Disclaimer: I do not own Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts/バカとテストと召喚獣

Finally, my fifth fan fiction. This is a continuation of 'Aki, You Baka.' It would be good if you had read it. Nevertheless, please, do drop a review. I appreciate all of them. Reviews motivate me to write and it cheers me up. So please do drop in a review! Thank you very much!

Chapter 1: Away

What can one do when one have to leave one's love? Let one's tears flow is the best option and that was exactly what Shimada Minami did. She held Yoshii Akihisa's note close to her chest and cried. She didn't know what else she could do. Leaving for Germany wasn't her choice, it was her father's. It was clearly explained to her that her father had to work in Germany for his company. It would be dangerous to leave the women of his house all alone in Japan. When Minami heard her father's decision, she had become defiant and refused to leave Japan, refused to leave Fumizuki Academy, refused to leave Akihisa. Unfortunately, her father's decision was final. She only had a few days to confess to Akihisa and confirm his feelings for her. Within the few days, she had accomplished those tasks and unwillingly boarded the plane on the departure date. Akihisa had buried himself deep into Minami's heart before she left.

"Onee-chan… You are thinking about baka onii-chan, desho?" Kazuki softly asked her sister. She had never seen Minami crying before; even being very close to her, the only big secret that Minami told her was that she had really fallen deeply in love for someone. Never had she seen her elder sister cry…till then. "Onee-chan… I shall sit beside Mommy… you need some quiet space by yourself…desho?" Hazuki didn't wait for an answer and ran to sit beside her mother. She knew that Minami was suffering from a terrible heart ache. The losing of something precious to her was way too unbearable. As if the feeling could just eat her up and drown her in sorrow. Hazuki couldn't bear to see her sister in such a state. She just hoped that her sister would be able to swallow the feeling and continue to move on.

Minami knew that her tears were mixed. Tears mixed with happiness and sadness. Happy as Akihisa had told her his feelings, sad as she had to leave him for an untold period of time. She looked out into the window and could only look as the plane pulled her further and further away from Japan, from Akihisa. There was nothing she could do to get her back. She had gotten her confession out and she had a reply. Why? But why she couldn't stop crying and be satisfied with those? Just why? Tears had already flowed down her cheeks. There was no reason to stop them now. No reason at all. She then realized the reason for her tears. She couldn't see Akihisa at any time she liked. She couldn't call out to him and hit him anymore. They were no longer physically close. She wanted to tell someone about the bitter feeling in her heart, but she was unable to say it out to neither her parents nor her sister. What was left to do to let out her feelings was to pen it down. Writing directly into a diary where only she would know. Her very own secret place where her deep secrets were kept.

Minami's diary, first entry

Dear diary today is the day when I'm leaving for Germany. I may be going back to the country where I've grew up back I do feel very bitter inside me. I know that I couldn't allow myself to leave Aki. It is unbearable. The feeling is eating me up! This is the first time I've felt this way. He is special. Very special to me at the very least. I don't understand why did I fall with this idiot and don't even remember what did he do to gain my love. For sure, I know that deep in my heart that he had left himself in there. The very words he said had also touched me. Unfortunately, they may be forgotten. It doesn't matter at all. I just hope that he remembers me and his promise.

Minami then bit the back of her pen. She didn't know what else to write in the first entry. For all she knew, she had to calm down before writing. Her emotions were staying in her throat, unable to neither escape nor flow to her pen. She tried to recall her memories in Germany but to no avail. The image of Akihisa had always found its way back to her mind. No matter how hard Minami tried to store the memory in some corner of her mind, it had always escaped from the locked doors of her stored memories. Closing her dairy and keeping it beside her, she looked out of the windows. It was all dark. I guess that it will be a long trip… time to rest a little…I need my strength when I get back…to Germany. Minami nodded off to sleep as soon as her train of thoughts ended. Thus, Minami's first entry in the dairy ended.

In the airport

Akihisa kept his hands in his pockets as he walked on; fiddling with the note that Minami had given him. Yup, Minami had left; Akihisa had kept himself in check and not letting his tears flow out. His heart hurt but he didn't show any sign of it. Behind him were Yuuji, Hideyoshi, Himeji and Shouko. They had also seen Minami off and also read the letter Minami managed to slip into Akihisa's pocket.

"So, tell me. How long are you going to keep walking and ignore the rest of us?" Yuuji caught up with Akihisa. He had to get Akihisa's attention before he drifted off into dreamland while walking.

"Yes, say something." Hideyoshi caught up with them. "If you want to express your feelings, just do it. We are all ears." Hideyoshi sided with Yuuji.

"What can I say?" Akihisa muttered. "What can I say when the girl I liked just slipped her home address and phone number into my pocket without me knowing? In addition to that, embarrassing me even without being with us physically?" Akihisa had his hands inside his pocket, fiddling with the piece of paper.

"You can say how much you hated yourself when you realized it." Shouko, came out beside him. Her ever-so-cold attitude didn't change at all.

"Thanks…That really did help…" Akihisa was even more depressed after hearing the class 'A' representative's words.

"Shouko…You didn't have to say that, don't you?" Yuuji scolded. "I guess this wound may take a long time to heal…"

"Yuuji, what gives you the right to lecture me? You must receive punishment." Shouko had her taser ready.

"No, wait! I'm sorry!" Yuuji held his hands up in defense.

"Brace yourself."

"No! Wait! I love you Shouko!"

"Not working." Zap!

"Oh. Where is Himeji-san?" Akihisa asked Hideyoshi as Shouko tased Yuuji.

"I don't see here around ever since I read Minami's note. Come to think of it, Muttusulini is gone too."

"I'm not sure. They may have decided to head back home first. Don't worry."

At the same time, outside the airport

"You've done well, Himeji-san..." Muttsulini said to the sobbing pink-haired girl. "But are you sure about your decision? How are you going to live now? How are you going to face Akihisa?"

"Like how I always did…"

The very first update of the promised story. I have to admit take it took a long time to type it out as I can't read the feelings of females. The updates will be slow too as I have school and many other obligations to attend to, thus please forgive me! I hope you enjoyed this and please review! Thank you very much!