Kira's World
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note
Founded on death and struck by the lightning of deception the world is built on thousands upon thousands of shallowly buried graves. The walls of his kingdom are decorated with the faces of his victims, so subtly arranged that they are almost unnoticeable unless you search for them. He sits on a throne of golden flesh and jewel-encrusted bones, rotting corpses making up the crow on his head, beautiful and shining with glory to distract him from the collar of darkness and lies that bites into the skin of his neck, gnawing away at him every moment. His followers live with something like fear or something like contempt residing in their hearts and they pretend not to notice that the sky bleeds when it rains and pretend not to notice their home is a wonderland above the Styx. And Kira, their king, their savior, their God smiles and bites into the red skin of an apple whose flesh tastes like sin, not a single regret for his oh-so-perfect world.