So… now you know. These were my times that I meant to say "I love you" to Rose Marion Tyler. Professed my love to her. Made it known to her and to strangers.

The thing with me and Rose, we're not star-crossed lovers. We're nothing like Romeo and Juliet. We didn't expect to fall in love with each other. We didn't lust for each other. We're more like magnets. We instantly clicked. So, of course we're not star-crossed lovers. We danced among the stars. They twirled in unison as we did. The stars have nothing on us. The stars wanted us together. We're more like sun-bound lovers. Too hot to touch. We had already gotten too close. We burned. But now we can't get away from each other's hold. No matter how hard one of us tries to move away, the sun will force us back together somehow.

We're apart right now. I've got nobody. No companions. At least, not yet. Recently met a man who claimed to be me. Wasn't really. He was a nice bloke, though. But… nobody. No hand to hold. No one to make jokes with or run with.

Besides, she has Handy with her. My meta-crisis. She'll spend her life with him and I'll continue living. Still, I think we're going to meet again. Probably in this body or one of my future regenerations. I don't care. It's all right if we don't bump into one another in the future. I don't care anymore. Rose is happy. She's with someone she loves. If she's happy, I'll be all right. I know it's cheesy, but I'll keep pushing through. And don't get me wrong, I'd love it if we were to meet again, but I think It's been going on for too long. This romance of ours. We'll both move on.

Rose Tyler stole my heart. Without my realizing it. That takes some skill. I do think I'll keep Rose in my heart. Good thing I've got two hearts. One for Rose, one for everyone else. Yeah. She's just that special. She's just that fantastic.

I love her. Simple as that. Do I need to say any more? I may not have been the one to say it physically to her, but it's so, so clear. Anybody can see it. We were meant to be. Until I gave her a substitute; an alternative. The best I could do.

So, this thing is devoted to her. I've come to the point that it's okay to let go. I think it's all right. It's time to let go of Rose. I'm ready. I'll be holding other people's hands and believing in whatever they do and giving them compliments, but she'll always be in my heart. She took it, after all… that chav.

It's time.

I'm letting Rose Tyler go.

And Rose? If you're reading this… well, you know. We have forever. We're magnets. Sun-bound lovers. And I have three words to tell you.

Pink and yellow.