Important disclaimers:
+This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only. It is never official. I'm just a fan. I do not claim ownership over Yu-Gi-Oh! and anything else that's not mine. Yu-Gi-Oh! belongs to its rightful owner/s; and all other products, company names, brand names, trademarks, etc., belong to their respective owners. I express my deep gratitude to the respective owners for creating things that inspire me to write. To my readers, please support the official release. To anyone who wants to sue me, I got nothing 'cause I don't even earn money from this; so pretty please no sue.

+This story is fiction. It's not real. Similarities to real life are purely coincidental.
Since this story is fiction, anything that exists/can be thought of/etc. is possible in this story.
These include serious/controversial issues that aren't meant to be belittled in reality, inaccuracy/manipulation of facts/history/canon, and many things that shouldn't/couldn't be applied in real-life. Use of such things in this fiction does not necessarily mean I belittle/approve/apply such things in real life. Caution: There is a line between fiction and reality. There are things in fiction that aren't meant for reality! Idiots beware!

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+I cannot guarantee the credibility/validity/correctness of professional information I may provide. Professional information on any subject matter I may provide are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice… because this is fanfiction. I am a friendly neighbourhood fanfiction author who writes for fun. Not Albert Einstein. Any information I may provide cannot substitute for the actual/credible/correct source.
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SOME REPRESENTATIONS: *see notes at the bottom of the page;"Dialogue"; etcetera, etcetera,etcetera, and the like. (thoughts, emphasis, foreign terms, flashback, location, time-frame, song, disembodied voice, mechanical voice, and so on.)

Touch Me Not

The intense heat of noon bore down on the road cutting through the sun-baked land. It cast an illusion of rippling water at a distance. There's no fauna. Only dry earth dotted with foliage. Not a single vehicle could be seen.

The powerful roar of engines cut through the silence. Emerging from a blind curve, two black motorbikes entered the scene, tilting to the side from the harsh turn before righting and shooting through the lonely road. Not long after, a white RV and a bright red convertible appeared right behind them, hot in pursuit.

The RV skidded, nearly toppling over from the turn. It lagged behind while the convertible shot forward.

One biker saw all that through his rear-view mirror. "Kaiba's closing in."

His companion smirked. "Then we kick things up a notch."

The two bikers sped up, leaving behind a cloud of dust, much to Kaiba's ire. You're not getting away. Not this time. He slammed his foot on the gas, deaf to the engine's cry as he tried to catch up to those two DOMA freaks.

It's been seven months. Seven damn months! Those swordsmen practically vanished from the planet after they'd taken Yugi. They'd been searching since; not just to find the spikey-haired duelist, but to get back his company those nutjobs apparently bought out.

He crossed the entire country, fought the occasional monster, and was fooled by fake leads. To make matters worse, the mutt and Yugi's cheerleaders kept tagging along!

"Kaiba! Don't let those freaks get away!"

Jounouchi's voice blared out of his phone once Mokuba put the thing on loudspeaker. "Shut up!" he yelled back, holding back the obscenities at the tip of his tongue for the sake of his little brother. "I'm not the one lagging behind."

"Big brother," Mokuba piped quietly, a finger gesturing towards Kaiba's left. The CEO glanced at said direction.

The white RV had caught up and was right beside them. Otogi was at the wheel with the mutt at the passenger seat, the latter sticking his head out the window.

"We gotta get ahead of them! Cut them off!"

"Are you stupid?"

Jounouchi looked ready to jump out of the window to throttle the CEO. "You suggesting we let them get away?!"

"I never said that."

"Kaiba's right, Jou!" It was Anzu who spoke up. She pushed her upper body towards the front seat and glared at the blonde. "It's better we follow them. They could lead us to Yugi."

"But what if they take us to one of their traps or something?!"

Kaiba hated to admit it, but the mutt had a valid point. "And you think they'd lead us to Yugi if we catch them?"


"They could easily trap us either way! I don't know about you, but this is our first lead in months. If it's a trap, then I'd deal with it. It's better than nothing."

Up ahead, smirking at the sight of the two other chosen duellists, "Those two fight like a pair of roos out for a mate," the red-helmed biker snickered. "Dunno why those blokes see us in those two." He glanced at the mirror once more. "We don't fight like that… right, Amelda?"

His blue-helmed companion simply shrugged.

"Actually, you do…"

Amelda smirked as Rafael's amused voice filtered through his Bluetooth headset. "How long have you been there?"

"Five minutes. Everything going well?"

"Things are going as planned." The city skyline sat at the horizon, stark against the bright sun. They were earlier than expected. "We're coming in."

The sun was close to the horizon, its fiery glow dominating the sky by the time they arrived at their destination. The bikers skidded to a stop, removing their helmets while regarding their pursuers. The RV and convertible had come to a screeching halt before them. Doors opened. Valon and Amelda now stood opposite seven irritable people.

Kaiba narrowed his gaze at the looming building behind the two bikers. It was a three-storey hospital. "Why here?"

Before the bikers could respond, Jounouchi cut them off. "Where's Yugi?!" He stomped towards Valon and Amelda, fists clenching, and gaze absolutely murderous.

"Do something stupid and you're never going to see him again!"

The bellow stopped Jounouchi in his tracks just a few yards from the two. He and the rest of the group looked up. Standing with one foot on the ledge, looming over them from the rooftop, was the third biker—Rafael.

"YOU!" Rebecca shrieked, pointing an accusatory finger at the burly blonde. "You're the one who stole my darling's soul!"

"I won his soul fair and square."

"The Seal of Orichalcos is NOT fair!" It was Otogi who had spoken.

Rafael shook his head. He straightened up. "If you want to see him, you better behave yourselves."

"How do we know you ain't spewing lies?!"

"You don't."

With that, Rafael removed himself from their view. Jounouchi growled in frustration.

"Alright, mates!"

All eyes turned to Valon who was gesturing towards the hospital. "You heard the guy. You behave and we take you to your buddy."

The two bikers proceeded towards entrance. The group, however, was reluctant to follow. Anzu took the first hesitant step forward. "Is Yugi in there?"

"Well, we wouldn't have brought you here if he wasn't."

Honda grabbed Anzu's upper arm. "You could be playing us for all we know! How do we know you haven't stolen his soul?!"

Valon shrugged. "Up to you to believe us or not." He disappeared through the door, Amelda following suit.

Majority of the ones left at the parking lot were torn between trusting the bikers and just leaving. The train incident* and the gang-attack at the gas station* was fresh on their minds. They worried that this was a similar set-up. On the other hand, this was their chance to find Yugi, who had been missing for seven months. What if they took his soul? Where's his body? Did they have it? What if they hadn't taken his soul? It wasn't until Kaiba approached those steps that the debate stopped.

"I don't know about you losers," the CEO growled, his brother at his side. "But I'm gonna get this over with whether you're coming or not."

"You don't know what those guys are capable of!" Honda reasoned. "They tried to get their guys to beat us and nearly killed us on that train!"

"Then what's the point of following them all the way here?" Kaiba countered, though he was just as cautious and distrustful of the swordsmen. Hence, he turned to the raven-head clutching at the hem of his coat "You stay here with them, Mokuba."

Big brother—"

"You. Stay," Kaiba grounded out, both hands on Mokuba's shoulders. "I want you to be safe."

"What about you?"

"I can take care of myself." He glared at Honda. "Watch over him."

Honda nodded and moved to take hold of Mokuba when the latter refused to obey. "You can't go in there alone!" the child cried out.

"Don't worry," Jounouchi commented as he strolled towards Kaiba. "He won't be."

Honda and the others looked ready to protest to Kaiba and Jounouchi's decision, but they knew that they had to take a chance.

For Yugi…

"Be careful."

Jounouchi gave his fellows a thumbs up while Kaiba just went inside without a backwards glance.

"Took you long enough."

The double-doors were shut. The two duelists stood across the two bikers, eyes on the enemy and bodies tense for an attack. Valon and Amelda didn't share the two duellists' demeanour. They were more relaxed, the latter even managing a chuckle.

Kaiba growled at the red-head. "This better not be a waste of time."

Valon gave a mock salute. "Yessir, Mr. CEO." He spun on his heel, salute turning into a point forward. "This way, please."

The two bikers began a casual pace into the hospital. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, Kaiba followed; then Jounouchi. Every step was heavy with caution.

They turned right and ascended some steps even though there was an elevator just ahead. None questioned it, but this was intentional on the bikers' part. They had sensed their guests' tightly coiled apprehension. An elevator ride would be seen as a death-trap.

Another flight of stairs. They arrived at the second floor and continued their journey. While Kaiba was still wary and held his tongue, Jounouchi wasn't handling the pressure very well. "If you hurt my buddy more than you already did, I'm gonna pummel you! You hear?!"

Valon glanced at the blonde over his shoulder. "He dug his own grave with the Orichalcos. Not our problem."

"That ain't what I'm talking about," Jounouchi growled. He could see Kaiba ready to snap at him, but he didn't care.

Amelda sensed where this was going. "If you're talking about the train accident—"

"Accident my ASS!"

"Believe it or not, mate, that was an accident," Valon started. "We wouldn't kill him. We need his soul." He turned to face the blonde. "You're bud's fine. See for yourself."

Jounouchi and Kaiba shared a frown. They had stopped at the mouth of a narrow hall with two doors at each side. Around seven meters to reach the door at the end, to which Valon was gesturing towards.

It's a trap!

That's the first thing that popped into Kaiba's mind; but something told him not to jump just yet. That something had been nagging him the moment the bikers appeared and led them on this wild goose-chase. It's the reason why he followed them; why he was willing to take a chance.

Maybe. Just maybe. They really did have Yugi, both body and soul.

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to fit.

If they already stole Yugi's soul, why did they wait for seven months to make their next move? Wouldn't it make more sense to attack while their prey was still reeling from the loss rather than give them time to recover? It couldn't be because of honour, given their sleazy methods.

"No! Stop it!"

It was a voice he hadn't heard in a long time, but was still etched in his memory. It came from the door at the end of the hall and punched through his thoughts.

"YUGI!" Jounouchi threw caution out the window. He shot forward before Kaiba could stop him. Bursting through the door, he was prepared for anything…

but this…

Dressed in a simple white tee and grey, baggy pants; standing between two handrails, one hand gripping the rounded metal and the other swatting at a yellow bird nesting on his hair was the Pharaoh.

"Marcado, leave the Pharaoh alone," the doctor whined as he grabbed the parakeet, unaware that four people were standing at the doorway. Two frozen in surprise and the other two well composed and heading for the couches.

Feeling the weight of stares boring on him, the Pharaoh looked up. His eyes went wide. "J-Jounouchi? Kaiba?"

Jounouchi snapped out of the state he fell into. With a huge grin on his face, "YUGI!" He bounded forward and locked the Pharaoh in his version of a hug, giving him a noogie for good measure. He was so deep in elation that he failed to notice a presence loom behind him until…

"Take it easy. He's still recovering."

His spirits were dampened by the gravelly tone. Jounouchi partially released the Pharaoh and glared at the source. Rafael was looking down on him, not phased in the slightest. He immediately assumed defensive mode, one arm held out to shield his friend. "I ain't letting you hurt my buddy."

Rafael raised a brow. "I'm not the one trying to strangle him a second ago."

Jounouchi raised his fist. "Fu—"

"Jounouchi," the Pharaoh started, grabbing the blonde's arm. "Please. They saved my life."

"They're the ones who almost killed you in the first place!"

Rafael released an exasperated sigh. "That was an accident."

"Again with that bullshit!"

Despite his friend's anger, he did not attempt to attack Rafael. He just glared holes into the burly man's face. Rafael just rolled his eyes and walked away. Remembering that Jounouchi wasn't alone, the Pharaoh glanced at the door.

Kaiba still stood there; along with Mokuba, Otogi, Honda, Anzu, and (the Pharaoh inwardly shivered) Rebecca. "Everyone," the Pharaoh breathed, both hands gripping the rails to stop himself from keeling over.

Anzu had tears in her eyes. "Yugi." She ran forward, with Honda at her heels, and embraced the Pharaoh. "Thank goodness you're alright," she whispered when she pulled away.

"I don't get why you're so happy to see him."

Rebecca was unforgiving, not that he could blame her. He kept his mouth shut and dropped his gaze while Honda, Jounouchi, and Anzu rounded on the angry girl who, along with Kaiba and Mokuba, obstinately remained by the door. "Shut up, Rebecca," Jounouchi growled.

Rebecca didn't seem to hear him. Her cold and teary eyes were on the Pharaoh. "First you lose my darling's soul, now you injured his body! You're nothing but trouble to him!"

Anzu looked ready to explode. "Rebecca—"

"You're right."

All eyes were on the Pharaoh. He focused his unreadable gaze on Rebecca. "I've hurt Aibou so much. My very presence has caused a lot of grief."


The Pharaoh ignored Anzu and continued. "I don't expect nor deserve your forgiveness, but I promise to make things right."

Rebecca and the Pharaoh locked gazes until the former bit her lip and dropped hers.

"Well, we're looking forward to your comeback," Rafael started, successfully breaking the tension. He had three duffels in one hand, which he threw at Amelda, Valon, and the doctor. "Now that your buddies are here, it's time for us to take our leave."


"You've got a week's head-start before we come after you," Rafael continued, interrupting the Pharaoh once he and the other swordsmen were at the door (Kaiba, Mokuba, and Rebecca were forced to enter the room to make way for the four). "And make sure you do those exercises if you want to walk again."

The Pharaoh nodded slowly. He suddenly found it difficult to speak, but before Rafael could leave, he managed to release two words he hoped was enough to convey his immense gratitude. "Thank you."

Rafael paused and acknowledged him with a nod before closing the door.

There was a moment's silence as everyone minus the king struggled to comprehend what just transpired. "Why do you think did they do that?" Honda wondered aloud.

Otogi snorted. "Do what? Leave?"

"No." A smack. "Take care of Yugi instead of just taking his soul."

"Maybe they're not as bad as we think."

The Pharaoh smiled tiredly as Jounouchi and Honda ganged up on Otogi for what he said. The same thought had been embedded in the young monarch's mind. They had cared for him, refused to end his life with a knife. He initially thought that perhaps it was because they needed him alive. But they did more than what was required. These past seven months proved that.

Despite the Orichalcos having touched their minds, it hadn't overtaken their hearts. That much was certain.


A/N: And here's the end. For real, this time. I felt so bad for letting you guys down. I hope this makes up for it. This is the real ending…er epilogue. So, what happened in the last seven months? Well, that's up to you. I might expound on it (emphasis on the 'might'). I'm not making any promises.

Now, we formally close TMN. Thank you to all of you who followed me. I hope you will do the same to my other (up-coming) fics.

*Train Incident: Season 4, Episode 160-162
*Gang attack at the gas station: Season 4, Episode 151