Author's Reasons: This idea was awesome and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. So I thought I might as well share a small part of it with you all.

Disclaimer: Do not own Fairy Tail or anything else that appears in this preview that originated from other series. My OC/Avatar's personality belongs to me obviously.

"Hey, did you hear? It seems that Wizard Saint Jura-chan from Lamia Scale is going to be in the Grand Magic Games."

"Men. That is indeed a foul perfume."

"And just when we were aiming for victory this year... ."

"Then we'll just have to release you-know-who."

"... ! Y-You don't mean... !-?"

"Men. A dangerous perfume is raging around the Grand Magic Games this time."

An anonymous chuckle soon echoed in the Blue Pegasus Guild... .

"And surprisingly in first place are the bright blue wings in pitch black darkness, Blue Pegasus!"

"Tch. Stupid spotlight... . How is this even possible... ?" Sasuke muttered next to me. Well he's got a point there; how the Hell did somebody made the whole stadium dark?

"Everyone, good luck... ." We all heard Morrigan said to us in a sensual manner.

"THANK YOU, MORRIGAN-HIME!" Sanji yelled out.

"Shut up, ero-cook." I calmly scolded him, slamming my foot onto his head while my arms were folded.

"Teme! What the hell was that for!-?" Obviously, the ero-cook gotten mad.

"Obviously because you're giving us a bad image for being the desperate failure you are." Sasuke answered.

"Shut up, duckass!"

"What did you call me... ?"

"You heard me! I have to constantly remind myself not to chop your hair off! Go get a new haircut pretty boy!"

A sigh rang out. Then Sanji and Sasuke were suddenly lifted up into the air and gotten their heads smashed into each other.

"Thanks, Kat." I said with a small smile.

"No problem!" She said with a cheerful smile.

"Mew!" Dusty mewed in pain, as Kat was clutching onto the cat-like thing too tight. As the gravity shifting girl apologized to her cat, I turned to our last member (excluding our reserve which was Morrigan).

"Ready Ayane?" She just let out a grunt in response. "Gee Sasuke... you sure know how to pick'em." And predictably, both Sasuke and Ayane blushed heavily. I snickered on how easy it was to tease them.

"Teme! Don't make Ayane-chan uncomfortable!" Sanji yelled.

"Go f*ck Morrigan, again." I said in response.

"Oi, oi... . Did they really gotten first place?" I heard a Fairy Tail member whispered to his teammate. A small conversation took place in the announcer's stand, but I didn't listen until they finally addressed to the crowd.

"Okay everyone! You've waited long enough!" Chapati (was that his name?) announced. "I'm going to announce the program of the Grand Magic Games!" And then unexpectedly (to most people) a giant stone slab appeared on the ground, which informed us Day 1 of the Games will be 'Hidden' and a battle, while the only thing we got for Day 2 and 3 were questions marks and a battle for each day. Day 4 was once again questions marks, but this time it had a tag battle event. Day 5, 6 an 7 were nothing more then question marks.

"Oh joy, fighting! This will be a walk in the park... ." I said, unable to contain the predatory grin on my face.

"For the surprise events, each team will get points depending on what rank they gotten on that event." Chapati explained as the slab showed the list of ranks and points. "Each team can choose one specific member of their team to take place for the surprise events, but for the battle part; which team members participating will be based on the fan's votes!"

"So if we're unlucky, someone might have to go through a surprise event and a battle event on the same day... ." Ayane muttered to herself.

"I wonder if that means someone would get unlucky enough to the point the fans would choose him or her to go through all battle events for his/her team?" I wondered. The rest of my team pondered on that as well.

Chapati listed of the rules of the battle event while the slab showed how it worked. Honestly? It wasn't really that hard to comprehend. Win: You get a lot of points. Lose: You get no points at all. Draw: The points were equally divided to each team. "And now, for the Grand Magic Games opening game: Let's begin 'Hidden'!" Chapati said in an excited voice.

The slab changed into 'Hidden' in bold words, with enough room underneath to show the names of the competitors and which team they hailed from. "One person from each team will participate." Chapati informed. "I will only be able to inform the rules of the game after all teams choose their players."

"Sasuke, I think you should go." I told the Uchiha. He just let out his trademark 'Hn' in response and walked up to the slab.

"And right off the bat is Blue Pegasus's Sasuke Uchiha!" We all heard a lot of fangirls screeching in joy the moment they heard Sasuke's name.

"Ceh... lucky bastard... ." Sanji muttered, crying silent tears when he turn his back on us. He's probably wondering why in the world the fangirls like Sasuke more then him.

I merely chuckled in response.

"Hm... . It really depends on the game really... . There are some games Tomato-kun isn't good at, you see... ." Morrigan said, answering Chapati question on out of all the players in 'Hidden', who should the crowd pay the most attention to.

"AENSLAND! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT DAMMIT!" Sasuke roared at the succubus.

"Why? I'm sure every girl here agrees that it's cute that your favorite food is tomatoes... ." Morrigan said. "You look so cute the moment you're going to bite into one... ." This time the Princess of Makai said with a small alluring chuckle. At that, most of the girls in the arena took the time to picture a chibi Sasuke taking a bite out of a tomato like he was some small child, and blushed at the thought.

Sasuke merely growled at the succubus, swearing to himself that he will make her pay. "What are you snickering about... !" Sasuke growled at the teen who resembled him a bit. The Mage from Fairy Tail's A team; Gray Fullbuster.

"Nothing... Tomato-kun... ." Gray couldn't help but snicker.

"Oh... I hope you unconsciously strip during the game, fetish boy... ." Sasuke growled out.

"I don't have a fetish!"

"Oh sure. That's probably not the reason why you keep stripping in public." Just in case, Gray checked himself and let out a sigh in relief when he saw that he was still fully clothed.

"Gray-sama! I wouldn't mind if you strip!" The Mage from Fairy Tail's B team; Juvia Lockser said with hearts in her eyes. It was no secret the young woman had a huge school-girl-crush-like love for the Ice Make user.

"And you're sad to the point you have a love-struck fangirl following you around." Sasuke continued, causing Gray to growl angrily.

"Excuse me, may I ask the participants not insult each other before the games begin, Kabo?" Mato, the mascot and referee, nervously asked.

"Hn." Was all Sasuke needed to say.

"Don't get so cocky!" Sasuke cried out to Sabertooth's Rufus Lohr, who was standing on the tallest building in the small city Mato had somehow made in the middle of the arena. "Chidori!" The crowd then suddenly heard about one thousand birds chirping at once as lighting was produced from Sasuke's hand.

"You stick out like a sore thumb fool!" Nullpudding of Raven Tail said, about to hit Rufus with his oversized arm due to his Needle Magic. Somehow, Rufus suddenly flickered the moment Nullpudding attacked him, causing the Raven Tail to harmlessly pass through the Sabertooth member. "What... ? A copy... !-?" Nullpudding realized. But then his face was grabbed by Sasuke's Chidori-powered hand.

"Don't worry, it's my own copy due to my Memory Make, you won't lose points for it." Rufus explained, before sending a blast of Magic to both Sasuke and Nullpudding. However, the Raven Tail member took the take as Sasuke used him as a Human Shield, before using him as footing to jump to Rufus. Sasuke harmlessly pass through the Sabertooth member. Rufus was about retaliate, however... .

"Chidori... Nagashi." Sasuke's body suddenly produced multiple electrical discharges, which some hit Rufus. Landing safely on a nearby rooftop, Sasuke calmly watched as the man in red fell down before disappearing in a flash of blue light, due to the rules of 'Hidden'.

A few minutes later, Chapati announced the winner of 'Hidden': Sasuke Uchiha.

"It's amazing everyone! Blue Pegasus's Sasuke Uchiha had managed to rack up a grand total of 100 points!" Chapati announced.

"Fufufu... . That's just like Tomato-kun... . He kept taking advantage of the 10-second restart delay... ." Morrigan commented.

"Hm... yes." Yajima agreed. "Young Sasuke listened to the rules carefully and exploit all the loopholes within them. Such a crafty fellow." Yajima commented, remembering that Sasuke kept pelting his fellow competitors with small pebbles for his attacks. Other then his last attack on Rufus and Nullpudding, along with defending himself from Rufus's Memory Make: A Night of Falling Stars Sasuke didn't use any 'Magic' for his attacks at all.

"Oh, you saw nothing yet... Just wait until our leader comes to play." Morrigan said with an alluring smile.

"Your leader?" Chapati and Yajima asked in confusion.

"Oh yes, the team representing Blue Pegasus is also my own team, remember?" Morrigan stated. "And our team leader, Ryūsei Gedō, is... . Well... let's just say I feel sorry to the poor fools who have to compete or fight against him... ."

"If I lose to you, someone who purposely weakens herself despite wanting to kill someone way out of her league, then that would be an embarrassment." I told my opponent, Kagura Mikazuchi.

"What... ?" Oh... that tone was more then enough proof to show that she was getting angry.

"I heard that you wouldn't draw your sword, Archenemy, from it's sheath until you fight against that man." I explained. "And then the next thing you know, you accidentally killed innocent bystanders because you can't even control it's power. Now that would suck." It was then I 'unsheathed' Zangetsu. "Considering the fact you're a fast opponent, I have no choice but to use this, so don't feel too bad about yourself."

"I suggest you shut up." Kagura threatened, both hands on Archenemy.

"Sorry, but my deadliest weapon is my mouth, so you're going to hear me talk for a good long while." I stated with a small smirk. "Bankai... ." A small dark explosion later, I donned Kurosaki Ichigo's original Bankai coat.

"Don't you mean yours? There is some slight differences." Tensa's voice rang out in my mind.

Right, like white bandages were wrapped over the upper half of my body for a make-shift turtleneck and fingerless gloves... . Okay partner, my Bankai coat. "So... let's see who's faster, shall we?" I taunted her, quickly slamming Tensa onto Archenemy. Well, at least she's fast enough to block, if her blocking all my high-speed attacks were any indication. "Not bad."

She said nothing, only pushing me away. "Hn. Kuroi... Getsuga Tenshō." I said the name of the attack, sending an arc of dark energy at Kagura. Surprisingly, she actually had trouble trying to disperse the attack, being forced back before she finally succeeded.

"You give yourself far less credit then you deserve, partner." Tensa's voice rang out again.

No, I'm pretty sure I've got the exact amount of credit I deserve. And then suddenly, Kagura closed the distance between us (not in that way, pervs) and began 'slashing' at me. Surprisingly, her blows were a lot weaker then I expected. Huh... maybe you're right Tensa. Maybe I do give myself less credit. Doesn't mean I'm going to get cocky though.

"What's wrong? The man you want to kill is a Wizard Saint-level Mage after all. If you can't even beat me, how the hell do you expect to beat him, let alone kill him?"

"SHUT UP!" What? Is she a She-Hulk? Cause her blows were starting to get stronger.

"Teme! Stop insulting Kagura-chan!"



And that takes care of the ero-cook.

Yeah, pretty short. But like I said, I was just going to show a small part after all. Oh, please do note that I think this idea is so awesome to the point it's most likely going to be posted alongside my other stories. I feel like I'm limiting myself too much. So every 5 chapters for a specific story I write will be (re)posted, and you're going to get to read 5 chapters per update. Hooray... .

Anyway, in case you're wondering; when this preview turns into a full story it will be in 3rd POV. Not 1st or switch between the two. Okay? Great, so please review! I wanna hear what you think of this idea and how to make it better. If you haven't gotten full grasp on the idea, then it's:

A self-insert Avatar/OC is send to Earthland and gotten powers (In my case, my Avatar had gotten a Zanpakutō that takes the form of Zangetsu). Eventually, he meets other characters from other series (Anime, Manga, Video Game, doesn't matter. In my case it's: Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, Sanji from One Piece, Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers, Ayane from Dead or Alive and Kat from Gravity Rush). And then they replace a team in the Grand Magic Games and the story continues from there.

Okay? So remember to review and tell me what you think I could do to make the story better!