Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar or any of its characters.
Authors Note: Well, I actually managed to get it uploaded tonight XP If it sounds bad, its because I was tired. X3 Anyways, please review or PM me... Constructive criticism is well appreciated :) I will have the next chapter up whenever I get bored again ^.^
Update: 9/2/13. I am starting the tedious job of going through each chapter of this story and fixing any issues I may find with it. Hopefully it will sound better once I'm through with it, but I can't promise anything X3 Please leave a review if you liked the chapter, and again, constructive criticism is encouraged. Thank you! :)
Toph gave a small sigh as she walked through her house, feeling the servants move to and fro by the vibrations in her feet. She was now twenty two years, and more alone then she'd ever been before. The rest of team avatar was gone and off living their own lives. She couldn't bring herself to go back and live with her parents, not after everything, so had decided to live her life as a lonely blind hermit as a new branch off of them family… Fun. Ok, so maybe she missed her friends and family just a little bit. Not that she would ever let them know, it would feel to much like admitting a weakness to her. She was the rock. She couldn't crumble just because she was feeling a little loneliness.
Toph was so lost in her train of thought, that she was more than a little surprised when a servant came up to alert her of someone at the door. "Let them in." she told him wearily, not allowing him to finish his statement, as she gave him a small wave of her hand in dismissal. Whoever it was had to be better company than her own thoughts. As she headed in the direction of the door to properly greet her guest, dress sliding over her bare feet as she walked, she felt a familiar vibration and a grin broke through her tired features. "Twinkle toes!" She cheered as he approached, and she heard him give a small laugh.
"Nice to see you too, Toph." Aang said, with what could only be a grin lacing his tone. It was so nice to see him; Toph just couldn't resist running up and throwing her arms around him in a hug. He was much taller than she remembered him being, and his voice was much deeper too. He had actual muscles now, which was very different from the otherwise scrawny kid he had been before. She could probably still beat him up, mind you, but he was definitely grown up now. Aang laughed again, wrapping his arms around her to return the quick hug before letting go. "And here I thought I was going to get a rock to the gut." He chuckled teasingly as he stepped back, crossing his arms behind him.
Toph rolled her blind eyes in response, giving him a playful glare. "There's still a very real possibility of that, so don't get too comfortable." She warned, grinning happily. She felt all excited for some reason, and she just felt like jumping up and down and squealing like some crazy teenage girl. Oh god….. It suddenly hit her. When she was younger, this was exactly the feeling she'd get when she had been around Sokka during her crush phase. She couldn't have a crush on Aang! He's in love with Katara! Or he used to be…. Her mind added silently, and she mentally through a rock at the thought. Stupid brain, making me say things I don't mean… She muttered silently. Of course he still loved Katara. They were probably married with a couple of kids by this point. "So, what brings you to Bei Fong Manner?" she asked curiously, ignoring her rambling mind as she raised an eyebrow at him and gestured for a servant to bring them drinks as they sat in a couple of the various chairs she had placed throughout the manner.
"Oh, you know, just checking up on old friends." He said conversationally, as if this were something that happened often. Toph raised an eyebrow as her suspicion flared, knowing there must be something else that had driven him here.
"What happened?" she asked seriously, getting straight to the point as the servant from earlier handed them both a glass of water. "Does the world need Team Avatar again?" she added, partly joking, as she took a small sip from her glass.
Aang sighed, "No, not yet…. I guess I really just came because of Katara… I need advice, and I couldn't think of anyone else to turn to." He admitted, sounding sheepish. Toph nearly choked on her water, choking loudly as she tried to wrap her mind around what he had just said to her.
"And you seriously thought I was the best person to ask?" Toph questioned incredulously, voice slightly higher pitched in her shock. She gave a sharp laugh, devoid of much humor, "She and I never really liked each other, if you recall. I might have respected her at one point, but that's about it. Besides, my brain doesn't work like most girls. I may be one, but I'm probably as hopeless as Zuko when it comes to feelings and stuff. Why not ask Sokka? He's her brother and all; shouldn't he have more of a clue as to how she thinks?"
Aang laughed, again sounding sheepish… He must have felt pretty awkward at that moment, considering how often he was laughing. "Well, you see," he began nervously, "She's mad at me… I spent much longer than I had anticipated on one of my 'avatar trips', and she was upset that I didn't warn her or write her or do much of anything… Now she won't talk to me and won't even let me in the house. What should I do? You're a girl, what would make you forgive someone?" he asked, seeming genuinely upset by this fact. Toph couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards Katara, but knew why Aang was so crazy about her. Even being blind, Toph knew Katara was beautiful, and way more attractive than she could ever hope to be. And Katara was the perfect mother; she had acted as such during their Team Avatar days, after all, so why wouldn't it transfer to real mothering? Toph was way too stubborn, thick-headed, guy-ish, and temperamental for that kind of thing… She was the opposite of Katara, to to mention the fact that Katara actually had working eyes.
"Well, uh…" Toph began uncertainly, not knowing what to say. "I honestly have no idea… Maybe it's a sign that you and Katara should split ways… You know, take a break. In all honesty, I think that's a stupid reason to go and get mad at someone." She offered, wondering how he would take her statement.
If Toph could see, she would have seen Aang grimace at that. "I can't leave her… I love her." He insisted, sounding completely miserable and hopeless. Toph bit her lip nervously, wondering what the appropriate response to this would be. She never thought about her words this much… Stupid Aang, making her self-conscious and everything.
"I know, but maybe a little break from each other would help. Sugar Queen probably just needs time to brood over it. She'll probably be fine in a week or so, you know how hormones are. In the meantime, you could stay here with me…" She finally decided upon, hoping she didn't sound too desperate to him. It was only the logical thing to do, and had absolutely nothing to do with her wanting to see him more often.
Aang took a moment to think about it, and the silence seemed to stretch on forever for Toph as she silently worried about what he was thinking. He finally gave a small nod, "Ok. I think you're right. I'll just send Katara a quick letter to let her know where I'll be at if she wants to talk." He decided, much to her surprise, and quickly went to do as he said. Toph gave a tiny, silent squeal of joy, trying to hide her grin as her entire being began to feel lighter and happier. Things couldn't have been perfect. Maybe after this stay, Toph wouldn't be the lonely blind hermit anymore… She might be the blind avatars girl.
At that thought, Toph nearly broke out laughing. It was such a preposterous idea; there's no way it could ever happen. Besides, she couldn't possibly like Aang that way, he was just a good friend and she was just really tired of being alone. Right? Though, if that were the case, why did she want to get his attention so badly?