Title: Coincidence or Fate?
Author: Connor Elric
Disclaimer: I do not in any way own this. The idea belongs to Maltrazz and was taken in by me, the Ranma 1/2 series belongs to Rumiko Takashi. Please suport the offical release.
Author Notes: Please do not flame, this is one of my first fan-fictions and I am really not that good. Please Review!
Coincidence or Fate?
Chapter one: Ryoga's father
Ranma Saotome's day had started off normal. He woke up, fought with his dad and changed into a girl, managed to avoid the Principal and beat the crap out of Kuno, avoided his teacher without getting his energy drained, fought with Shampoo and Mousse, stopped one of Haposai's panty raids and left him behind for the girls, faced Mr. Tendo's wrath at making Akane walk home alone, beat the crap out of his father (again), tried to prove to his mom that he's still a 'man among men' so she won't kill him, and got smashed into a far off forest by his fiancee.
All in all, a event less day. Speaking of the forest-that's where he was now, slowly walking through the woods back to the Tendo dojo, a large knot on the top of his head, which was nearly covered by his raven hair. He had made his "Lovely Fiancee" Akane mad over nothing, again! Ever since the failed attempt of a wedding 3 months ago, everything had been going downhill.
It had seemed even better at first, there was a time when he thought he loved Akane and would even like to marry her and have kids. But a week after the failed wedding, Akane and Ranma were left alone in their house-which wouldn't have been so bad if it had been any other couple but Ranma and Akane.
Akane got mad because Ranma had been-er- reluctant to try her food, okay, he had out right refused. Can you really blame him? So he didn't feel like visiting Dr. Tofu that night, which he ended up doing anyway. Ranma shivered at the memory of how long it took to reassemble, turn around, and fix every one of his joints.
And Akane still blamed him! And ever since that night, it just hasn't been the same. Akane was way more violent and Ranma sometimes went out of his way to try and annoy her, where every other time had been completely accidental. Which is how he got here, just one off placed stare at Akane beating up a dummy, add in Akane calling him a pervert, subtract mercy, add a mallet (he has to remember to hide that thing, it could save men kind) and you get hurt and annoyed Ranma.
"Fuck!" Ranma shouted as it began to rain, icy water cascading down his back and effectively soaking him.
He felt his body morph and change, an experience which he has to know is happening to really feel it anymore. He shrunk a few inches, his hair turned a fiery red, he gained breasts, and for some reason he always seemed to have purple eyeliner and light mascara, not to mention embarrassingly bare legs. Ranma thinks it was because he's just the perfect woman, which either makes him smirk at Akane when he says it around her, or scowl deeply.
This was one of the times with a scowl. The small aqua-transsexual sighed as she trooped through the small remainder of the forest, her Chinese clothes effectively weighing her down. She hated her life, she hated her engagement, she hated all the chaos and drama, she hated her fiancee's, and most of all, she hated cold water.
Ranma sighed again, shivering slightly. "Yeah, I really, really hate cold water!" She thought, her hair sticking to her face as she tried to get out of the woods. "D-D-Damn K-K-K-'Ka-a-ne." She stuttered, not noticing her teeth chattering until she talked, scowling at herself and wrapping her arms tight around her chest in a self-hug. "Th-Th-Th-i-i-sss su-u-ck-s." Deciding it might be easier to quit talking, unless she wanted to bite off her tongue, Ranma walked quicker through the trees.
An half an hour later the rain had stopped, but she didn't think she was any closer to the dojo. Wringing out her pigtail she thought she saw a campsite that had narrowly avoided the rain. That tent looked really familiar...
Pausing in her ease to get to the tent, she thought she heard sobs. "Wha-?" She quietly crept forward and was not prepared for the sight. Her rival, the guy who threatened to kill her on a daily basis, was quietly sobbing over a letter, a fire blazing beside him. He tensed and quickly wiped his eyes, standing up and glaring at her.
"What do you want Ranma." He spat, his eyes were red and puffy and his face was streaked with tears. Ranma felt utter confusion-Ryoga had never cried like this. He always cried a tear or two over Akane and then beat Ranma up.
"Wh-Wh-Wha-ts wro-on-wrong Ry-og-ga?" She managed to make out, teeth still chattering as the surprizingly cool air- -it was nearly school summer break- -seeped over her cold body. Ryoga just glared at her and sat down, looking more miserable then she'd ever saw him.
"Warm up so I can understand you." He finally ground out, ignoring her question but making room for her by the fire.
As soon as her lips were no longer blue and her teeth firmly planted in her mouth, the pig-tailed martial artist turned to her old rival. "Ryoga..." She started, looking up at him through her electric blue eyes and frowning slightly "What's wrong, you've never been like how ya' are now. Did somethin' happen?"
Ryoga just sighed and thrust her a paper, keeping his eyes down low. As Ranma read it he couldn't help but notice how it was covered in tear stains and some of the words were blotchy.
Dear Ryoga,
I hope that you are well and happy wherever you are. I really miss you. As you know, you're father has been sick for the past few years. He decided to go on a training trip, with out his GPS (by the way I hope you've got one, they are amazingly useful).
He fell into a river and couldn't get out as he was to weak, I couldn't save him and I'm sorry. His ashes are at the house, I tried sending another letter but it just came back. I am heading to Nerima, but it might take me a few weeks as we both have the same issue.
I love you so much.
With all of my love,
Ranma looked up shocked and found Ryoga's dark brown eyes. "Are you-" She started to say okay, but god no he wasn't okay! He just found out his dad was dead for God's sake! "Do you want me ta' lead ya' back to Nerima?"
Ryoga just stared at her, confused "Why would you do that for me, you hate me." He said in a dead voice that made Ranma's heart squinch. Sure, she and Ryoga didn't get along, but she really, really liked him. As a friend, of course. She loved their fights, and they'd be amazing if they weren't so random and always in the middle of something.
Ryoga was the closest thing she had to a real friend-the guys at school are jealous of her, her Fiancee's are out of the question, she has to many rivals to count, and her family is a little (lot) dysfunctional.
"I don't hate ya' Ryoga, I just wish ya' wouldn't attack me so randomly. I kinda like our fights, their the best I get down here with someone who isn't actually tryin' ta' kill me." Ranma sighed and curled up slightly, shrieking and jumping up when she felt hot water cover her body, before he fell down with a thump and glared at Ryoga "Ya' could'a warned me ya' know."
Ryoga was smirking, one of his fangs poking out as he looked down at the smaller boy. "And miss you screaming like a girl- -never." He laughed slightly and Ranma just scowled at him semi- -playfully.
"I didn't scream like a girl!" He insisted, crossing his arms over his chest.
Ryoga rolled his eyes and added dry wood to the fire "Sure you didn't, Ranma, sure you didn't."
Ranma just huffed, a small smile tugging at his lips "I didn't!" Ryoga smirked again and Ranma let out a small laugh, before staring into the fire for a second. "Is it okay if-"
"Yeah, I guess. You can stay here for the night. But, you're taking me to Nerima tomorrow, Ranma! And we will not speak of this again." Ryoga said, eying the pig-tailed martial artist and making him feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Sooooo...truce then?" Ranma stuck out a hand and had a cheeky grin on, which made Ryoga scowl and roll his eyes.
"Yes, Ranma, I promise not to kill you while you sleep." They shook on it and smiled.
In a Winter Iceland near the ocean:
A woman with long dark brown-almost black- hair, huge brown eyes, slightly tan skin and a tall persona is trudging through snow. She is wearing thick winter clothes and goggles, a backpack draped on her back with a GPS which has a dead battery, which actually 3 miles from her destination- then she got lost.
She stops by a Eskimo and kindly taps his shoulder "Excuse me, sir? Is this by chance Nerima?" When the guy just shakes his head she sighs. "Oh, my sweet Ryoga. I'll be there soon!"
Thanks for reading! Please review and tell me how you liked it, RanmaxRyoga in later chapters and more awesome stuff!