Riella's revenge! :D Review please!

Skids tried, and failed, to stifle a loud snicker. "Didja see what we did? Prowler went nuts, man!"

Mudflap nodded with a huge smirk. "Best! Prank! Ever!"

"Course it was." Skids bounced a little on the berth. "Ya think Riella caught on?"

"Nah!" Mudflap gestured airily. "Prob'ly blamed it on Sides an' Sunny!"

Skids pressed playback on the monitor again. "Bet Mister Sparkly's gonna be in trouble now…"

"Unfortunately for you…" Both twins' heads turned at the same time to see Sunstreaker and Sideswipe standing in the door, wearing identical expressions of anger. "Mister Sparkly got in trouble for something you did."

Skids' face fell. "Uh-oh."

Sunstreaker took one step forward, and Mudflap yelped and bolted for the bathroom door, Skids a few steps behind him. "YAAH! Don't kill us!"

As soon as both of them were out of hearing range, Sunstreaker grinned at his brother. "So Riella's paying us how much to do this, again?"

"One trip to the hardware store with her debit card, and one prank on anyone who's not Prowl, her, or Ironhide without punishment. No guarantees about retaliation." Sideswipe smirked in the direction the younger twins had run.

Mudflap slumped against the wall of the rec room, gasping. "Ya think we lost 'em?"

"Maybe…" Skids looked around nervously.

Sideswipe poked his head in the door on the opposite side. "Get over here, you little…"

"EEP!" Both of them shot out the door.

Sunstreaker transformed at the end of the hall, drawing another squawk as the fleeing twins spun and ran back toward the medbay.

Skids looked back over his shoulder in panic. "DUDE! Into the broom closet!"

"Locked!" Mudflap yanked frantically on the handle.

Both of them looked at each other in horror as they realized the only place to run was the medbay. "Slag…"

Mudflap pushed the door open carefully and looked around. "Coast's clear."

With a sigh of relief, Skids dived in, shut the door, and ran to the far wall. "This ain't fair, bro! Makin' the medbay the only safe place? That ain't right."

"Oh, that's not what happened," a femme voice purred from behind them. "The medbay is the least safe place."

Riella and Ironhide were standing on either side of the door, optics narrowed. Ironhide powered both cannons. "You punks feelin' lucky?"



Riella giggled at the sight of the unconscious twins. "Missionaccomplished."

"So…" Ironhide looked hopeful. "Can I stand over them with a gun and wait for them to wake up?"

"Nope." Riella smirked. "That's Ratchet's job."

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker stepped into the medbay. "Hey, Riella, you owe us…"

"Yeah, I do." She unsubspaced a black credit card and tossed it to Sunstreaker. "Don't max it, okay?"

"Got it." Sideswipe grinned. "Off to the hardware store!"

Riella was on monitor duty an hour later when the panicked squawk echoed through the medbay camera. She smiled. "Ahh, revenge. Best if assisted by a medic."