Jim's POV:

Since we were far away from earth already we found and scanned a planet that looked like earth.

"Spock, John, Sherlock, Greg, and Bones your coming with me to check this planet out, Sulu, Chekov your coming too, Uhura make sure everything runs smoothly, and if any problems arise call me or if we need help I'll let you know," I said as we got into the transporter room.

"Captain is you sure you want to leave the ship with Uhura by herself?" Spock said as we were dematerializing.

"She'll do fine she always does and besides Yeoman Rand is there and Number One is on call if anything happens," I said as we materialized on the planet.

"So far so good Jim, air is just the same as on earth is a little purer, gravity is nothing unusual, let's check the rest, split up?" Bones said as he and John scanned the rest of the area we were on.

"Yes, Sherlock with Lestrade, Sulu and John, Chekov go with Spock and Bones you're with me, we will split in the opposite direction and meet back here in an hour and report our findings, alright?" I asked and they all nodded in agreement.

We walked in silence and I could see that Bones was just waiting to ask questions, in the past three days I have been very professional with everyone and not correcting Spock as he kept saying Captain as opposed to Jim when off duty, and I know Bones has noticed because I have also been spending more time in sick bay and in my own quarters then necessary.

What he said really bugged me and I just could not fathom why he would think that, I just think it over and the thought of Spock with John would freeze me but maybe it's just that I could not bear to lose Spock or think of the consequences that would bring to Spock since he had gotten a warning about how things ended with Uhura. Most people knew but they didn't think it would end with one of them trying to transfer until I sat with both of them and told them that they should give a friendship a try at least and to give this five-year mission a try before we agreed to let one or both leave but they agreed and I suppose they became good friends after that. But the idea of Spock and John would leave me cold and restless, and I just can't handle that as oppose to John dating Bones or anyone but Spock. The reason I came up with was that I would feel robbed of the supposed friendship of legend he and I are supposed to have.

"Jim? Jim? Anyone there?" I heard Bones after he pocked my face and started to check if I was alright.

"What Bones?" I asked irritated as I ducked as he flashed the tricorder over my face.

"I asked if everything was alright and you didn't respond vie tried calling your name over a minute now, and no response everything alright?" he asked as we stopped near a pond.

"Yeah just been thinking," I said.

"Well don't think too hard I thought I saw smoke coming off your ears," he said with a grin on his face.

"Ha ha Bones," I said as we got back to analyzing the environment we were now.

"So mind telling me why you have been ignoring the pointy bastard? Not that I'm complaining," he said as he analyzed the water and I did the trees and plants surrounding the pond.

"I have not been ignoring him," I said with a grimace that I knew was showing so I turned away from him.

"Yes you have, why?" he said.

I ignored him and continued with what I was doing.

"Damn it Jim you know it's no good to pretend something is not happening when something clearly is," he said as he finished analyzing the water and went to stand in front of me.

"Bones there's nothing to talk about," I said as I got up and wandered to a little tree that was covered in moss, and got a sample.

"Jim, I'm warning you here, tell me before I write a statement that you might be emotionally compromised," he said and I turned to stare at him open mouth.

"You wouldn't?!" I said as I stood up too fast to look at him, he didn't seem to falter in his glare.

"No I wouldn't but Jim I'm not just your doctor I'm your friend and I'm trying to understand something that I can see is bothering you since the incident at lunch, oh, wait is this what this is guilt?" he said as he came to the wrong conclusion.

"No, Bones what got me this way was what you told me, the things that you told me," I said as I resumed my sample collection.

"Oh Jim, I was just trying to tell you that I know im hard on the guy but he does have a human side and he seems to try and get along with you and he seems to really take a liking to John, but it has nothing to do with the friedship you both got, he is only trying to be part of the crew not just the guy who seems to know everything. This time he is trying," he said as he put a hand to my shoulder.

"Yeah I know Bones, its just that I don't like surprises when it comes to my friends he barely knows John and he already likes him better than me, which makes me think I'm doing something to prevent him from feeling the same way about me, and then he has it very easy and yet he can't see what he has in front of him," I said as I realized that John cared for Sherlock but not way Sherlock wants it to, Sherlock clearly cared for him more than John did for him.

"You have no idea," he muttered but I let it slide since he could be talking about the was Sulu really tries not to be to close or alone with Chekov while Chekov tries to get him to notice him.

"Let's head more north?" I said and he nodded. There were two different paths they lead in different directions but I decided we needed to split in case someone decided to walk by here and in that case we knew what to warn against.

That's how I was thirty feet in when I heard laughter coming from up ahead. I kept going until I heard the laughter's come louder near a pond and that's when I saw it, an image that was too much for me I was frozen seeing them together.

There in a blanket near the lake, was Spock and John leaning against each other and laughing. They were close so close that I was gripped with an anger and jealousy?

Where did that come from?" I wondered to myself.

I was about to take my first step over but I was once again frozen, I was unprepared for what I saw and it felt like a punch to the gut.

I knew I was denying my feelings for my first officer but I just wanted to establish a friendship first I knew by the first time we played chess that it was more than friendship that I wanted with him and I caught a glimpse of what elder Spock and Jim where to each other even if Elder Spock wanted to hide it I saw it and I wanted that the friendship underneath the love and admiration for each other.

What I saw broke all I had wanted because I knew it was going to happen, I saw the way Spock and John looked at each other and I saw the way he disregarded Sherlock at times in favor to look at others. But this was too much.

Spock had taken Johns hand and slid his fingers over Johns in a Vulcan kiss, and then John grabbed his cheek and caressed it while leaning in to kiss Spock in the mouth. I finally got up and marched up to them and they kept kissing as if I was not walking towards them.

"What is this? I thought I sent you with Sulu John? And Spock I thought you liked women?!" I said as I started to yell in frustration.

I knew that in this moment I wanted to break John's face and let Sherlock know that he was wasting his time with John as a love interest. Since he liked to go out with anyone who would offer, like Uhura, nurse chapel, and now Spock.

"You know Spock I really thought you were better than this, leaving poor Chekov alone and leaving your station all for what? John? The army doctor who could be older than your father," I said in anger and this time the anger rose, as I saw that they blinked and laughed at me. They rose and turned to each other, shrugged, and kissed right in front of me and I yelled and I was about to tackle John when I heard Bones yell.

"Jim! Are you alright?" he said as I turned to see him coming up from a different way that I came from.

"Yeah just that these two," I said as I turned to Spock and John who had disappeared, "what?" I said in disbelief.

"Who was here?" he said.

"Did you see anyone while you made your way here?" I said because I was blocking the way I had come from.

"No, I was walking the path leading here when I heard you yelling and I ran to get here, I thought you were in trouble Jim," he said, "what happened?" he said as he tried to see something that was not there anymore.

"Nothing I tripped and I was yelling in frustration because I tripped on air, sorry Bones," I said as I walked past him and started to go back. I was not about to tell him that I had imagined something specially after he threaten to write me up even if he was joking.

This planet was now making me nervous.