Tauria: First, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Second, I've had this idea for a while, and it was supposed to be one of my new stories anyway. I was going to wait until my computer was fixed before I published this, but then I decided to change the way it was going to be set up anyway, so it works xD

Chiro: She's a little excited for this one, though she hasn't let me read anything yet...

Tauria: :P This one - and the other one I'll post sooner or later - will take me a bit to update on, because I have to make sure I don't fall short on my plotline and stuff.

Chiro: She's setting her expectations a bit higher for this one...

Tauria: Except the prologue... Not to worried about it, actually XD But the rest of it... yeah. I'm going to be a bit picky with this one...

Chiro: -shakes head-

Tauria: I don't own SRMT!

Divided We Fall



"Chiro, are you sure about this?" the pink haired robot girl clasped her boyfriend's hands worriedly. "Skeleton King is gone... why do you have to do this?"

"Jinmay, the Hyper Force cannot stay on a planet where we aren't needed," the black haired boy replied, sapphire eyes full of sadness, and pain. "Besides… he might have left, but he's still out there somewhere."

"B-but, I need you..." the girl whispered, clasping his hands tighter.

He stroked her cheek. "I know. I need you too, but Shuggazoom needs you more, just as the Universe needs the Team and me more. One day, we will meet again. One day, you and I will see one another once more, and I won't have to leave. For now... We have a duty we must perform."

Jinmay sighed softly in defeat, placing a little kiss on Chiro's cheek. "Come back to me alive, alright?"

"I promise." he smiled. He kissed her briefly, and let her hands go. He waved farewell to the citizens, and he and the monkey team boarded the Super Robot.

Sea foam green eyes watched as the Robot flew out of sight. She sighed softly. She would miss him… However, she knew that Chiro would return. She knew that he needed to do this, for his own peace of mind. And so, she whispered, "Good luck, Chiro, Monkey Team. I'll see you again... someday."

And she turned and headed back to the city, prepared to defend it for Chiro. This time, she would be more capable. This time she would not let Chiro down. And he wouldn't let her down... he couldn't.

Two Years Later

No one had heard from the Hyper Force since the disappearance of Skeleton King. They had left, to finish the job... and had never returned. Not even Jinmay knew what happened...

Most people feared the worst. There were some, who knew the Hyper Force well, that claimed they were still out there somewhere, waiting for the right time to return. After all, Shuggazoom was pretty well safe now. The Hyper Force was no longer needed as much.

The Hyper Force had never stayed where they weren't needed. They always moved on, protecting the Universe from evil. Shuggazoom no longer needed their protection. Other planets did.

Then there was Jinmay.

She had heard his farewell words, and knew that they could have vanquished Skeleton King long before this. She knew Chiro had not died… No, that much was for certain. That news traveled around the Universe fast. No, something must have happened, to make it where they could not return.

But what?

Few injuries lasted for two years, so she wasn't quite sure that had happened.

They might have crash landed on a third world planet, but Otto was such a gifted mechanic surely he could have had it up by now.

There had been no message, no word. So obviously something was very wrong… Skeleton King or Mandarin might have captured them, but Mandarin attacked the city so often he wouldn't be able to resist gloating to the girl. Skeleton King… they would have received word… Surely someone would tell them if he was still around…

So what could have happened?

Chiro: ...what are you doing now?

Tauria: ...um... You'll see? Anyways, like I said before I'm going to be very picky about these chapters, so it might take a bit to update! But Why Me?; Monkey See, Monkey Do; Losing; and Tales of Tails will be updated whenever. xD

Chiro: -rolls eyes and shakes head- Great...

Tauria: :P Just send us off.

Chiro: Please leave a review!