IT LIIIIVES *zombie arms*

Smexy title, no?

I was pleasantly woken by a creepily grinning Gerard bent over me about two inches from my face.

I let out a squeal of surprise and fell off of the bed. Gerard started laughing as I landed on the floor with a loud "Thump!"

I shook my head and flopped back on my bed. "Dude, why."

"'Cause I wanted to see your expression," he chortled.

I sighed. He was hopeless. "I'm hungry. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Food?" he asked hopefully.

I smacked his arm. "Pancakes alright?"


One breakfast later, Gerard sat on the couch next to me.

"Frank, I have to tell you something," he said solemnly, looking me in the eyes with dead seriousness.


He leaned forward, his lips right next to my ear. I could feel his breath flutter strands of my hair, tickling my neck.

I felt a small shiver creep down my spine, but it wasn't unpleasant.

His hand found its way to my shoulder, resting there. There were a few more seconds of suspense before he finally whispered,

"Tag. You're it."

He leapt off the couch and sprinted to the door while I sat there for a second, registering what had just happened.

"IT IS SO ON, WAY!" I shouted as I sprinted after him.

He was nowhere in sight.

Confused, I looked around, when suddenly I heard a giggle come from the tree in front of my house.

"Ooh, I'm so scared, Frankie used my last name," a voice taunted in a singsong voice among the branches.

I cracked a smile. "You climb fast," I said, looking up into the tree. I didn't even see him.

All of a sudden, Gerard hopped down onto a lower branch and grabbed hold of the upper, grinning down at me.

"Well, climb with me!"

I pulled myself up through the leaves until I was sitting next to him on a sturdy-looking branch.

"Hi." He smiled with all of his teeth.


We sat there for a few moments when suddenly, I had the craziest thought.

I wondered if I could make him shiver, too.

I mean, he is bisexual, right? Even if he doesn't like me, I probably could. That'd be fun. Plus, I could pass it off the way he did.

"Gerard, come down to earth for a minute, I want to show you something," I said.

He shrugged, seeming to have forgotten about the tag game. "Sure."

We climbed down together, and when we got to the bottom, I pushed him up against the tree, grinning. His eyes widened a bit, but I pretended I didn't notice.

Leaning in slowly like he had, I moved one of my hands up to his shoulder, barely brushing his shirt on the way up. I breathed shallowly into his ear a couple of times for effect.

Then I felt it.

He shivered.

"Tag. You're it," I breathed, then darted away laughing.

I was cheering, "Victory!" as he chased me around the lawn, but in my head, I privately celebrated a small, secret victory of my own.

"Dad, we're not getting married!" I announced, crossing my arms.

"Yet," Gerard smirked, and I smacked his arm.

My dad sighed, not even looking up from his papers. "Shame."

"We weren't even going to! It was this guy's idea of a dare! Honest!"

"I figured once you got to the 'adopted babies' part that you were making it up."

This set Gerard off again.

"Daaaad," I moaned, burying my face in my hands. Parents…

My dad looked up and eyed me over the rims of his reading glasses. We stared at each other for a minute, and I could tell he knew something I didn't. It was like his eyes were smirking at me.

Gerard looked back and forth between us. "Am I missing something?"

I blushed and looked back at Gerard hurriedly. "No."

He shrugged. "Alright. Hey, I was wondering…" he trailed off, looking at me awwardly.

"Wondering…?" I prompted.

"…If maybe you wanted to come over to my house? I mean, Mikey isn't that bad, really, and my parents are going to be out, so…"

"Hm?" my dad looked up, but before he had a chance to make a (highly embarrassing) comment, I nodded and smiled. "Sounds great. Do you want to go right now, or…?"

"Uh, maybe we could do something first, if you like…"

My dad rolled his eyes. "Just go Frank. Have fun."

I got the feeling he knew more than he let on.

Gerard and I walked in silence all the way to his house, but it wasn't awkward. Not for me, anyway. I was lost in thought about Gerard, and why I had fallen for him. Underneath the mask of "popular school boy" was someone who really cared about people. He must have been hurt a lot by his "friends" to have to hide that side of him from others. Not to mention Robin…

"We're here," Gerard announced glumly.

I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I stared up at his house. True to his word, there were no cars in his driveway.

"Shall we?" I offered. He nodded and began walking up to the front door. I trailed behind him.

He took a deep breath, much like before, and opened the door.