Hello guys! This is my first YJ fic and I hope you do like it. This story is slight Traught maybe a few other side pairings~

Chapter 1: Crazy, Stupid, Blackmail

This is a crazy and a stupid idea.

Well more on the stupid idea really.

Like, what the hell is she thinking of saving the real Roy Harper with a three-man team. Yeah. This isn't going to bode well.

And she knew it was already a bad idea since none of her mentors even know where she is. Yeah, none of them freaking know! Man, she could already picture Batman's permanent scowl on his face as he scolds her and Green Arrow giving his I'm-so-disappointed-in-you-but-whatever-you-saved-my-son-so-thank-you. And then Black Canary would kill her with more training. Ugh. She knew this was a bad idea.

It was even more of a bad idea, since she is working with her sister and Dane Harper. (He changed his name after emo-ing for a week how he doesn't have a name of his own and that he was a clone).

Her sister, Jade Nguyen or Cheshire, the infamous assassin who is –was? —part of League of Shadows. Actually, she doesn't even know if Cheshire is even part of the League anymore and even she is, she doesn't care (no she really cares, what if she suddenly stabs them in the back or just disappear like 'Cheshire Cat' if they get caught).

Ok Artemis, heads up don't even think of the bad things.

This was only a one-time team up with Cheshire. She just knew the back of her head, that if they do manage to save the real redhead arrow, she'll be seeing a lot of Roy and Dane. She knew that Oliver Queen doesn't even know how to care his wards. Yeah, he's pretty horrible at it and pretty hopeless. No wonder Roy-Dane turned out all grumpy and shit (before finding out he was clone of course).

"Artemis! Are you even listening to the plan?"

The blonde archer snapped out from her thoughts and stared right into the gorgeous eyes of –oh yeah—Dane Harper. It wouldn't be so bad to look at two Roy Harpers… "Uh… Yes?"

Cheshire rolled her eyes, knowing pretty well her little sister did not listen a word of what they had said a few seconds ago. How the hell did Artemis get the job as Talia al Ghul's personal assassin/bodyguard years ago? Talia is not that kind of person who would repeat an order.

"Pay attention!" Cheshire snapped and once again pointed at a road on the map. "Here, is the transfer point, where they switch drivers and cargos. The good thing about this and how easy this is going to be is that, this just a bunch of regular people—regular security guards. No meta-human nor any assassin or bulky guy is protecting it. So, Dane is going to distract the security guard—"

"I don't understand why I have to do this? I think it'd make more sense for a girl to distract those guards." Dane crossed his arms in defiance. There is no way he's going to be a mere distraction while he lets the girls do the infiltration. It should be his job! As an honor of Roy's clone dammit!

Artemis and Cheshire glanced at each other before grinning back at the redhead archer. "Puh-lease, from an inside source I have, Dane, I heard you were quite good at distraction those guards back at the Cleveland mission two years ago." The blonde archer said, with a glint of evil twinkling in her eye.

"And that is why, Dane, you are entrusted with this hard job." Cheshire puts hand on his shoulder, with a fake sympathy shown clearly on her face.

Dane's faced turned red as lava. "Who the fuck told you that? It was Robin wasn't it? I know it was that little troll. I swear, when I get my hands on him, I'm going to strangle him to freaking death!"

Then Artemis lays a hand on his other toned shoulder (oh yeah), with the biggest grin on her face. "Actually, it was Kaldur who told me. It took me a while, but his tongue became loose after a few vodkas."

Dane's eyes bulged in shocked. Kaldur? Kaldur'ahm? Aqualad? IT WAS HIM? That… That… little fish prick boy, he was going to fry him. No. He was going to fry all of the fishes in the goddamn ocean and eat it in front of him! Ha! Take that AquaBAD!

"Oh look, the trucks are here." Artemis pointed out. Then she slightly nudged Dane. "Go on—Do your job."

"Shut up."

After the redhead left to seduce those guards with his manly charms, Artemis memory after that became a blur. It happened so fast. First, she was just running towards the trucks with her sister, then there was a little argument about names—superhero names (how Artemis for a superhero name is stupid and Cheshire is still surprised that people hasn't connected Artemis to Artemis Crock), and to the part where they were dragging a really paperweight body of Roy Harper (holy shit he's missing an arm) to safety.

Artemis sighed once she reached her sister's safe house. Her shoulder is dislocated, her left arm has a gash and she has a bullet wound on her right thigh. Cheshire's clothes were tattered and ripped and she also had some bloody wounds, but not bad as hers. Then there was Dane, with no freaking injury on him.

He smirks at the archer. "I'm almost glad that I took on that job."

The archer rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Shut up and call Oliver. He must be worried sick that we were gone for three days and we didn't even tell him." She watched the redhead roll his eyes at her before walking to the other room. She turns her attention to her older sister.

"You got the whole thing on camera?"

"Hell yes."