Hello everyone, Symm here!

I just wanted to say that I'm re-editing all of my stories so there won't be any new stories until March-April time. I didn't realise how long it would take just to edit one story, let alone eight more ^^"

I did say that I was going to update last month...but those days just flew by so quickly. Trying to juggle with school activities and relaxing time is pretty hard right now due to me having only three months left in school before my important exams; I'm finding it hard to find time to edit stories. I'm trying to at least edit three or four chapters in one story every week which is sorta working, but I can't seem to update them quick enough XD

Anyway! If anyone has any questions then please PM, don't review unless you can't find any other way to contact me :)

This message is posted on all of my stories and will be taken down individually from each one when that specific story is finished with the editing. Wish me luck! ;)

Thanks for your patience.