Haha. Guess who just wrote smut for the first time in ages. I had nothing better to do, so why not some lemons? Steph/Cass fic. I do not own Batgirl/Spoiler/Stephanie Brown/ Cassandra Cain. Regrettably.

When Stephanie Brown opened the door to her apartment that night,she had expected to see was her usual couch, lamp, and TV in the rather barren room. She had not, however, expected to see Cassandra Cain, or as most knew her, Batgirl, standing stark naked in the middle of the room. What confused her the most however, was Cassandra's general lack of reaction when Stephanie walked in through her door. She had merely turned around, raven hair softly moving in an arc as her head turned towards her friend. Silently, Stephanie stepped inside, turned around, and closed her apartment door. Dropping her bag on the ground, she asked, " Cass? How'd you get in here?" Immediatly after the face, her face turned a bright scarlet. She hadn't meant that to be her first question. She stumbled over her next words. " I-I meant... why are you naked... in my apartment?" Her gaze turned away from the sleek body of her fellow vigilante.

Cass stared at her for a moment before answering. " I simply picked the lock. Forgive me for intruding, but the water system in my own apartment has broken down. And after a night of patrolling, I wanted to shower..." Now she was beginning to feel awkward. " If my prescene disturbs you...I... could always go to the Ba-"

" No." Stephanie cut her off, holding up a hand to silence her. "Sorry, Cass. You're always welcome here. It's just to you being...naked. Well, it threw me for a loop." Cass looked at her friend, confused by the term. Stephanie decided it would save time just not to explain it. Continuing, she said. " So...the shower in that room to your left. I'll get you some fresh clothes in the meantime." Her eyes finally wandered back to Cass. She watched as her friend took a step towards the doorway and stumbled. Stephanie's eyes widened as she ran to catch her. " Oh my God." she murmured. " You're hurt. We have to get you to a hospital or something." In return, Cass merely glanced at the blonde with a nonchalant stare.

" It is merely the fact that a blow was dealt to a previously healing injury. I will be fine." Breaking away from Stephanie's grasp, she took another few, hesitant steps before falling to her knees. Steph walked over to her and knelt down, placing a hand on her ( incrediabley scarred) back. "Hey," she whisphered, " knowing you, you're too stubborn to go to a hospital. I'll just help you shower, okay?" Cass, with an almost indignent look on her face, accepted her proposal. And Stephanie felt her face turn bright red at the offer she had just given. Leading Cass into the bathroom, she helped her into the tub and began running the water. As she waited for it to fill, she too began to strip down. Once completely naked, Stephanie realized how scared she was. Sure, Cass was her best friend, but how many best friends showered together? Much lest washed...washed each other? Stephanie threw those thoughts out of her mind and reminded herself that it was just a friendly favor.

Feeling awfully overexposed, and slightly chilled, she drew back the curtain of her shower/bath combo and was greeted by the sight of Cassandra poking at a rubber duck with the utmost fascination. All at once relieved and amused by the sight, Stephanie laughed. Cass looked up at her, eyes wide. " What is it for?" she asked, confused. "Training? Water training, perhaps?" Steph giggled again, and stepped into the warm water. As she sat down (carefully, she was definately not going to flash Cass anything) she explained. " No Cass, it's a toy. To have fun with in the bath! You just kinda push it around. It's more for little kids." Cassandra gave the duck a strange look before slowly pushing it around the tub with a single finger. " Fun." she said in a flat tone of voice. Steph said, with mock seriousness. " Now now young 're not here to play games. Turn around so I can wash your back." Cass straightened up. " Yes, m'am." she said. Anyone else would think she was being completely serious, but Stephanie saw the slight glint in her eye that meant she was joking. Cass was hard to read, but once you knew how to, the signs were everywhere.

As her friend twisted around, her face contorted slightly in pain. " It's mostly my right shoulder, and leg." she explained. " I was thrown against a building and they took the majority of the force." Steph nodded, understanding completely how it felt. She took a washcloth and squirted some bodywash onto it. Then she slowly began to rub Cassandra's back. Going in small circles, from bottom to top, she slowly worked her way up. Every once in a while, she heard a small sound of content emit from her friend. And during those times she couldn't help but get a big, goofy grin on her face. When she was done, she took the shower head and rinsed off the suds. Though in the process, her chest brushed against Cass's back. She gasped softly. For the brief two seconds that their bodies had made contact, she had felt like fire flooded through her veins. And, she was ashamed to admit, a familiar dull heat began to build in her lower regions.

Cass turned around and asked, " Stephanie, are you okay? You made a strange noise before." Her words hardly got through to the blonde's brain. Rather, Stephanie was focused on how... alluring her friend seemed at the moment. Her face flush from the heat of the bath, her dark hair slicked to the sides, eyes gazing straight at her, her and no one else. And most of all, how her lips were a soft pink and how they shined from the condensation in the small tub. Stephanie gave into temptation. She said, so softly that she could hardly hear herself, " I am wonderful." And then, with all the brashness of a young girl her age, she leaned in and set her lips upon the girl across from her.

It was everything she had expected of the kiss. Soft, sweet, slow, and a subtle hint of something more. This was nothing like when she had kissed men. Their embraces were rough, passionate, and full of lust. This was nothing but a tender connection between two people who loved each other. Whether it be friendship or something else entirely. Her friend (were they even friends at this point?) obviously had no clue what to do. So Steph pulled away for the briefest of moments, to look at Cassandra's eyes. In them was no anger, no shock, merely the look of slight confusion mingled with a dash of desire. That look was all Stephanie need to go in again.

The second kiss was different. Rather than Stephanie's lips pressed against Cass's own, this time they both moved. Cass attempting to mirror each move that Stephanie made. A brush here, a nibble there. Soon Steph found her arms slowly snaking their way up Cassandra's back, bringing their bodies slowly, ever so slowly, together. Within a few moments, she felt her Cass's chest meet with her own. The sensation caused her to groan softly into the other girl's mouth. In that split second, Cass took the initiative and slid her tongue over the blonde's lips. Stephanie could barely handle it. Gripping Cass so tightly that she thought she might break her, she slid the other girl onto her lap, so that both legs were now wrapped around her waist. Being careful of her partner's right side, Stephanie broked the kiss and slowly moved her mouth along the left side of Cassandra's neck. On top of her, she could feel Cass's body shudder with pleasure.

As her lips moved towards Cass's collarbone, the silence was broken by Cass. " Stephanie...what are we doing?" She asked, as if suddenly aware of the steps they were taking. Stephanie looked up and into the beautiful face of her new lover. " Anything you want to." she breathed. Cass paused, contemplating." I think I want to do it all." she finally said with a smile. Stephanie felt as though she couldn't breathe. " Well, let's get out of this stupid, small shower then...my bed is big enough for two."

Stephanie had never done anything as quickly as she got out of that shower, dried herself (and Cass) off, and headed to her bed, her partner in her arms being carried bridal style.

Stephanie layed Cass down on the bed as gently as she could. Placing a pillow beneath the small of Cass's back for leaverage, she said. " You. Don't. Move. You got it? You're injured... I'll take care of everything." Cass smiled back at her. A smile that Stephanie wished she could see from now on every day. Climbing over Cassandra, she looked down at the naked form of her new lover. So much of her skin was battle-scarred, puncture-marked, and blade-maimed that Stephanie could hardly go two inches without finding some sort of scar. Stephanie started where she left off, this time directly attacking the collar-one. Cass moaned a bit and shifted as Steph slowly made her way down. Down the neck, chest, inbetween her two breasts, down past her ribs, abdomen, lower and lower until...she stopped.

Going back up, she told Cass to close her eyes as she began to softly kiss her on the lips, one hand wavered over Cassandra's left breast and make its descent. Steph began to knead at the soft globe of tanned skin. Trapping the nipple inbetween her fingers, she gently pinched and pulled, rubbed and massaged at the pink nub. Cass groaned, her cries of pleasure intensifying as Stephanie broke apart their lips and sucked on her other breast while still kneading her the one on her left. Cassandra decided she could no longer take it. The pressure building up in her crotch was just too much to bear. " Please, Stephanie..." she cried out. " Go down...there." she ended softly. Steph gladly obliged.

One hand breaking free of Cassandra's chest, she rubbed up and down Cass's slit. Then, slowly, she inserted a single finger deep into her partner's core. The sound that Cass made was unlike anything she had ever heard before. As soon as Stephanie's finger could go no furthur, she felt the walls around her digit tighten up and squeeze, as the orgasm ripped through her lover's body, Stephanie could feel her own self begin to get wet. She whisphered into the other girl's ear. " I have an idea..." she said.

Moments later, Stephanie sat atop Cass once more. However, this time they faced in opposit directions. So Cass's delicate slit was in front of her face, and hers in front of Cass's mouth. Stephanie made the first move. Lowering herself down onto the other girl, she ran her tongue along the other's area. Feeling a shudder of approval, she kept going. The taste was exactly what she thought Cass would taste like. Thick and slightly bitter, with a hint of saltiness to the liquids that drenched her genitalia. Moments later Cassandra built up the courage and did the same to Stephanie. The blond screamed aloud as she felt the ebony haired girl's tongue enter deep inside her. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled by her as she too began to furiously lick, suck, and delve into Cass's core. Some enough Steph could no longer tell where and what she was doing. She only knew to make her tongue dive deeper, and that a euphoric sensation was building up where Cass's mouth was. Without warning, she came. The sweet sensations of fufillment, desire, and the heavenly after-glow came down around her. Moments later, Cass had done the same.

After they had rearranged themselves so that Cass had her head situatied in the crook of Stephanie's neck, and their limbs were entwined and tangled up in each other, they both just listened to each other breathe. Deep, slow, breathes. Soft and peaceful. Soon enough, Cass had fallen asleep on her arm. No doubt it would be full of pins and needles tomorrow, but it was worth it, for that night. Steph placed a tender kiss on Cassandra's forehead, and nuzzled her face into the silky strands of her girlfriend's hair. She did an inner cheer as she thought that...girlfriend. She had one! And she hadn't even known she had swung that way until tonight. Maybe she had suspected, but... but tonight confirmed everything completely and utterly for her. She would never bed another man as long as she lived. Listening to the rhythmic breathing patterns of Cass, she too, soon felt her eyelids dropping down lower. As she fell into a deep sleep, she knew that ahead of her and Cass would be hard times. But...at least they could face them together.