"Ok Thor, now that you can use the computer mouse with out breaking it-" Tony sighed, Thor had gone through 6 computer mouses in 30 minutes "- I am going to leave you alone for a few minutes so I can put my head back on."
Thor + Computer = Tony go insane
"Ok Man of Iron, I will not let you down!" Thor said happily, almost bouncing up and down in the PC chair.
If Thor could just stay on one website for one fucking minute, I could go get a fucking drink! Tony thought
"Heres the deal Thor, why don't you um...go on youtube!"
Yes, that's a good idea Stark! They don't call you a genius for nothing! Tony praised himself
"What is you of tube? I have never heard of such thing...toothtpaste tube I have though." Thor said very proud of himself.
"It's a website where you can watch videos, dumb videos but yeah..." Tony said shaking his head "Here you go, theres youtube, knock yourself out."
"I will have fun on this you of tube but I do not see why I would have to knock myself out." Thor said, very confused but soon forgot all about it when he saw a video about a flying dog.
Tony just left with out another word. Mumbling to himself about how it was to painful to watch Thor and he wanted to stab himself in the eye.
Back at the computer, Thor was having a lovely time watching videos on "how to throw a hammer." Every once in a while commenting on how they through, Thor saying they throw like a forst giant lady!
But then a video on the right hand side caught Thor's eye.
"Nyan Cat...I wonder how a cat got on the Bifrost!" Thor wondered out loud, he clicked on the video and it soon stated to play.
Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan-
Started to play full blast on the speakers.
-nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan-
"Oh my gods! IT"S A POPTART KITTY CAT! ON THE BIFROST!" Thor's voice boomed over the speakers.
-nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan
"Hahahahaha here little poptart kitty! Here little kitty!"
Thor was jumping up and down so hard, and the speakers were on so loud he didn't even notice when he brook the chair.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Tony yelled running in the room, stopping the video.
"Man of Iron! You have to see this! I did not know earth had such incredible creatures! There is a poptart cat in Asgard on the Bifrost!" Thor said, stepping out of the mush that was once a chair, and running towards Tony.
"Oh...you found Nyan Cat." Tony said understanding the whole situation.
"Yes! This Nyan cat...I DEMAND ONE NOW! I WANT ONE!" Thor yelled, staring at Tony with pleading eyes.
The next thing Tony needed was a crying god.
"Um...I don't think I can do that buddy...but I'll get you some more poptarts!" Tony said putting on a fake smile, and making ta-da hand motions.
"Ok then..." Thor looked heart broken but then went back to the computer and started to play it again.
Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan-
Thor started laughing, then he started to sing along "-Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan-"
Tony just groaned and left the room, deciding he need another drink. Or two.
HAHAHA I thought this was funny!:)