Hetalia World Academy W: The Musical
Rated M for language, bad spelling, drama, etc.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Hetalia characters or the musical, The Sound of Music, or any music used in this story. The musical was written by Rogers and Hammerstein II about the Von Trapp family around the time of the Anschluss (Annex of Austria to Germany 1938, pre-WWII). I own nothing! Please don't sue. Also, please don't steal my story ideas. Thank you!
A/N: Welcome to chapter 4 of my first ever fan-fiction!
Man is it hard to keep that promise of one per week! TO MANY FUCKING PROJECTS! …I should be doing a project right now… but I don't feel like it right now! So that being said, sorry if this chapter seems a little awkward.
This chapter is dedicated to all those awkward moments when your friends ask you for relationship advice.
Now, some of the questions that you have in your mind won't be answered till the very, very end. Those questions:
1. Will Austria realize that breaking up with Hungary was a mistake?
2. What the hell is Switzerland up to?!
3. Does Hungary have a thing for Prussia and vise versa?
4. What does Germany need advice on? …Oh please don't tell me that Italia is pregnant.
5. Why is this chapter titled what it is?!
6. Why does this author always make jokes about animals at the end?!
When I mean the end, I mean not necessarily the end of the chapter but the end of the series.
Reminder! Since I'm in college now I will be very busy but I will try to update this about once a week or as soon as I am able to, so be patient! And I'm sorry about being a little late on this chapter, but better late then never!
Enjoy! Don't forget to review!
~Chapter 4- Operation: …WHAT?!~
…Previously in the world of Hetalia…
"What is it you vant?" Austria asked noticing the Prussian sit down at the near by table.
Prussia gave him a death glare, "You do that to her again and I will make sure you will pay."
"I don't know what you are talking about," the stubborn Austrian replied still not looking up from his paper work.
Prussia calmly stood back up and walked back over to the booth. Austria looked up from the paper work to watch Prussia. "I think it's getting a little late. We should get going."
"What? Why it's not like you have a hot date or anything!" Hungary replied getting up from the booth. Austria noticed that Hungary was there with her friends and looked back down at his paper as if to not care all. Prussia nodded his head toward Austria. Hungary's eyes narrowed as she noticed the Austrian and then looked back. "Hey Vash Do you think that you can just us a ride back to our apartment? Gil decided that we should walk here today," she asked cheerfully.
"I decided?! No you suggested it and then talked me into it!" Prussia exclaimed calling Hungary out on the white lie.
As they left the building one thought lingered in Austria's head, 'Could it be Prussia? It couldn't be, their best friends… right?'
Prussia and Hungary walked up the stairs. The elevator was being repaired again. "Okay, so now what should we do?" Hungary asked Prussia for some ideas to do for the rest of the day.
"Well, we could invite Francis and Tony over and have a paintball gun outing!" Prussia suggested.
"Hmm… tempting. But first Ludwig has to come home so you can get your stuff. He can be the ref!" Hungary said liking the idea of a full out paintball gun war. They were getting close to the apartment door.
"Keshehehehe! He won't say no to that! He loves refereeing!" Prussia chuckled.
"It depends, does the referee get to shot the player not following the rules?" Germany said sneaking up on Prussia.
Prussia flinched and turned around suddenly, "Gott, West you have got to stop sneaking up on me like that you almost gave me a heart attack! And where have you been?! You never stay the night at someone's house! I was worried sick about you!"
"I doubt you even noticed me being gone. I only stay over if the host offers," Germany said bluntly, "And Elizabeta how are you?"
"Well I broke up with the pansy but other then that I'm good thank you!" She smiled as Germany opened the door to the apartment.
Prussia ran into the apartment remembering Gilbird, "It's okay little buddy I'm here!" He quickly refilled Gilbird's birdseed container, "See this is why I need my freaking keys back West!"
"So Ludwig, how was decorating with Feli?" Hungary asked eagerly wanting to know details.
"Out with it man!" Prussia said equally as eager to find out.
"We decorated her place, I found out she has a sister named Romana, who just started dating Tony." Germany replied slowly.
Hungary looked at him in shock, "WHOO There! Did I just hear you right? Romana is dating Antonio?!"
"Spill it or I will fucking force it out of you!" Prussia cried just wanting to know what really happened.
Germany sighed, "East, I need some advice…
…Now we begin our tale…
...20, December 2010; The Same Day…
"Oh no, what did you do? …Make her pregnant?" Hungary asked half jokingly. Prussia's face paled as Germany shook his head.
"You didn't… did you?" Prussia asked turning around slowly to look at Germany's face. Germany's face paled at Prussia's question. "Shit! LUDWIG!" Prussia picked up his cell phone and speed dialed France and Spain, "Get over here… now. It's Ludwig. Code Milky Green." Prussia hung up.
"We'll be right over!"
Prussia looked over at his brother. Everyone was silent. "So, did you have a good time? How was she in-," Prussia started to ask Germany only to be cut off.
"Nein! We didn't do it! Für die Liebe zu Gott (A/N: for the love of God),I'm still a virgin! Gott, we're not even going out! …That is yet." Germany said dispelling what Prussia and Hungary were thinking. Germany sat down on the stool in the kitchen. "All I say is that I need some advice and you both think that I made her get pregnant?! Mein Gott, what is the matter with you two? Get your minds out of the gutter!"
Hungary placed her hand on Germany's shoulder, "Sweetie, I was only joking, it was Gil that took it the wrong way." Hungary Gave Prussia the 'what the fucking hell is wrong with you?!' look.
"BUZZZZZ!" "Amis, we're here! Let us in!" France said over the intercom for the apartment.
Prussia walked over to the intercom to buzz them in to the apartment building, "It's open!" He walked back to the kitchen table to sit, "Okay, so I assumed the worse! Keshehehehe!"
"Again I was just joking Gil!" Hungary said, "So, West, what is it that you needed advice on? Is Feliciana putting the Italian moves on you?"
"Did she kiss you?" Prussia asked, "Or did you kiss her?"
Germany waved Hungary's hand off of his shoulder, "Well, if you two would let me talk then I will tell you what I need advice on!" They were both quiet wanting to know what was bothering the poor German, "Danke! Now I can talk. I need advice on-,"
BAAM! The door to the apartment swung wide open. "Félicitations (A/N: Congratulations!), Ludwig, I knew you could do it! I brought a bottle of champagne to celebrate!"
"Felicidades (A/N: see above), Ludwig! Don't worry I won't tell Romana. She'd beat you up if she ever found out that you made her hermana pregnant!" France and Spain busted into the German brothers' apartment.
"For the last time, we DIDN'T do IT, Feli ISN'T pregnant, and we AREN'T even DATING!" Germany screamed angrily at them as France closed the door.
"Nah… Zhat means zhat ze champagne will go to waste!" France whined.
"So that's what Code Milky Green is! You know, it sounds better if it was used for if someone was sick," Hungary commented to Prussia who was still laughing about the situation.
"Hmm… Now that you mention it, that would make more sense. Okay code change! Code Red means someone's pregnant and Code Milky Green means someone's sick," Prussia said side tracked.
"Wait so Ludwig is sick?" Spain asked.
"Nein, he just needs advice right now."
Germany slammed his head on the table, "Why did I even bother?" France patted his back only to have it swatted away by the German. Germany took a deep breath and sat up, "EVERONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME FUCKING TALK!" The room was again quiet. "Danke! As I was trying to say before, I need advice on how to ask a girl out," he said, "I kissed her when I left her house and well…"
"When you mean a girl you mean Feliciana right?" Spain asked. Germany nodded.
"Zhat's what you needed advice on? You came to zhe right place! Let zhe French man help you zhen. After all French is the language of love," France began putting his arm around Germany, "You must "whoo" her! Give her a bouquet of red roses and then ask! And then &$*3) (!)(()$**#9-"
"No, that's not how I did it! I asked Romana with her favorite kind of flowers, daisies! Forget about what Francis said after the flowers." Spain chimed in cutting off France's inappropriate comments.
Prussia rolled his eyes, "Keshehehehe! You guys are so wimpy! You don't need flowers! Though, that is a nice touch. But agree with Spain about forgetting what Francis said-" Hungary put her hand over Prussia's mouth cutting off what he was going to say.
"Did you guys forget something?" Hungary asked the oblivious men in the room, "I'm a girl. So how about I give the advice here. France is right on one this one, you must "whoo" her, but forget everything else that he said. She invited you over to her house to help her decorate, that means that she definitely likes you a lot, so, that step is already done. Now all you have to do is ask her. If she rejects it accept the rejection and move on, but she has been giving you the signs so, I doubt that will happen. I think that a simple phone call would work."
Prussia opened his soft lips slightly to lick Hungary's hand in order to it off of his mouth. Hungary forgot that she still had her hand on his mouth. When he licked her hand, Hungary jumped away and removed her hand. "Can I PLEASE talk now?" Prussia asked. Hungary nodded yes as she blushed. "Whatever the fuck you do, don't ask her in front of Romana! She will beat the shit out of you just for looking at her little sister! When you ask her, make sure it's nighttime when Romana is busy. Through rock against her window. She'll open the window and then ask!"
"Since, when did you become ze romantic?" France asked curious. 'Gilbert. Romantic? Yeah right! Well… what he suggested was kind of romantic. Whatever!' Hungary's thoughts went when France suggested that Prussia was being romantic.
"Wait what time is it?" Spain asked, "Maybe Romana's at work right now!"
Hungary snapped out of her trance to answer Spain's question, "It's about 1:30pm right now. It's nowhere near nighttime right now. What time does Romana get off?"
"Around 4:30pm."
"Zhen zhat won't work Tony! The sunsets at 4:30!" France chimed in.
Hungary snapped her fingers, "I got a plan! Gil, I need a big piece of paper. Francis, I need a ruler and writing utensils. Tony, I need a clear table by the time I come back in here. Ludwig let's see what clothing you have! Your asking her tonight!" Hungary pulled Germany to his bedroom. In the bedroom there was an unmade queen-sized bed, a neatly organized desk, two closets and a bookshelf with a small television sitting on top of it. "Okay, I pick this closet!" Hungary opened the closet closest to the door and awed at how neat it was.
"So, news is spreading like wild fire zhat Roderich and Hungary broke up," France started.
Prussia still made at Austria for calling Hungary worthless frowned, "Ja, it's true. The prick thought that Eli cheated on him."
France and Spain were in shock that Austria would think that about their friend. "Really?! With whom?" Spain asked.
"She doesn't know," Prussia sighed, "Well I bet he thinks that it was me now because of the dirty look I gave him in the café earlier."
"You gave zhe Austrian a dirty look?! …Was he still checking her out?!" France reacted.
Prussia nodded, "I also told him if he hurt her again he'll have to pay."
"Jesus! Prussia! Since when were you so possessive of Elizaveta! It's like you have a crush on her or something!" France responded shocked at his friend. France and Spain gave each other a look.
"…I know it's kind of wrong to ask, but-," Spain started being cut off by France who was carrying a sack of pencils.
"Are you and Eli a zhing?" France finally asked.
Prussia who was taking a sip of coke at the time did a spit take, "WHAT?! We're just friends!"
"Ah! So zhen you are friend with benefits, qui? Naughty boy," France asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Prussia blushed, "NEIN! Why would you even think that?!"
"It's just a question! No need to get all hot and bothered about it," Spain stated pointing out the slight blush that was creeping across the Prussian's cheeks. They both cackled.
"Whatever! We are not together!" Prussia said storm down the hallway.
Spain and France shouted together, "Love is in the air!"
"Okay try on this dark blue button down and these jeans," Hungary said throwing the dress shirt and dark jeans over her shoulder to Germany.
He caught the clothing, "With you in the room?!"
Hungary busted up laughing, "What are you shy? Don't worry I won't look!" As Germany changed into the clothing she continued to riffle through the closet. She came across a black box in the back. Her curiosity got the better of her. Hungary took a quick peak. Inside of the box were leather straps, blindfolds, and other toys (A/N: I leave what kind of toys to your imagination! XD ). "Ludwig you're not a virgin at all, are you?" she asked giggling and lifting up a blindfold.
Germany was still buttoning up the shirt, "Put that away! I am so a virgin! Those are um…"
"Don't worry. I'm not telling a soul," Hungary winked. Hungary looked at the outfit that she chose for him to wear, "Wow! I did well! Okay, that's the outfit you're going to wear."
Prussia knocked on the door. Hungary opened the door while accidently still holding the box in her other hand. "It's about time! Gott, what took you two so-," Prussia saw the opened box in Hungary's hands, "What the hell? Eli why do you-? Why are you holding-?" Prussia was struggling with his words and started blushing.
Hungary blushed furiously, 'Crap! He must think that we-! …But I'm still the virgin! Oh hell no!', "Well… …this is awkward." There was a long pause before Hungary started speaking again. "See when I was looking for something for West to wear… and well… I found this in his closet… We didn't do anything honest!" Germany smacked his head as Prussia sighed. 'Dear Lord is this awkward…'
Germany grabbed the box from Hungary to close it and place it on his desk. "Keshehehehe! So guess you're no virgin after all, huh?" Prussia snickered. Germany smacked Prussia in the back of his head when walking past him. "Oww! That hurt!" Prussia rubbed his head. He turned to Hungary who was laughing hard.
"Pssh! That's what HE said!" Hungary laughed. (A/N: Of course Hungary would come up with that!)
There was a moment of silence. Prussia was a little slow but he busted up laughing, "KESHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHE! Who would have thought that he would be so kinky?"
"WILL YOU TWO STOP WITH THE JOKES ALREADY?!" Germany hollered at the two laughing hyenas.
…Meanwhile in the kitchen…
"Gott, you guys are so immature," Germany growled rubbing his temples while walking into the kitchen.
"Oh hush! Or we aren't helping you out any more than what we have!" Hungary said sticking out her tongue, "Since I'm the girl here, what I say goes!"
"Cough. Bossy. Cough," Prussia said under his breath. SMACK!
"Since Gil came up with the most romantic idea, we are going to stick somewhat to that plan. Now, Tony, assuming you have been to the Vargas' place more, you will need to draw a diagram of where Feli's room is located in complex."
"Will do!" Spain replied as he started drawing the blueprint.
…18:00 in front of the apartment complex in Prussia's car…
"Now, let's go over it again: 1. Tony will take Romana on a walk through the park. 2. I'll get the good to go signal from Gil who will be with Francis watching them in the front when they leave. If they take to long Gil will send it anyway. 3. You'll get the good to go signal from me to call Feli and tell her to come to the window. 4. When she picks up you will signal the good to go back. 5. I'll signal good to go back at Gil and Francis. 6. Francis will distract them for as long as possible. 7. When they book it Francis will text Gil. Gil will signal me the bail, and then I will signal the bail meaning time to go. If anything fails immediately send the bail signal," France raised his hand.
"What's zhe signals again?" France asked.
"Thumbs up's good to go, middle finger's time to go," Hungary replied, "If anyone forgets the signals then that puts us all in jeopardy of getting beat up by Romana. Anymore questions?"
Prussia raised his hand, "Can I name this Operation?"
"As long as it isn't "flip the bird"," Hungary stated remembering the last time he got to name the "Operation."
"No fair! That was a cool name! How can you not like it?!" Prussia complained.
"It had nothing to do with the mission at hand! You have to name the title after something that's important to the actual plan!"
Prussia thought. "Operation: Ask Out?"
"Perfect. Now everyone ready?" Hungary asked. Everyone nodded. "Okay the time is now 19:00. Synchronize watches… now." Everyone synchronized their watches to match the same time. "Battle stations everyone."
A/N: Not another cliff hanger!
What the fuck is Switzerland up to?!
Why is Switzerland pretending to be nice to Hungary?
Will Feliciana say yes (to the dress XD)?
Was Austria really suspecting Prussia as the guy or was he staring at his ass?!
Too much sexual tension! When will it be resolved?!
Is France and Spain trying to fix Prussia up with Hungary?
Why are they flipping the bird as a signal?
Why can't they go penguin sledding?! Penguin's can't fly!
What is with the fucking penguin jokes!?
What madness will ensue?! Find out next week (hopefully) same time, same place! Tootles!~
(PS: I'm now on DeviantArt! Come check my artwork out under the name HistoryArtisan12! I know that you can post fanfictions on that website as well, but for organization sake, all of the fanfics that I decide to publish will still be posted on this site… that is until the day when this site is shut down.)