to ruin her sleep but he also didn't want to ruin her supposed perfect date.
"Hm?" she popped up her head and forcefully tried to open her eyes.
"I'm really sorry about today" he scratched the back of his head.
Musa shook her head and rubbed her eyes. "No, don't be"
"But I am, today was suppose to be our day." he kicked a pebble that was resting near hs foot and stuffed his hands on his pocket. "After those stupid tricks the Head Masters did I just wanted to give you that attention you deserve, those 2 weeks really got you down and I really want to see you smile again" Riven gitted his teeth and continued. "Even if it's just for a minute, if I see you smile then I'll know I've haven't totally failed as your boyfriend"
Musa giggled and cupped Riven's face, he stared at her deep blue eyes and was surprise with her reaction. A true genuine smile, she was sleepy and tired but Riven knew it was the real thing. He didn't have to make a joke, get mad, or even act stupid. She really smiled just for him.
"Silly" she cooed and yawned. "You've.." she rubbed her eyes and scratched her cheek "Already made me happy, you always forget that..."
Riven smirked and understood what she going to say, she'd already told him that during heroics training back in Red Fountain and she repeated it after their animal transformation.
"That I've made you happy ever since we got together" he continued for her.
Musa nodded and for the second time, after a minute, she yawned. She looked really tired, anytime soon her knees will give up and she'll definitely pass out.
"Here.." Riven got a small blue box from his pocket and presented it to Musa.
"You aren't proposing, are you?" Musa scrunched her nose and examined the box.
"No.." he chuckled. "Unless you want me to?"
"Shut up" she giggled and pushed his face to the side.
Riven opened the little box and there, a little bone shaped pendant was sitting on the soft cushion.
"We can pick him up tomorrow." he whispered and handed her the little box.
Musa's eyes widened and she took a step back, she gazed at Riven for a good 5 seconds before actually reacting.
"Are you serious?" she squeaked.
"Yeah, I had some time to walk around magix last night and saw him staring at me." Riven chuckled and got out a a small picture from his pocket. "The papers are being settled and he'll be ours"
"He's a husky?" she gasped and smiled at the photograph.
"Of course, husky's are really amazing pets" Riven happily joked with a wink.
Musa rolled her eyes and gave Riven a quick hug.
"Okay, now, let's get you back to Alfea before you faint to sleep" Riven caressed her cheek.
She knew it actually, her body felt so heavy and in no time she'll sleep without caring where she was. So, Musa did what ever perfect date had. She took one step forward, lifting her right sole, wrapping her arms around Riven's neck, playfully biting on her lower lip for a tease, and finally puckering her lips.
The surprised boy responded, he grabbed her waist with just enough force and pulled her towards him.
And that's when the real magic happened.
Thanks for reading guys! I hope this is good enough for everyone! :D