Unresolved Resentments

By ~Sapphire Espeon~


Author Note: This is my first attempt at fanfiction. Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri and Nintendo.

I have decided to edit and revise my old works before moving on to new material. Whilst far from being masterpieces, my aim is to improve the readability, flow and content of each story.


Chapter 1

Reflections And Actions

Ash sat on the front porch, staring thoughtfully up at the cloud-filled sky. He was home alone, his mother at work. Brock had returned to the gym to take care of it since his father had passed away, and there was no one else old enough to keep it open. Misty had left the previous day, without a reason. Just packed up and left, no note, nothing. Ash was immensely bored, and had nothing left to do. The holidays had been extremely uneventful, with the news that there was to be no pokemon league competition this year due to arson at its headquarters. This left him no reason to train his pokemon every day as he usually did. Pikachu, his trusted (and very cute) pokemon, was sitting silently by his side, accompanying the dark haired trainer. Ash hated the long three-month trainer's holiday that was looming ahead of him. Ok, so it had only been two days since it started, but there was nothing to do. Fat raindrops fell from the heavens, darkening the earth with their watery properties.

There was no reason to enjoy life anymore. Everything he enjoyed or cared about had left him all alone…including Misty. Why did she have to leave, just like that? His face was tinged red just at the thought of the girl he had known for five years. She had always been there, never once left his side, nor he hers, until the recent time of yesterday. She probably misses her family, he thought, but why didn't she tell me? Why?

Unrealising, tears streamed down his face, mixing with the rainwater. Honestly, what is wrong with me? Even pokemon has lost its appeal. It was just no fun anymore; there was no challenge, his inspiration gone, perhaps forever. The ever-darkening clouds continued to loom overhead, renewing the world with water. Slowly standing up, with a saddened heart Ash sauntered up the stairs to his room. Was this what it was like to have a breakdown? Was it? One word continuously echoed through his mind, seemingly invading every thought and emotion…..Misty……Misty……Misty……


The world was at an end, as far as Misty was concerned. The gym was falling in to disrepair, her sisters never acknowledged her existence, and the only thing important to her was gone. Ash. She thought back to the previous day when she had left. Although her heart had told her not to go, she ignored her heart and listened to her head. The ominous sound of thunder could be heard in the distance, like small explosions.

I am such an idiot! Why did I leave? She knew the answer to that. Insecurity. She was feeling all alone, excluded; the world was against her. Even Ash seemed to be ignoring her, cutting himself off from most things, even his pokemon training. There had to be something that was interfering with his life. But what was it? Was it her? Was it something her fierce tongue had let her say? Her temper was enough to make anyone hold a grudge against her – her sisters were a prime example. She had lashed out with her harsh words, and now she was going to be infinitely ignored because of it. She had tried numerous times to apologize, but it hadn't helped her in the least. I would give anything just to see him again… she thought. But it would be no use. The past can't be changed. If only it could. If only life gave you second chances. But the world didn't work like that. Life threw mistakes back in your face, and there was not a thing she could do about it.


Ash paced the living room, bored out of his mind. What should he do? Write a letter; phone her, visit in person? The latter seemed to be the best and only option. So that's what he decided. Ash Ketchum packed, scrawled his mum a note, and left Pallet Town with his pokemon for company, Pikachu perched on his shoulder. He knew it would take forever to get to Cerulean City, Perhaps more than a week. He was prepared to take the journey, and the challenge.

Trudging through the bone-chilling rain, he began his journey - remembering the day he had set out on his pokemon adventure, a little over five years ago, and the day he met Misty. Well, they hadn't hit it off, to say the least, but over the days, months, and years, they grew to be closer than ever, seemingly almost inseparable. Poor Brock was still desperate as ever, and still hadn't found the right girlfriend, but still, he continued to tag along, many times unnoticed and ignored. Maybe that's whey he and Ash weren't very good friends anymore…but that wasn't important, not right now. Ash pulled out the tattered map of Kanto, a fond memory of his pokemon journeys; always getting lost from numerous wrong turns taken in forests and caves. A faint smile crossed his lips as he thought about the wonderful memories he had. He still had the GS ball, and still wondered of what it held. Maybe soon he would find out. His mind once again drifting, he carried on through the woods, even with his bad sense of direction, knowing the way he had to go.


Misty, on the other hand, was curled up on her bed, sobbing, crying at her regrets of what she had and hadn't said. It was too much, she had to get out of here. This life of confinement wasn't for her, for the invisible chains that were her duty to the gym bound her from freedom, and from being her true self. In battles, she always found herself being beaten, always with ease. I want to catch some new pokemon, she thought. Training's just no challenge anymore. Crying herself to sleep, she dreamed of all the water pokemon she hadn't caught, and of where she had to go to reach her destiny….to pallet town, where Ash was.

The next dawn, she was sure of that she had to do. Her mouth set in a determined line, she walked down to the huge kitchen, and called Aqua, a friend from Cerulean. Aqua answered, in a cheerful tone. "Misty!!" "It's been so long! How have you been?" "I'm fine" came the monotone reply. "Look, Aqua, I need to ask you a huge favour… could you cover at the gym for me? I have unfinished business I have to attend to, and I need someone to run things while I'm gone. So how about it?"

There was a pause, and then a loud scream. "Really? I would be SO honoured….thank you Misty, this is more than I ever dreamed of……"

As soon as Misty hung up the phone, she felt an unbelievable sense of relief. It was great to finally have some time to herself, instead of being bossed around by her elder sisters. Sprinting up the stairs, she grabbed her familiar red rucksack and packed for the journey ahead, scribbled a note, and left her childhood home…although it didn't seem much like a home to her. She took long, quick strides; supposedly knowing that every step she took brought her that little bit closer to Ash. It was nearing noon, and the sun was glaring down from the sky overhead. She didn't remember the way to pallet town very clearly, and as a result she was soon quite disoriented.


Ash, on the other hand, was also lost in direction, in the forest between Pallet Town and Viridian City. How he hated the heat! Ash would have loved to stop for a swim in the river nearby, but his determination made him press on. If he kept going, he would get to see Misty sooner…and that was more important than anything else at the moment. On he continued, passing many pokemon that he would have liked to catch, ignoring them.


Ash had finally had enough for one day. He couldn't believe he had made it all the way to Viridian City already! He checked in at the pokemon center, and crashed on his bed. Soon, he was snoring peacefully, his mind filled with swirling thoughts of what lay ahead.

Misty had had enough. She was sick of it. It was so hard to go on! She had encountered more bugs in the past day than in her entire life, including numerous caterpies, weedles, ledybas and beedrills. What she went through for Ash…it was enough to make any one who hated bugs want to curl up and die. And she hated Bugs. Stumbling through the undergrowth, vines tripped her, seemingly snatching at her legs. By the time she made it to a clearing, she was covered in scratches. "As much as I love water pokemon, they won't help me out here," The redhead thought. Maybe it was time to actually catch a real pokemon. If it was a bug type, maybe she could impress Ash by overcoming her fear of them…"Shuckles are part bug, and they're cute too!" Her mind weighed up the situation. "But there's no shuckle here, and they are hopelessly weak in any case…" This was gong nowhere, so on she trekked, hoping to finally meet Ash and tell him the truth about her feelings.


Ash, on the other hand, had just left the pokemon centre, and was also in a bit of difficulty. He was not very coordinated, to put it nicely. The fact that there were many fallen branches and obstacles on the path hindered his journey to Cerulean. His thoughts drifted…he was frustrated! The things he did for Misty…but hell, she was worth it. Stubbing his toe on a fallen tree branch, he lost his balance, and cursing, hit the ground, autumn leaves swirling around him.

"I knew I should've taken the other route. It probably would've been quicker!" Oh well, no turning back now. He had already trudged 15 km from home, and it had taken him forever, damn it!

Under his breath, he hummed snatches of a song, unsure where he knew it from….

Under the swaying trees

Blows the calm gentle breeze

Should be there now

The way is lost

For ever in time,

Your love will be mine

Your love will be mine…

That song, it seemed uncannily familiar to him…he had no idea why, though. It danced at the back of his mind; it was like trying to remember a dream. Shaking his head, he attempted to rid his mind of it, but to no avail.

He rose to his feet, and trudged on, whistling the mysterious tune.


Well, there's chapter one finished. Stay tuned for chapter two. Thank you to all who have read and reviewed!

~Sapphire Espeon~