By Scarr C.
Those colour-wrung eyes, they beguile her lips
One who cares not to leave sanity intact
Fishnets in splendour, puppets and whips,
She unravels her toy box of blood, gold and black.
Ill-fortuned satire of woe 'neath her lashes
She fancies a dabble of cool masquerade,
Regards those who slight her as lordly and precious
While Asmodeus constantly wrecks her palate.
A magician of devilry – nay, the devil herself!
Audacious deception paints eyebrows of fate
She conjures a pottery of beetles and wealth
Hapless suitors are not sufficient to placate.
Barbello sneers but she has the last laugh
Misfortunate jester in a precarious court
She flaunts her trump card and calls the rest bluff
Makes merry with roast-infant and glasses of port.
Irises that douse other statues with languish
Entrails of venom that serve to enthrall
Impalpable wings to slice hearts wrought with anguish
Behold! The most worthless nymphet of all.