Maya came back to school in a Thursday. She still didn't remember dating him and it sucks. He was sitting eating his lunch at the steps outside during lunchtime. He stared at Maya who was having lunch with Imogen and Adam. Imogen and Adam notices Cam staring at Maya.

"Hey it looks like you got a stalker.,"joked Imogen.

Maya looks at him then continued eating her lunch. "Why can't he just leave me alone. I told him in the band room I wanted nothing to do with him.,"

"Look Maya we're friends and I'm gonna give you some advice. I think you should talk to him. You might find this stupid now but it's better than being alone. Look at what happen to me with Becky. I ignore for weeks when she dump me. I didn't want anything to do with her. Guess what I was alone and unhappy. I talk to her it all worked out now I'm happy.," said Adam, "just give him a chance.,"

Then Maya look at Campbell one more time. "Yeah but Becky didn't bullied your friend because he was gay or broke your 's complicated,"

"Becky tried to take down the play because she didn't believe in LGBT rights and because she wanted to get revenge on Eli. That may I remind you Eli is my best friend and I am trans. Trust me if anyone knows complicated is me.," said Adam.

Then Imogen phone vibrated. "Well it's a text from Fiona. I will see you guys later.,"

Imogen left and a couple minutes later the bell rang. "Walk you to class?,"

"Sure.," said Maya.

They walk pass Campbell. Then he got and saw her walk down the hall with Adam. Then Maya turn around and look at him. Then Campbell started to smile. That their was still hope for him after all.

At French class.

"Well class you guys have another project to do and is the same partner like last time.," said Ms. Wade.

Campbell looks at Maya. Her face look disappointed and angry. After class Maya was the first one to get out of her seat. Cam went after to her. "So I don't have hockey practice for awhile and you don't have band practice for awhile. We could started on a project today.,"

Maya looks at her cast. She broke her wrist. "Fine we better get a head start now since it gonna be awhile that we are going be in our cast.

"Okay right after school. Justin can give you a ride to my place or we can go to your house.," said Campbell.

"Your place.," said Maya and left. Campbell watch Maya walk away. Then Tori, Zig, Tristan, and the Ice Hounds were right behind him. "We are so sorry but we are going to help you with Maya.,"

"Really? How?," asked Campbell raising his eyebrows at them.

"Like we said before that we are truly sorry for what you did to Maya and you. Both of you guys have every right to be pissed but we want to make it up to you guys.," said Dallas.

"So how are you going to help me?," said Campbell

"Maya is my best friend and maybe this time I could use my powers for good not evil.," said Tori.

Campbell took a deep breath. "Okay you guys can help but that's because I need all the help I can get. Maya treats me the same way when we hated each other.,"

Maya and Tori were walking down the hall to Maya's locker. "I hate Ms. Wade from all the people she could have put me with it had to be someone who broke my cello.,"

"Well it's forgive and forget. I mean your cello is fix. You don't want to get an awful grade.," said Tori

"Well you do have a point about the grade part but not the forgive and forget part. It's not just because of my cello. Him and his team bullied Tristan.," said Maya.

Then Tristan and Zig walk behind them and overheard Maya. "Well if I can forgive the Ice Hounds then why can't you.,"

"Tristan is right. You shouldn't hold a grudge.," said Zig

"Zig you didn't talk to Damon for 2 weeks just because of a stupid project.," said Maya.

"What's your point?.," said Zig.

"Whatever see you guys later.," Maya rolled her eyes.

Dallas, Ari, and Campbell were outside of the school while Justin was waiting for him and Maya in the car.

"Since you guys had your first kiss working on a project tried to recreate that time maybe her memory will come back.," said Ari.

"That's going to be a problem since we dance a little and right now I have a broken leg right now. I can barely dance on two legs.," said Campbell.

"True.," said Ari.

"Well try to make it more romantic like candles around the room.," said Dallas.

"What if she thinks that I'm trying to get laid.," said Campbell.

"She won't think that.," said Luke.

Maya and Cam were already in his place. Then she and Cam were talking about a french book the were reading about. Then they started to write things down. Maya look over his shoulder and notice his handwriting. The same one she found on her cello when it was fix. She leans in and kissed him on the cheek. Then Cam turned around looking all confused.

"Oh I'm so sorry.," said Maya.

Cam smiled and laugh a little. "That's fine. I just want to know why.,"

"You fix my cello didn't you?," asked Maya with a smile.

Campbell grab her hand. Notice her smile. Then Maya look at him. "Thank you that means a lot to me that you fix my cello.,"

Campbell felt Maya staring at his lip. They both lean in about to kiss. Then Maya's phone went off. "It's a text from Katie. She is waiting for me outsider.,"

"Bye, So tomorrow same time in my place?," asked Campbell.

Campbell was on his way to his brother car. Then Sophia run up to him.

"Hey!," said Sophia. "So how have you've and Maya been since the accident?,"

"Fine, I just found out our so called "friends" tried to break us up.," said Campbell

"Then why do you hang out with them?," asked Sophia.

"I want Maya back and Maya's friends know her better and my team knows more about girls. If their help Maya can get back her memory.," said Campbell.

"You might not need their help. Just be yourself.," smiled Sophia.

"Are you sure?," asked Campbell

"Jacob told me you guys almost kissed that was because you were just being you.," said Sophia

Then Jacob came and put his arm around Sophia with Maya right behind him.

"Hey Cam, Tori is having a party for me because of the car accident. I was wondering do you wanna come?," said Maya.

"Well I don't know it would be kinda awkward since I can't do much walking.," said Campbell while looking at his cast.

"Well you're not the only one with a broken bone.," She pointed out on her broken wrist. "We can keep each other company.

"I will think about it.," said Campbell

Maya smiles at him and walks away. Then Jacob punch him on his shoulder. Campbell turn around and look at him.


"Don't tell me there might be a chance you might not go.," said Jacob

"I don't know ever since the car accident I've been out of it. I don't do good in big crowds. I'm not in the mood to party. My grades are slipping, I need help to get to my own locker, my coach is all up my ass since I'm going miss so much practice with my broken leg, and the person that I love doesn't remember me.," said Campbell

"This is your chance to bring her memory back.," Cam gave Jacob I'm not so sure look. Then Jacob sight. "The party is gonna be next Saturday. You have plenty of time to think about it.,"

"We my doctor said I will get this cast remove and he would put me another one. One that I would need these stupid crutches.," said Campbell

"Dang you're a fast healer.," said Sophia

"Yeah it all comes from sports.," said Campbell. "Well Justin is waiting for me I will see you later.,"

Next Saturday in Tori's house.

"Crap, I forgot to invited Jenny.," said Tori. Then she looks at Zig. "Zig can go to her house and invite her.,"

I don't know where she lives?," asked Zig

Then Maya got up. "I will take my bike and invite her.,"

"Maya you can't ride you bike. Your wrist is broken.," said Tori

"Correction I couldn't ride my bike if my leg is broken. I rode my bike with a broken arm before don't worry.," said Maya and left.

Meanwhile Cam was walk around the town trying to get use to his new cast. He was thinking about the party if he should go or not.

"Watch out!," Campbell heard a voice scream towards him. Saw it was Maya on her bike. Maya turn the bike left to avoid Cam. She falls off and hits her head. Cam runs up to her. Little blood started to come from her head. He got a napkin from his pocket and put it on her head. "Want me to call your mom?,"

"Ouch.," said Maya. "I don't know one minute I was with you in homecoming and now I'm in the ground with a broken wrist.,"

Campbell was surprise by her comment. "Maya, we are still boyfriend and girlfriend, right?,"

Maya look at him with a small frown. "Yeah we got back together at Homecoming.,"

"Maya after Homecoming we were in a really bad car accident. That's why you got a broken wrist and you lost your memory.,"

Then Campbell looks at her and kisses her. Maya kisses him back. "You forgot about us and how much I love you.,"

"Tell me everything what happen when I lost my memory.,"


Cam smiles at her. "Lets go to your house and I will tell you what happen.

Maya nodded and they walk to her house holding hands.

The Last Chapter. Sorry it took so long. I've be busy with school. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.