Chapter ONE~

Brenigan's office was like a hurricane aftermath. Papers were scattered everywhere, there was an odd looking stain on one of the walls and the furniture looked worn out. There was a knock on the Principal's door and he groaned before telling the person to enter.

"You wanted to see me, sir." the term 'sir' said in a sarcastic manner.

"Mr. Beech, close the door behind you." the mess of a principal demanded, "Take a seat."

Ray did as he was told and sat in the worn chair in front of his desk.

"Budget cuts?" the musician raised his eyebrow with curiosity.

"Yeah, that's why I called you here." Brenigan replied, "The school board has reduced the amount of money they sponser us so I had to lay a few people off-"

"Like the janitor?" Ray gestured to the messy office.

"Like the janitor. And other teachers and a few secretaries." Brenigan continued, "Anyways, since the school's funding is in jeopardy, I was wondering if Mudslide Crush could do a fundraising concert."

"Well, I wouldn't mind." Ray shrugged, "But the Crush hasn't really been as great as it used to since Scott left, not that I'd tell him that."

"Well, the school needs more supplies and by 'school' I mean 'my office' and by 'supplies' I mean 'furniture'." Brenigan sighed.

"That's what you wanted to raise money for?" Ray couldn't believe his ears, "So you can get some new chairs?"

"I'd concider a desk too." Brenigan rubbed his chin like he was thinking about what kind he'd get, "So what do you say?"

"No way!" Ray stood up as he replied, "The supplies at our school are running low and you're just thinking of yourself."

"Please, Mr Beech, you're starting to sound like Ms Yamada." Brenigan smirked.

"I am not!" Ray's voice may or may not have raised an octave or two.

"Even so, since the school's losing money, I don't think I can afford to keep all of our students." the principal told him, "I may have to expel a few- for misconduct, of course."

"Are you blackmailing me?" Ray's eyes grew wide with recognition.

"Depends on your answer." Brenigan wore a sinister look, "Will you help me?"

Stella Yamada wore a grin of happiness as she waltzed to her locker. Mo and Charlie were waiting for her, but the drummer and the bass player were too engrossed in an argument to notice her arrival.

"I'm just saying, a one year anniversary is kind of a big deal." Charlie said, "I can't just get her flowers. Flowers are an apology gift of a hospital visit thing."

"Then get her candy too!" Mo replied.

"It's not Valentine's Day!" Charlie groaned.

"It is great to see you guys too." Stella jumped in between them.

"Tell Charlie that Victoria will love whatever he gets her." Mo demanded.

"Tell Mo that she doesn't know Vic like I do." Charlie added. Stella ignored the two and took two textbooks out of her locker and stared walking to class, knowing the two other band mates would follow. She slowed down when she reached the 'Crush hallway', as it was known to Mesa High as the hallway in which the members of Mudslide Crush had their lockers. Stella waited for the insult from the front man of Mudslide Crush but didn't get one. Stella stopped completely and looked for Ray. She strolled up to him.

"Cat got your tongue?" she kidded.

"I'm not in the mood, Yamada." Ray replied while stuffing things from his locker into his bag.

"Are you moving lockers?" Stella looked confused. Ray didn't reply. Charlie and Mo joined the two at Ray's locker.

"Will you sour patch kids back off?" Ray snapped at them.

"What's going on with you?" Stella asked, "Why are you packing your things?"

"Why do you care?" Ray smirked as he continued packing.'

"Brenigan expelled him because of 'budget cuts'." a girl a year or so younger than them replied. Stella noticed she used air quotes.

"Laura, mind your business." Ray gestured for her to leave.

"No!" the girl stomped her foot, "It's wrong what he's doing."

"What is he doing?" Mo asked, confused. Ray gave the girl a look that told her not to say anything and the girl returned the look with one that told him to tell them what happened.

"Will someone just tell us please?" Stella snapped.

"... Brenigan expelled me because I wouldn't help him raise money for new furniture for his office." Ray relented, "No one's going to believe me because Breni stated the reason for my expulsion was because I had a bad attitude and had no respect for authority. And also that I vandalized the school on multiple occasions."

"That's funny, that's what people say about Stella." Charlie laughed and got glares from everyone.

"Anyways," Stella rolled her eyes, "Laura's right, it is wrong. He's expelling you for not giving in to his selfish demands."

Ray shrugged, slammed his locker shut, and began to walk away when Laura grabbed his bag causing him to jerk back suddenly. Just then, Brenigan rode by in his segway.

"Mr Brenigan!" Stella stopped the man, "Is it true you're expelling Ray because he refused to help raise money for your office?"

"Lemonhead, don't-" Ray tried to stop her.

"Not only is that wrong, it's also immoral and unjust." Stella ignored him and got up on her toes to get as close to eye level as she could with the principal, "Just because he won't give in to your selfish needs, you're expelling him? What kind of principal are you?"

"One that gets what he wants, Ms Yamada." Brenigan got in her face, "Let's face it, the only reason why you're still here is because Lemonade Mouth is a large benefactor to Mesa High. So don't push it, Yamada, because I do have the power to give you detention everyday until you graduate and I will use it."

And with that, the principal rode his segway away to patrol around his school in his usual arrogant and intimidating manner.

"Nice try, Lemonhead." Ray playfully patted Stella's head, "It was nice knowing you. Not."

Laura followed him in a way that wasn't too clingy but still pretty close.

"No way!" Olivia gasped when she heard the news, "I can't tell if that's great or terribly wrong."

"It may be both." Stella replied, "Brenigan is using his power of authority to do whatever he wants. It's wrong and-"

"Wrong and immoral and he needs to be stopped." Mo finished in a bored tone, "You've been ranting all day, Stels. Can't you just relax for a minute."

"Hey, isn't that the girl from earlier." Charlie pointed to an almost empty table. Laura was sitting by herself and picking at her food.

"That's Laura." Scott said before swallowing his food, "She's like Ray's favorite fan or something."

"You mean biggest fan." Wen corrected him.

"No. Laura is Ray's favorite fan." Scott replied, "He won't admit it but we all know that deep down he cares about her in a total sisterly way. She's not clingy, annoying, or girly like all his other fans. We used to be the only ones who sat with her."

"How come I've never met her?" Mo asked.

"Well she didn't start at this school until last year and last year was when the whole 'Lemonade VS the Crush' thing happened and by the time that happened you were either not talking to me or with Lemonade Mouth." Scott shrugged.

"Aww, she looks lonely." Olivia frowned, "We should sit with her."

"What? No-" Wen started to protest as the singer dragged him towards Laura. The others followed.

"Hey!" Olivia said, slightly overly cheery, "I'm Olivia."

"That's... great." Laura looked at her with an expression that was mixed with confusion and fear.

"Hey Lor." Scott just sat down, "How's school?"

"It's fine. I had a math test last Tuesday." Laura shrugged, "I failed. Like always."

Everyone took the chance to sit down with them.

"So how are things with you and Ray?" Laura asked, causing Scott to freeze his food half way to his mouth.

"Did he tell you what happened?" he lowered his food and didn't make eye contact.

"Yeah. But I'm sure he's not that mad." Laura shrugged, "He just seems that way."

"Yeah. Sure." Scott mumbled grimly before Stella changed the topic.

"Speaking of Ray," she said a bit too loudly, "Where is he?"

"He got expelled." Laura spat her words like venom, "Where do you think he is?"

Lemonade Mouth shifted uncomfortably in their seats except for Scott.

"It's not fair." Laura mumbled, "Brenigan has no right to exploit his power of authority."

"Oh, no." Mo groaned.

"I know right!" Stella exclaimed, "He's completely out of line! We should do something!"

"Like what?" Laura rolled her eyes, "Protest the wrongful use of power in front of the school inspector people during their visit tomorrow?"

Stella could see the look in her eyes as she said it.

"No!" Scott stuck his pointer finger in Laura's face, "Ray will kill you."

"You want to blow off the rest of school and plan a protest?" Stella ignored Scott and ran off excitedly with Laura while Mo smiled to herself.

"What's your deal?" Wen asked her.

"Nothing." Mo continued smiling bigger, "Just Stella being Stella."

Teehee Stella meet Laura, I think you two will find a lot in common. SO what did you guys think? I was watching Lemonade Mouth the other day and thought of this. Sorry if Olivia seemed a bit OOC. I am not good with shy people so I tend to make them overly cheery instead. I hope you like Laura, she is of my own partial creation. Please tell me if I made any mistakes and stuff, I tend to not go over things thoroughly even though I try to stick to the facts as much as I can. Anyways! I LOVE REVIEWS SO PLEASE GIVE THEM :D
PS we need to protest about Lemonade Mouth 2! If they're making a sequel book, we should get a sequel movie too! X(
