"Ah... Ah...ahhh...!"

"Keep moaning like that, Gilbert. Now push your fingers in a little deeper."

"Aaahhh! Oh bitte... bitte... Ludwig, bittie!"

Smirking Germany watched him from the chair he was on. He always liked messing with the Albino. The 2P Germany smirks as tears formed at the edges of the red desperate eyes. It was delicious . The older one begged him for more but Germany never let him have it. He liked the way Prussia wanted pleasure and each time he took it form him.

"Removes your fingers."

Gilbert did so his face flushed completely as he whimpered. Looking at Germany he cried out when something was placed on him. Almost crying at the ring that would keep him from coming he cried out loud as he was pulled forward.

Germany unzipped his pants to let his hard cock out. "Suck."

Nodding Prussia took it into his mouth and started to suck on the head like he was taught how. Using his tongue he tried to go slowly so it wouldn't hurt but Germany shoved up hard making him gagged but a hand kept him form moving back.

Thrusting up Ludwig smirked as Prussia struggled for air. He wouldn't let him. No, he liked this much better. Going harder he groaned as he cam forcing Gilbert to sallow it all. let the other go he watched as his coughed and gagged.

"Get on your knees." He demanded.

Sniffling Prussia did as he said. "D-Don't hu-Hurt me..."

"I can do whatever I want with you."

Gilbert tightened his clock around him and picked up the basket on the floor. Standing straight he opened the door softly and went out before closing it just as softly. Walking calmly down the path that would lead to the market place he wondered if he should stop by at America's place for something for pain.

Looking up he wondered what he should make for dinner when he saw something. walking over he smiled softly as the wisp. then it moved a bit and he followed it when suddenly a swarm surrounded him and the next thing he knew the world went dark.

"Bruder?" Ludwig said noticing the other nation a sleep in the backyard. "Bruder what are you doing?"

Prussia lazily opened his red eyes and rubbed them. "Mm?"

"Don't fall a sleep in the back yard." Ludwig pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go lay on your bed."

"Bru-Bruder?" Prussia cursed his stutter. He knew Bruder didn't like it.

"Ja? Gilbert are you alright?"

Noticing the confused look on the other nation's face Germany picked him up and wonderful why the other blushed and nervously looked at him. Taking him inside he set the albino down on his feet and walked to the kitchen.

Looking in awed Prussia looked around the house. it changed! Everything was different! Mouth open a little he walked around look and froze seeing himself in the mirror. Running to it he touched his cheeck where the scar should have been but it was gone. Still touching it he realized what had happened!

"The one pla-player wo-world...!"


Jumping Prussia pulled his clock tighter around him. "Y... Yes?"

"What do you want for lunch?"

Following the voice of his 1P brother Prussia looked into the kitchen. "I ca-can make lun-lunch..."

"Are you sure? You sound sick... are you alright?"

"Ja. I will ma-make you lunch..."

"Danke." Ludwig looked at him one last time before going out of the room and heading to his office.

Once gone Gilbert looked around the kitchen finding what he needed. As he cook it calmed his nerves. He would have to find away to get back home. If he was here did that mean the other Prussia was in the two player world? it could be.

Setting a pot down he started to fill it with hot water before placing it on the stove. Grabbing some potatoes he peeled them, washed them and chopped them up before putting them in. Next some carrots, and the rest of what he was used to making.

Once the stew was simmering he set to work on a desert . Next he made them some drinks when he noticed beer in the fridge. grabbing one he set it aside next to a mug before setting up a tray.

Stew in the middle desert on the side, some extra on the other side, spoon, fork, knife, and then the mug with cold beer in it. Smiling a little Gilbert picked up the tray and start look for the one in the home.

Maybe if he was nice enough the one player would help him get home.

"I don't know what the hell came over you, Prussia." the two player Germany smirked. "But I like it."

"Ahh! Fick! Harder! Ahhhh! So deep!" Prussia moaned loudly as he pounded into.

he knew exactly where he was and who this two play was. but he really didn't care cause this was how he wanted Ludwig in bed. Rough. He loved it rough and this one was fulfilling the deed. Moaning loudly as he ass was slapped he arched up.

"More! Nnnaaah! Need more!"

The other Germany licked his lips and bite down the neck enjoying the moan that came form the pain. pounding into the smaller body he was going to make sure he bled.

Ludwig continued he work with a serious face when the door opened and Gilbert walked in with a tray. this surprised Ludwig but he said nothing as it was placed in front of him and then didn't speak when Gilbert stood there his hands folded in front of him waiting.

Eating the food he was shocked on how well it was and the taste was perfect. Eating the whole bowl and the cake he set the tray aside.

"Thank you, Gilbert. Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I hav-haven't."

There it was again. The stutter. Ludwig frowned and looked at him and sure enough the red eyes avoided him looking anywhere else. Standing Ludwig frowned more when Gilbert flinched and moved away. Grabbing his arm he pulled the gasping Albino closer. The trembling made Germany want to tell when he noticed the cloak.

Prussia said nothing as this Germany checked over him but felt tears brim his eyes when his shirt was lifted up.

"You never had a scar here." Ludwig said touched the scar on the stomach. "Your from the two player world. "


"What are you doing here? He demanded more harshly then he meant to.

"I... I... Don-don't know..." Gilbert shook. "Bi-Bitte... I want t-to go ho-home..."

Noticing how scared the other look he frowned. This was a two player so that meant that this Gilbert was more calm? Skidish? It was strange. Walking up to the trembling nation he hugged him gently.

"I didn't mean to yell. I will try to find away to get you home. I will call someone tomorrow about it but for now you look like you could use a rest. Come I will show you to your room and then we will go from there."

"Thank yo-you."

"Why do you stutter?"

"I ha-have since th-that time..." Gilbert suddenly bust out crying trying to explain.

Holding the smaller nation Ludwig wondered what had set him off. a few minutes passed by when he felt the other leaning on him. Looking down he noticed that the other Gilbert was passed out.

Picking him up he took the smaller nation to his room and laid him down. covering him Ludwig sighed and went to call England. Maybe he could help.

As it turned out England was on vacation for two weeks. that meant he had no choice but to keep this Gilbert until he returned but he didn't mind too much and he was sure his Gilbert could take care of himself.

However this two player Prussia was extremely helpful. When Ludwig woke up food was on the table, the lundry was done and the other was doing the dishes and humming. Walking in Ludwig walked up behind him,

"Good morning."

Gasping Gilbert dropped the bowl back into the water and turned around. "Sorry, did I wake upi up?"

"Nien. I always get up early. How long have you've been up?"

"Since fi-five. Breakfast?"

"Ja, thank you. Why don't you join me?"


They ate ins the calm as the sun rose. It was such a peaceful morning and he liked the peace with someone to share it with. Ludwig smiled and then looked at the other's clothes. Well he couldn't have him wondering around in a cloak. He would have to find something else for him to wear.

When they were done Gilbert cleared the table and started to wash the dishes. Standing Ludwig knew he should but him and the other Gilbert were lovers. Wrapping his arms around the waist and ignoring the confused question he kissed the lips.

Gilbert was confused but the kiss was far different from what he was used to so he opened his mouth and moaned deeply as a tongue entered his mouth and played with his tongue. A hand traveled up he shirt and rubbed a nipple making him gasp.


Ludwig held back a groan at the voice. It was so willing. Sliding a hand to the hem of th pants he thought about stopping but the feel of the skin was so soft. The heat from the body was so over whelming. Grabbing the hips like he did with his Gilbert, Ludwig soon found this was a mistake because Prussia forze up and started to tremble.

"Don't hu-hurt me!" The fearful voice cried.

Feeling bad he hugging the other and patted his head. "I'm sorry… Let's eat."

"Ja," Gilbert smiled.

What had Ludwig gotten himself into?

1P X 2P stuff again.

This was a request/Challenge.

You pick what comes next:

A: 2P Prussia finds a house maid outfit and tries it on.

B: Austria meets 2P Prussia

C: 2P Prussia acts like a house wife.