Teen Titans story – Love is most unusual

CHAPTER 1 – The Different Morning

It was a warm summer's day in Jump City. Just on the outskirts of the city was a tower in the shape of a T: this is where the Teen Titans lived.

Inside it was a normal morning. The Titans were arguing. The little green elf named Beast Boy and the big half robot/half man named Cyborg were arguing over breakfast, again, Cyborg wanted meat but Beast Boy wanted tofu. The medium sized spiky black haired boy named Robin was yelling at them to stop yelling while the alien girl named Starfire was asking her friends to stop arguing. So just a normal morning in Titans Tower. Almost. One Titan was missing: the dark girl Raven was locked in her not wanting to go to the living room to here the arguing. Every morning they were arguing and she had had enough of it. She would stay there all day if that meant she didn't have to listen to the arguing. There was a knock at the door.

"Hey Raven, it's time for breakfast" said the voice of the little green elf Beast Boy.

"GO AWAY" Raven snapped at him.

"What did I do?" he asked her in surprise.

No answer. Beast Boy held his ear to the door, he wasn't sure if Raven was even in there. He hoped she was.

"Raven come out and get some breakfast"

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY" she snapped back.

"Come on Raven, you need to eat" he said

"Why do you care if I eat or not?" she asked him.

Beast Boy didn't answer. He couldn't tell her why he cared about her eating. The thing is: Beast Boy secretly liked Raven. No not liked: LOVED Raven. Just the thought of her made him go into a trance. This is just what happened now. He had thought of Raven and now he was in a trance. What shocked him out of the trance was Ravens door opening.

Beast Boy loved looking at Raven especially when her hood was down: which it was now. He looked at her and smiled to himself. He loved her silky lilac hair, her amazing lilac eyes, her sweeping blue cloak, he loved everything about her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Beast Boy came out of his trance. Raven was looking at him confused.

"Oh...nothing" he stuttered.

"Right" she replied not believing him. She walked away to the living room.

Careful Beast Boy you idiot. He thought to himself. If you keep doing that then she's going to know you like her. That can't happen.

"Hm, if only it could happen" he sighed and followed Raven to the living room.