Hi There readers

Here is a new story I have created

It is kind of to celebrate the release of Black/White2 but since it hasn't come out in english yet I have no idea what it says

So I thought I bet to get a move on with my Black/White fanfic so here it is


Once upon a time

In a galaxy far far away


and I still don't today



Hopes, dreams and discoveries. These await you in the world of Pokemon. That is not important right now though. What is important is the story of one girl's adventures. It begins today.

Make no mistake this girl shall save all of Pokemon kind with no more than her Pokemon by her side and the truth in her words. I have been watching her for some time now and her kindness has no bound.

Her heart is pure and she shall one day be rewarded for keeping it so clean. In most of this world there are many things that can dirty a heart or damage it.

Love can leave you broken and blackened but it can also make your heart larger and more powerful. Which shall she choose? Who knows but I shall be watching, always watching you can be sure of that.


Green tree tops rustled as a chilling wind blew through them. Several golden leaves fell from the trees landing on a lakes surface causing ripples on the surface.

The ripples spread out farther and farther on the crystal water wavering the image of a girl. Her blue eyes stared at the water's surface and, her chocolate brown hair blew back and forth with the winds direction.

Her black sleeveless jacket blew with the wind as did the ripped white tassels on the sides of her light blue denim short shorts. Early morning was not really her time of day she would rather sleep in on a chilly morning like today.

For some reason her internal clock went off a few hours early and being unable to sleep. She got up pulled on her favourite outfit blue shorts, white tank top and sleeveless jacket.

Then snuck out of the house and went for a serene filled walk down route one. Having no closed in shoes at the time she settled for wearing her pink and black flip flops.

They matched her pink and black cap with a pokeball on the front but she left it at home. The forest was quiet at this time of day, not many people from town came out here this time of day or any other time for that matter.

They were content to stay in their little bubble of safety. A pair of Lillipup burst out of the bushes barking wildly the girl jumped surprised. "You naughty Lillipup you shouldn't scare people like that" she scolded as the pups lapped up water from the lake uninterested in this lecture.

Well it wasn't actually a lake because it ran into the sea or rather the water washed in from the sea.

Being pretty far inland the water that travels here is actually fresh or turns out that when it gets here. One Lillipup licked at the foot of the peaceful girl and received a gentle pat on the head.

It was late autumn that's why it's so chilly and leaves are falling from trees. Though some are already bear but most trees on this route keep their leaves all year round.

How brave of them she thought the nights of winter can be quite harsh snow always falls at some point in time. She was snapped out of her thoughts as the bushes rustles again. A sleigh grin spread across her face.

Those Lillipups are trying to scare me again. Well it won't work this time with that thought in mind she slowly got to her feet and tip toed over to the bush "Gottcha" she yelled. Pushing the bush apart the girl gasped at the tiny brown and creamy white creature before her.

It looked battered and hungry it was just lying there looking at the girl with big black and brown eyes. A silver chain necklace with small black and white rocks that balanced at the loop of the necklace hung on a branch above the Pokemon.

She looked at the necklace than at the Pokemon, necklace, Pokemon, necklace, Pokemon, why is the decision so hard. There's something weird about that necklace it was almost drawing her toward it.

She shook her head mind made up she bent down reaching out to pick up the small brown fox. It grinned mischievously standing up and shaking its body its fur fluffed out and it let out a loud cry "eeeveee"!

The girl fell back on her behind in surprise that Pokemon wasn't hurt at all it was a trick.

The brown fox yanked the necklace from the branch then jumped out of the bush landing on the girl's chest. She hit the ground with a thud as the fox slipped the necklace around her neck.

A white light emanated from both rocks. She let out a gasp "What is this" she cried as white light blinded her vision. Soon the light cleared and the girl rubbed her sore eyes with the palms of her hand.

"What just happened" she asked herself rubbing her temple her head pounded loudly.

"You are the chosen one and now have been bestowed with great power" a feminine voice answered.

The girl looked around seeing no one but the brown fox in the vicinity. Her heart pounded too "Who's there" the girl shouted standing up and spinning around still seeing no one.

"I'm right in front of you" the voice answered. The girl looked down to see the small brown fox lashing its tail in annoyance.

"Y-y-you talked" she stuttered all pain in her head was suddenly cut off.

"I know this may be a bit shocking but I would like to request a battle" The Pokemon said calmly.

"A-a talking Pokemon I'm going insane" the girl freaked out.

Running back and forth flailing her arms around then kneeling by the lake and shoving her face into the freezing water. When she could hold her breath no longer she pulled her face out again shivering as the cold water dripped down her neck and chest wetting her clothes.

"No matter how many times you dunk your head in the water I'll still talk" the brown fox sighed.

"I'm sorry I don't meet many talking Pokemon" the girl laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of her head with a hand.

"I don't actually speak human" the fox confessed licking a paw and bringing it over its large ear.

"It's not that I talk human it's that you understand Pokemon" she explained.

"I'm not so sure that true" the girl continued to laugh awkwardly.

"No it is".

"The necklace has chosen you as the protector of its power and that means I'm obliged to be by your side but first you have to battle me".

The girl stared on at the fox her mouth hanging wide open this must be a dream.

"What do you mean I'm the protector" she asked.

"The one with pure heart, when bestowed with the sacred artefact shall be given the power of legends" the Pokemon explains which didn't actual explain match at all.

"That necklace is super old and I have been searching through seas of people trying to find the one, but it doesn't matter now I found you".

The girl slowly pulls the necklace off from around her neck and places it on the ground "You've got the wrong person".

"Only a person with a pure humble heart would say that" the fox blinked calmly like this is all normal.

Hero's POV

"Besides If you weren't the one than we wouldn't be having this conversation, only the one could have the power bestowed to them".

"I'm not this one, or whatever you're talking about I'm just an ordinary girl".

The Pokemon frowned "none the less you must battle me; I believe I am a rather rare Pokemon in this region".

"I come all the way from Kanto my species is eevee".

So that's what you are.

"Well eevee I am very sorry but I don't have any Pokemon with me".

I kind of wanted to battle but regretfully I have no Pokemon at all.

Eevee rolled its eyes "Alright I will wait for you here, take as long as you like to prepare then come back here once you're ready".

I open my mouth to explain but no words escape my lips. All I can manage is "aaaaahhhh" like I have a sore throat or something

"Be warned this is not something you can run from, you have been chosen and it is final".

I gulp somehow I think eevee is right. I turn to leave but eevee stops me.

"Hey take this with you" she says flicking the necklace to me with her tail.

"Never let it out of your sight always have it with you" she narrows her eyes seriously.

I nod solemnly placing it around my neck and hiding it beneath my top. "See you soon, the one" eevee calls swishing her tail and smiling.

Once out of sight I break into a run flying through the forest

. I hear bits of conversation as I go "The weather is fine today perfect for flying"

"Indeed we should fly to pinwheel forest there are many bug types there"


A flock of Pidove erupt from the trees and fly north.

"Look a trainer"

"we should battle her"

"she has no pokeballs"

"not a trainer"

"not a trainer" a few Patrats scurry away into some bushes.

I reach my town in no time flat. I slow down feeling my feet burning from the run in inappropriate footwear. I open the door to my home and walk inside my mum is at the stove cooking sizzling bacon, I can smell it.

My stomach growls and I drool a little. "Hello sweet heart, want some breakfast" she asks turning to the bench and placing the bacon in plate which already had an egg on it and a piece of buttered toast.

I nod sitting down at the dinner table forgetting all about what had just happened.


LoL it might seem a bit cheesy at the moment

But trust me all will be explained