Hello All!

I know I'm horrible with updating unfinished stories but... I have no excuses.

Anyways, I came up with this idea just a few days ago after 2p!England got into my head. I disliked most 2ptalia things for a while and then this pops up... well actually I made a youtube video with 2p!England first and then this is made.

I think I need a beta for this one so if anyone wants to beta for me that would be great. However they would need to make me keep up on this and help me out with ideas.

To Be You



POV: 1p!England

Numerous questions ran through my mind as I bolted through my house. The once familiar and even comforting setting now alien to me as I slammed into walls and rushed through doors hiding nothing but a dead end. How laughable, how ironic. It didn't matter where I turned or even if the door led into another room, every turn, every twist, every room was a dead end. How did I let this go to this extension? I had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing from the start. I had pushed my instincts away as paranoia. Even after agreeing, there were signs. Those too had been squashed and shoved into the furthest corners of my mind to grow dust. And now…

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star~"

I gulped. That demented song of his was growing louder no matter how much I fled from it. The freak had trapped me inside my own house while I was asleep; going as far as to board up the doors and windows that led to the outside world. To freedom from this terrible nightmare.

"How I wonder where you are~"

Up the stairs to the second floor just in time to escape his sight as he rounded the corner; large kitchen knife in hand. I pressed myself against the wall praying to God that no sound would be made as I slunk away. I fumbled with doorknob after doorknob, finding far too many of them to be locked and even more leading to blind alleyways. Silently, I slipped into my own room locking the door behind me. My wand had to be in here somewhere.

"Up above or down below~"

I tore frantically through my things hearing the song. He couldn't be coming upstairs already! I hadn't any time to look!

"You're just making your death slow~"

The door handle jiggled. I held back a scream of terror opting for a string of muttered swear words instead. I could nearly hear his scolding voice in my head, "You know I don't like those naughty words" the manic would chuckle, the Cheshire Cat grin that carved its way onto his freckled cheeks and glowing turquoise eyes shaded with the light pink he loved dearly, as he spoke.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star~"

I whimpered aloud as the knife collided with the wood. Forget the wand, I needed to hide. With any luck he'd leave before he could find me or I would be able to make a break for the door without getting caught. Rapidly, I opened the closet door and buried myself at the back behind the neat clothes. I listened as the door could take no more of the torture and fell to the ground in pieces. His neat dress shoes patted against the carpet as he walked about the room.

"Soon I'll find out where you are~"

My breath stopped.