Guess what? This is an update. Aren't I nice? Anyway, I kinda got stuck for a while, I mean man the story line is getting more complicated. O and I was also throwing a hissy fit about not being able to go on the net for as long as I wanted so I deleted all my files, including all me Redirection files. ^_^ Smart isn't I? Lol Well anyway, without any further ado, I give you chapter 31

Chapter 31 Broken Bonds

Time is funny thing, it flies when you are having fun, and crawls when you want something to be over. Gohan had lost his sense of time as he sat rocking his brother on the cold marble floor. He had passed his crying stage, it had been years since he had cried, and he was currently in shock. How could his little brother be dead? What happened to Gohan always being there for his brother?

"It should have been you!" Gohan's mind screamed at him, "It should have been you!"

The heat from Goten's body was almost gone, pushing Gohan further toward despair.
It was his entire fault, ALL HIS FAULT!
No, that wasn't true, it was his entire fault.

This would have never happened if Lord Shoytrig's minion hadn't approached him.

It wasn't Gohan's fault, IT WAS SHOYTRIG'S FAULT!

Gohan centred his mind on that one thought.

That one thought that was going to get him the revenge for taking advantage of Gohan's depressedness, and the thought that was going to allow him to avenge his brother.

Gohan stood up, his brother's body cradled in his arms.

Staring at the fallen warrior, Gohan spoke aloud.

"I may be the prince of dark, but nobody fucks with my little brother, Nobody!"

His anger resonated from the walls of marble.

And for the first time, in a long period, Gohan wasn't the prince of dark.

He pushed through the barrier he had known so long ago, when he was fighting Cell, to super saiyan two, making the light from his transformation seem like it was showing his love for his deceased brother.

His hate filled eyes turned towards the direction of the throne room.

"A life for a life." Gohan whispered before launching himself in that direction, his brother in his arms.
Vegeta stood on the hard floor of the throne room, staring at the creature that was practically going to steal his soul.

"What do I have to do with this new position?" Vegeta said, stalling as much as possible.

"Be a boss of hundreds of followers, second only to me and my son."

"There must be a catch, nobody offers power like that without some sort of payment."

"Ah yes, payment." Lord Shoytrig paused, his head tilted to one side, mocking Vegeta with the fact that he didn't need to think about this "payment".

"There will be no payment." Shoytrig stated.
"You lie."
"Do I? Look around you Vegeta, I have built my empire out of my power, those who have dared to oppose me have become dusts in the wind. I need no payment, all I need is your pledge of loyalty."

Vegeta's time had run out.
"Yes or no Vegeta, my patience grows thin."
"Yes, Lord Shoytrig, I shall lead your armies."
"Good Saiyan." Lord Shoytrig cooed sounding too much like Frieza for Vegeta's liking.
Suddenly the air was filled with humming as metal rings whizzed through the air and attached themselves to Vegeta's arms, legs, and neck.

The rings were similar to those that adorned Gohan's body, except they were undecorated, smooth and flashed an angry red every few minutes.

"Oh, one more thing Vegeta, you don't mind if I take your self control do you?" Lord Shoytrig's laughter echoed in the vast chamber.
Goku followed his son at a distance, towards the throne room.

Gohan seemed different to him, like there had been a sudden change in the tide of emotions inside Gohan and now his long hidden care had surfaced, driving him to battle.
Yes, Gohan was different.

Gohan was so different, that Goku was sure that when the time came, that father and son would fight side by side again, like all those years ago.

Gohan burst through the throne room doors, snarling.
The look on his face betraying his disgust of the creature that lounged on the throne.

"Ah my son, so good of you to join me."

Gohan seethed, and just glared in the ruler's direction.
"What? No greeting for you father."

"Father," Gohan spat with bitterness, "It is your men that slaughtered my brother where he stood."

"Your old life should mean nothing to you now Gohan." Lord Shoytrig said idly.

"It didn't, but they had no right to kill my brother."
"He was trespassing." Lord Shoytrig stated.

Gohan bared his teeth.

"Thinking of fighting me are you? Tsk tsk my boy, you should know better than that."
Using his energy Gohan levitated his brother's tiny body to the side of the room out of harms way, falling to notice the shallow rising of his brother chest.

"You and me, NOW!" Gohan bellowed.

"You think it is that easy don't you?" Shoytrig said with a flick of his wrist.

Blue pain shot through Gohan's body and the words of Lord Shoytrig came back to him.


"The one thing I didn't mention, is that you become my puppet. You will have your own free will unless I command you otherwise."


"Oh yes my son, YOU ARE MINE! AND YOU WILL BE MINE FOREVER!" Lord Shoytrig screamed in a type of maniacal ecstasy.
Gohan gritted his teeth, fighting the pain that washed through him.
"No," he said quietly. "No! I will not belong to you!"

The bands snapped off his arms, and his crown vanished from his head.
"I am my own man, I am Gohan Son, I am the avenger of my fallen brother, I am your fate."
Lord Shoytrig's eyes widened a tad, "I admit, you surprise me Gohan, no one has ever removed my rings of control before, but what a pity that it is you that shall meet your demise here, and not me, as you intended."

Lord Shoytrig snapped his fingers, and a dark faced Vegeta stepped out from behind the throne.
"Unlike your rings Gohan, these give me full control of Vegeta, he IS mine, and he WILL do my bidding, and MY bidding is to KILL YOU!"
Vegeta snarled, just as Goku appeared in the room next to Gohan.
"We fight, together." Goku said addressing Gohan.

"You forgive me?" Gohan said not looking at his father.

"There was nothing to forgive."

The silence between the two told even the dumbest of spectators that the relationship between the two was on the mend.
"Vegeta attack!"

The Saiyan Prince leapt into the air and Gohan and Goku moved into identical stances, each mirroring each other, side by side, their hands out prepared for anything that came their way.

I know it's short but at least it's an update.