I remember reading an incomplete fanfic where the Hetalia gang fight aliens, in a mix of Animorphs and Tokyo Mew Mew style. But I forgot the title and read it before I made an account, so it's not on my Story Alert either -_-. So I decided to make my own with different stuff in it! So ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

"I'm telling you guys! This is not a good idea!" Once again, Madeline's warnings were ignored. Her brother had dragged her along with him and his friends to explore the nearby Junkyard. After all it was the last day of summer vacation.

"Don't be so afraid Maddie! I'm the hero so I'll protect you from bugs or rats." Her brother, Alfred, turned and grinned his goofy grin at her. He had on a Captain America t-shirt and jean shorts. She wore her favorite Red tank top and khaki shorts. They both wore red converse. One of their friends turned and smacked the back of his head. Alfred flinched, rubbing his head.

"OW! Francis that hurt man!" The blonde smirked. His long blonde hair was back in a ponytail and he had his arms folded.

"You deserved it. Now be quiet or we will be caught!" Francis turned and kept walking. Alfred scowled and followed. Madeline sighed and followed them both. Francis, Alfred, and Madeline finally caught up to their other two friends. One was Gilbert, who was often mistaken for an albino. It was an easy mistake though, with his white hair, red eyes, and naturally pale skin. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. The other was the smiling Antonio. He was a Spanish teen with green eyes, tan skin, and dark brown hair. He was wearing a White t-shirt and jean shorts. Combined with Francis, a French teen with a blue tank-top and white shorts, they were the 'Bad Touch Trio'. Alfred had been a partner for a project and he became the unofficial 4th member. Madeline was often dragged along on their adventures.

"You guys are slow. Of course, you could never keep up with the awesome me in the first place." Gilbert smirked. Antonio laughed.

"I believe I was ahead of you though, amigo." Antonio grinned as Gilbert playfully punched his shoulder.

"Anyways, what is here to explore anyways? It's a junkyard." Alfred crossed his arms. The trio looked at each other then turned smiling at the twins.

"Amigo, didn't you watch the news?" Antonio asked. Alfred and Madeline glanced at each other before simultaneously shaking their heads.

"The news is on at the same time as Football and Hockey." Madeline explained.

"Well, the awesome rumor is that a meteor fell down here in Misty Falls. The police are still searching, but the awesome me obviously realized that the Meteor was probably here in the Junkyard." Gilbert grinned. Francis rolled his eyes.

"Actually, that was me. Gilbert just came up with the idea to come to the junkyard." Gilbert frowned at Francis.

"So we're here, on the LAST DAY OF SUMMER, just to look for a rock?" Alfred frowned.

"A rock that could earn us millions if it's here. And it is, see the glow behind that hill? Obviously a space-rock!" Antonio pointed. There was a glow coming behind a hill of junk. Madeline's eyes widened.

"Whoa. You weren't kidding." Alfred gaped. Gilbert laughed.

"You doubted? Anyways let's go! The meteor isn't gonna wait all day!" All the teens ran behind the hill. They were shocked by what they saw.

"That is NOT a meteor." Francis gaped at the sight. No, it was not a meteor. It was a spaceship. A typical-looking UFO like the ones you saw in the movies. The flying saucer was glowing and a door opened. A person who looked pretty human stumbled out and collapsed. He was tall, but looked to be only a few years older than the teens. He had blonde hair and broken glasses. He wore a military uniform.

"Guys! That man needs our help!" Her compassion winning over her fear, Madeline ran over to the man.

"MADDIE! Sheesh!" Alfred soon followed. The trio, not wanting to look like cowards, ran after the two. Madeline kneeled by the man.

"I guess his ship crashed or something. We better bring him to the hospital!" Madeline moved to position herself where she could grab one of his arms. She yelped when the man suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"run…. They're coming…. Leave me…" Madeline frowned.

"No way! You are hurt and we're going to help! Seriously guy, help me carry him!" The others all grabbed a part of the man and carried him towards the entrance of the junkyard. They had just gotten around the hill when they heard a noise.

"They're here…" The man mumbled. The teens turned towards the noise, which had grown louder, and saw some sort of monster. It looked like a dog, but had a lizard tail and lizard eyes. It had sharper teeth too.

"What the hell is that thing?" Alfred stood up, grabbing a nearby wooden bat as a weapon.

"Demon… run now…you can still make it…" the man pleaded. Gilbert grabbed a rusted pipe, Francis found a big stick, and Antonio armed himself with a microwave door.

"Maddie, watch him. We'll take care of the dog." Francis lifted the stick like a bat. The four set off, rushing the dog.

"NO! They'll kill themselves like that…" The man was struggling to get up. Madeline tried to make him lay down.

"My brother and his friends are pretty strong. Don't worry!" The man ignored her. She sighed.

"Ok. Tell me your name and I might let you go." The man looked up, realized there was no way she would let him go and sighed.

"Eduard. Now let me go! The demon wants me." Madeline pushed him back down.

"I said might. Now, you better start explaining real fast." Eduard's eyes widened.

"MOVE!" He grabbed her and rolled, bringing her with him, behind a broken refrigerator. The monster had seen them and dove after them.

"Quick, give me your hand!" Eduard grabbed her hand. He started speaking in a strange language.

"What are you…." Madeline tried to ask but soon silenced when she noticed that she and Eduard were glowing. When they stopped, Eduard stumbled a little. She reached up to support him, but was in for a shock.

"What the heck happened to my arm! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BODY!" Madeline shrieked. She couldn't see herself. Eduard sighed.

"You turned invisible. I awoke your latent powers so you could do something not useless like your friends." Madeline was staring at him.

"If you're still there, go attack the dog, but get your friends over here so that they can get powered-up. Of course, unless you want to watch that dog tear them apart." Madeline sighed and stood up. She ran over to Alfred, who was taking a quick rest.

"Al! Don't freak but that alien guy gave me superpowers that made me invisible and wants to give you guys powers so we can kill the dog!" Madeline rushed. Alfred looked around, obviously freaked out. He complied though and ran over to Eduard. Madeline turned at a growl and saw the dog growling at Alfred and Eduard.

"Like hell you touch them!" She picked up Alfred's discarded bat and smacked the dog. The other three froze, obviously freaked out by a floating baseball bat.

"Seriously, it's me guys! Maddie! Go over to Alfred and the Alien or we will all die!" The trio looked around, obviously trying to find her. They gave up and ran over to Eduard. Alfred had started walking back.

"Maddie! I'm guessing you're the floating baseball bat." Alfred had the dog's attention now. The dog growled and jumped. Alfred didn't even turn, he just threw a sideways punch at the dog and the dog flew back, disintegrating. Madeline gaped at her brother, of course he couldn't see that.

"What- WHAT the hell was that?" Alfred smirked.

"Super Strength, duh. It's a much more manly power than invisibility." Madeline scowled.

"Invisibility can be very useful, I'll have you know." The two siblings started arguing. They didn't notice that the dog had a couple friends.

"Al! Head's up!" Alfred turned and yelped, ducking as a fireball flew over where his head had been, hitting another dog, causing it to explode into dust.

"Geez, more of a warning next time Antonio!" Alfred shouted. Antonio smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry amigo. It was about to chew your head off though. Gil, on your left." Antonio shouted. Gilbert turned and smirked, raising his hand. The dog froze mid-pounce, shattering when it hit the ground.

"Sheesh, ice in summer?" The ice was melting slowly in the summer heat, leaving wet dust on the ground.

"An Awesome super power for the awesome me. Yo Francis! You gonna show off?" Francis sighed. He looked around, finally finding the last dog.

"It's a little too dry out here." Gilbert and Antonio gave each other a grin, completely understanding. Gilbert shot some ice that Antonio quickly melted. A puddle of water was now on the ground. Francis grinned.

"Much better." He narrowed his eyes and raised his hands. The water rose as well. He pointed towards the dog at the water obeyed. The water wrapped itself around the dog, constricting it. The dog struggled, but soon was put to dust as well. Now that there were no more dangers, the teens turned to Eduard and frantically started asking questions.




"PLEASE DON'T EAT MY BRAIN!" Eduard started to laugh.

"Ok guys calm down. I'll explain everything but first." He pulled out from his pocket 5 watches.

"Put these on, they'll suppress your powers until absolutely necessary." When Madeline put hers on, she became visible again. The boys were more hesitant.

"Guys, I'm not letting you run around loose with your powers. You need training. Besides, the watches are also communicators." Alfred brightened at this and strapped his on.

"Sweet! Like the Power Rangers!" The other boys glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. But they put on the wristwatches.

"So, we obviously can't stay here. Those freaks are probably gonna come back with reinforcements." Francis looked around nervously. Eduard nodded and took out a remote. He pushed a button and his UFO shrunk into a toy-sized one. He put it in his pocket."So, what are we gonna do with him?" Gilbert jerked his thumb at Eduard.

"We can't take him home, our parents would freak." Antonio pointed out.

"Well, is there a place nearby that's away from other humans?" Eduard asked. Madeline and Alfred looked at each other.

"Well… there's that island with a forest surrounding the outside like a boundary fence thingy in the middle of the lake." Alfred said. Eduard grinned.

"Perfect, take me there."

PAAGE BREEAAAKKK~~~"This is perfect." Eduard looked around. He stood in the field that was most of the island. The island was round, woods surrounded the outside circle while the rest was a field.

"Perfect? There is nothing here dude." Alfred frowned. Eduard smiled and took out a container of some sort. He pulled out a capsule, popped it open, and threw it into the middle of the field. The capsule exploded like a smoke grenade. The teens started coughing and rubbing their eyes.

"Warn us before doing something like that-whoa." Gilbert said what everyone was thinking. Where the capsule was, there was now a giant mansion.

"Capsule #127: House. Welcome to HQ guys." Eduard grinned and walked into the house. The teens followed, still in awe. The mansion was 2 stories, with a grand staircase in the foyer. There was a kitchen with a full-stocked fridge, an indoor pool, and 5 bedrooms.

"When we decide to meet or have training sessions, you'll come here. Your watches can teleport here too. Of course, I get to decide when you get here." The boys groaned at the last part.

"I was hoping to skip school and party here." Francis sighed.

"You guys have to go to school. Mostly because it's good for you, partially because your friends probably gained powers as well and you need to find them and protect them." The teens gaped at the last part. Eduard raised an eyebrow.

"You five are no match for what's coming. Besides, when I crashed my spaceship, the radiation affected certain individuals more than the rest. Those individuals are your teammates and most likely already acquainted with you." Antonio frowned.

"But if we already had powers, why did you have to awaken them?" Eduard sighed.

"Details. Long story short: I just gave your powers a jumpstart. You had them, you just didn't know." Madeline, who had been quiet as usual spoke up here.

"But how will we know who has powers and who doesn't? If there are aliens who look human like you, we don't want them to find out we know about them." Eduard grinned.

"I'm glad you asked. There are only 5 aliens that will look human other than me. They are the Soviets, the aliens that are currently invading Earth. They have powers similar to yours, but I have no idea they can do. But the humans who have powers, they should have some sort of mark on their body. Like yours." The teens looked shocked.

"What mark? I didn't see any mark." Gilbert examined his body.

"You got a triangle on your forehead Gil. Of course, it's white so it's not very noticeable. Maddie's is though. She got a red maple leaf on her arm." Alfred was laughing. Maddie looked at her arm, shocked.

"Oh geez how am I gonna explain this to Mom and Dad?" Alfred laughed more. She frowned at him.

"You have one too! You got a blue star on your shoulder!" Alfred stopped laughing and looked.

"Cool. It's better than a stupid leaf." The twins began bickering again. Antonio and Francis looked at each other. Gilbert burst into laughter when Francis turned his back to him.

"Francis, dude. You got a ROSE on your back." Francis' face turned red with embarrassment.

"Turn around amigo, let me see!" Antonio forced Francis to turn around. He grinned.

"That is priceless. Good thing the school uniform covers it or you'd be a laughingstock." Francis frowned.

"Well, what about your Antonio?" Antonio cocked his head.

"I can't find it…" Gilbert grinned.

"Then take off your clothes dude and we'll help look." Gilbert started laughing, but was interrupted by a slap to the face. A red-faced Madeline had her hand up.

"WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM TO DO THAT WHEN I'M HERE? IDIOT!" She was shouting at him. He rubbed his cheek.

"Sorry Maddie, I keep forgetting you're a girl." That earned him another slap.

"Shit you're worse than Lizzie. Anyways, don't worry Antonio, it's probably on your foot or something." Gilbert was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. It was playing 'German Sparkle Party'. Gilbert grinned.

"That's Lud. I set that ringtone especially for him." He flipped open his cell phone.

"Guten Tag. Hey Luddy. I'm with the guys and Madeline." He added when he saw Madeline raise her hand.

"Aw seriously? But it's only 7:00.…Oh Vati made wurst? Nice I'm on my way. Auf Wiedensehen." Gilbert closed his phone.

"I gotta go guys, it's dinnertime. Uhh how do I get home? If I take the boat you're all stranded.." Madeline rolled her

"Obviously we all just leave now. We can talk to Eduard with our watches. Besides, it's school tomorrow." The guys groaned.

"Don't remind us." Eduard grinned.

"Have fun at school, I'll talk to you guys soon!" Eduard waved goodbye as the teens left the mansion.


"GIL! ANTONIO! FRANCIS! WAIT UP!" Alfred shouted to his friends. He ran up to them, leaving Madeline by herself. She sighed and adjusted her school uniform. The girls' uniform was a red plaid skirt with a white sweater over a white polo shirt and a red tie. They had to wear white knee socks and brown shoes too. The guys wore the same thing, except with black dress pants and a blue jacket on over the sweater.

"Um, excuse me. I'm new, so is it ok if I walk with you?" Madeline jumped at the sudden voice and turned. A girl with platinum blonde hair that went down to her waist was standing there, looking shy.

"Oh, sure. I'm Madeline Williams, but my friends call me Maddie." Madeline smiled as she shifted her polar-bear backpack. The girl smiled.

"I'm Natalya. It's nice to meet you."

YAY FOR NEW FANFIC! I need multiple fanfic going at once or I'm super bored. REVIEW AND ENJOY!

Guten tag-hello-German

Auf Wiedensehen- Goodbye-German


Alfred-America-Super Strength

Eduard-Estonia-Power Bestowal


Francis-France-Water control

Gilbert-Prussia-Ice control

Antonio-Spain-Fire control

Ludwig 'Luddy'-Germany


Gil's dad- Germania