Memories Make Us

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. If I claimed to own Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom would probably beat me up.

Okay, so before you all murder me for starting another story while I still have so many going on, I am really sorry, but I've been having a lot of trouble with trying to write for my other stories while this one was burning a hole in my brain. And since I started writing it I've felt inspired to write several of my stories, not just this one. I will really try to give my updating a boost guys. Sorry. Aaaand…here's my pitch!

So, Danny and Vlad are definitely my favorite characters. This story is heavily influenced by Pearl84's story Checkmate, as well as her writing in general. Much credit to her. This is actually the result of some thoughts and ideas that I had while reading Pearl84's story My Little Badger. I started thinking about what other wishes Vlad could make to Deserae, and what could happen if it didn't go all wrong for him.

Welcome to Memories Make Us, and enjoy the ride!

I hope you won't hate Vlad too much by the end of this story. ;)

Danny woke up slowly. He gradually became aware of the sunlight filtering through the windows, of the softness of his bed and the warmth of his thick comforter giving him the wonderful sensation of resting in the middle of a delightfully warm cloud. He snuggled deeper into the blankets for a moment, and then slowly flickered an eye open to glance at the clock next to his bed. It was already close to eight o'clock. It was summer, so there was no real reason to get up, but his body felt rested, and now that he was awake there was no real point in staying in bed, comfortable as it might be. Besides, if he wanted a shower before breakfast he should probably get up now.

Making up his mind, Danny pushed back the dark blue comforter and stood up. Contentedly, he wiggled his toes in the thick plush of his cream coloured carpet before drawing the covers up again over the empty bed. He didn't bother to smooth out the wrinkles.

Now that he was fully awake there was something niggling at the back of his mind, maybe the remains of some forgotten dream. There was a kind of faint, desperate urgency to the thought, as though there were something that he needed to remember or to do, but even as he turned his attention to it, the feeling grew less. Danny shook himself mentally to clear the last of the memory. Must have been one of those dreams about forgetting an exam or assignment. He'd had those before and they were ghastly. Exams were over now, however, had been for more than a month, and he still had another month of glorious summer.

First things first though. Danny headed for the bathroom whistling softly, the lingering remnants of his dream already forgotten.

Hope you enjoyed my very short prologue, now here comes the story!