Sorry this one took so long, I couldn't get myself to think.

I hope you like it. I actually thought about throwing it out, but then the ideas just started coming to me.

I always love to write stories about Donatello, he's my favorite ninja turtle. So expect more stories about him, but of course, I'll have more stories about the others.

Thanks to everyone!

It's the middle of the night, and within the lair, Don sits at his computer with his hands on his face and his elbows on the desk. He's trying to take a break from his latest project. He's having a hard time concentrating on his break time, because he keeps thinking about that certain project, Raph's shell cycle.

Raph came in the night before, and told Donny that it was an accident. Raph had crashed his motorcycle… again. It was the third time in two months that it's happened. Donny was getting tired of it, he'll fix it, and Raph will just destroy it again within a week or two. Which made Don ask himself, what's the point of fixing it when Raph will crash it? Why fix anything if you have three brothers that will break everything in no time.

When Don fixes the toaster, Mikey or Leo breaks it again. Although, the toaster doesn't come in quite as often as the shell cycle, but still.

Now, since they were all brothers, Don would think that they would have a little more respect for his talents then they already do. However, I guess when you live with them for fifteen years; you learn to deal with all that.

Mikey would probably be who mostly irritates Don. When Mikey gets on Don's computer, he might do something and cause it to freeze up. Donny can easily fix the problem, but what irritates him, is that he's told Mikey over and over, to ask before he downloaded anything. Only to make sure that it's not going to download a virus that could ruin anything on Don's computer.

Don rubs his face with his hands and sighs. He's really tired and should go to bed like everyone else, but he can't sleep with this pounding away at his mind.

Don gets up from the computer chair, walks over to grab his duffle bag that's by the couch, and takes off through the lair's entrance.

When Don puts the manhole cover back over the sewer's entrance, he starts to climb the fire escape on the building to the right of him. He just wanted to take a quick run to think about things. Don has too much on his mind to do anything right now. There are just too many things that are coming into his lab lately. He's the only one who fixes everything, because no one else knows how to.

Don jumps onto the roof and starts running across the top of the buildings.

He's the smart one in his family. Leo, his oldest brother, is the serious one; the leader of the team. Rpah, Don's immediate older brother, he's the tough one, always ready for a fight. Mikey, his younger brother, is the fun one; he always sees the bright side of things, and always making jokes.

A family could always use an intelligent person, or in this case, turtle in it. It's just, lately, it's been too much for Donny to handle. His brothers and father are always expecting him to come through when their situation involves technology, or even nursing someone back to health.

Don has actually thought about telling them all to tough it out and fix everything themselves. Although, Don would never do that, he loves his family, and he's too much of a nice guy to say anything. Don just wants a little help once in a while. It would be nice, if they were just a little more careful with these things.

Don hears a noise that makes him slow down to a halt. He looks around and sees no one around. So Don just decides that it was his imagination and goes to run again, only to be hit in the head by someone's fist.

Please review! Good or bad, always appreciate all of them.