Well everyone like all good things must come to the end. That is the same with stories. As of this chapter OCEAN DREAMS will end. I want to thank everyone for all their support and I will everyone a HAPPY and SAFE HOLIDAYS.

Chapter 26

Two years had passed since Wally had found out that she was an Atlantean and not just any Atlantean but the long lost daughter of Aquaman and his wife Mera. Wally would have been lying if she would have said that life after that day would have been easy but it wasn't.

Wally's life had changed since day one of finding out that she was an Atlantean Princess. She had changed her views on magic which she was now an expert in due her mother's and her friend's help. She also changed the way she viewed life in general as instead of being hyper and not paying attention, Wally now paid attention and was still a little hyper but only when things weren't serious.

Wally also found the love her life. True she had a crush on him before finding out that she was a member of the same race as him so that made the relationship even more special as Kaldur was not after her because she was the Princess of Atlantis but a fellow teammate and lover.

Wally's relationship with Kaldur did have some road bumps along the way such as Kaldur being the son of Black Manta who was a traitor to Atlantis and Aquaman's greatest enemy. But Wally didn't care about that as Kaldur was nothing like his father as Kaldur proved that when he fought Black Manta to rescue Wally and Aquaman and left Black Manta in the sub the exploded.

Also there was the time just after Wally and Kaldur had been rescued and Kaldur felt that he had not protected Wally to the best of his abilities and felt that he should break up with her. Wally had smacked Kaldur across the face and flat out told him that he did do his best to keep her alive and protect her. That was the day that the relationship had gotten stronger.

Over time Wally and Kaldur had become quite a team in battle. They could sense what each other was going to do before anyone else.

Then came the day that everyone was waiting for. The day when Kaldur would ask Wally to marry him. Kaldur had done a mixture of both Atlantean and Human traditions when he proposed and waited until Wally was 18. He did get down on one knee in front of everyone but instead of a diamond engagement ring, Kaldur had a special ring designed for Wally. The ring was a mixture of white, green, yellow and red with a dolphin holding an emerald. Each color symbolized the colors of their suits and in Wally's case her eyes. The dolphin symbolized togetherness since dolphins were mates for life.

Wally let out a very girlish squeal and knocked her boyfriend over before saying yes that she would marry him.

The wedding which there was to be two since Wally and Kaldur were both Atlanteans and Wally was raised on the human world. So that meant that there was to be a human wedding and an Atlantean wedding where only those very close to the couple would be invited and the Atlantean wedding had to take place somewhere where the humans could watch.

Many months of planning had gone by and much problems. One of the problems involed getting a place to have a human wedding were no one would figure out that Wally West who real name was based of off Walliace Simpson, the woman who made a king give up his throne was marry Aqualad.

Luckily one of the civilians who worked for the Watchtower was as minister for the human Members of the Justice League offered his church for the wedding and argeed to marry Wally and Kal Darahm which was Kaldur's human name.

Finally the day of the Weddings had arrived and Wally who was wearing a dress that was a mixture of light green and white was pacing at normal speed back and forth in her room. The young Speedster/Atlantean Princess was scared to death which her aunt told was normal to be on her wedding night.

Wally knew that she was making the right choice but she was just scared but didn't have time to dwell on it as Uncle Barry who would be walking her down the aisle in this wedding while Aquaman would give her away at the Atlantean wedding which was the next day came in and told her that it was time. Barry was dressed in a red tuxedo while Aunt Iris was dress in a nice peach outfit.

Wally took a breath before she took Barry's elbow and headed out of the room towards that chapel.

Kaldur was waiting for Wally dressed in a dark green tuxedo. He had kept up with the Human traditions of not seeing Wally before the wedding so he was excited to see his soon to be wife dressed in her wedding dress that he had visions of taking off after the final wedding.

The music started causing Kaldur to stand straight as the doors open to reveal Wally on the arms of her Uncle who was slightly glaring at him. Kaldur knew what Barry was saying. The older speedster was saying that he had better take care of his niece and treat her like the princess she was or there was would be hell to pay.

Kaldur got a good look at Wally who was absolutely beautiful in her green and white dress. Her hair was in an elaborate design. Kaldur thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Wally let a smile come to her face that reach her eyes. She really did feel like a princess with everything that is going on.

Kaldur took Wally's hand when she and Barry reached the podium and gave Barry a nod. He would probably know someday what it would be like to give away his daughter.

The minister conduted the wedding and Wally and Kaldur exchanged Vows making them husband and wife in the eyes of the surface world. Now all that was left was the Atlantean wedding and then it would be offical.


Aquaman watched his daughter who was dress in a green mermaid like dress dance with his new son-in-law. It was true that Aquaman did love Kaldur like a son and didn't care that he was the son of Black Manta. Nor did Aquaman care what those old farts on the council care what they said about tainting the Royal bloodline with the blood of a traitor. Apparently neither did his daughter who told the council where to put it and that she was going to marry Kaldur with or with out their permission.

Aquaman realized that it was time for a new council and disbanded the previous one but keep a few of the old members that could come into a new era. Garth and Tula were put on it since they were part of Shi'yana's age group. La'gaan would join later when he was older.

Aquaman would dwell on that later as for the moment he was enjoying seeing his daughter enjoy her life as a married woman.

Hours later the two newlyweds who had disappeared halfway though the party were half asleep from their extra-curricular activities laid next to each other holding each other close.

"I love you Wally." Kaldur told his new wife as he placed a kiss on her head and pulled her close.

"I love you too Kaldur." Wally replied as she snuggled closer to Kaldur.


Two years had passed since Wally had gotten married and they enjoyed every bit of being married but they knew that they wanted a child very much. So after a year of trying Wally found out that she was pregnant.

Which led to the delivery room where Kaldur had been thrown up against a wall when Wally had a contraction after her water had broken.

Mera and Iris were in the WatchTower delivery room helping their daughter and niece go through the labor.

Several hours later a new life had come into the world. A little girl with blond hair and shocking green eyes.

"What are you going to name her?" Nightwing asked as he watch his friend enjoy time with their new daughter who was sleeping soundly in Batman's arms which shocked everyone.

Kaldur and Wally looked at each before nodding and replied at that same time that name of the baby.

"Iris Maya West-Darahm."

Iris Allen felt tears come to her eyes at the honor she was given.

"A perfect name for a perfect child." Aquaman smiled as he looked over at his grandchild.

Wally and Kaldur smiled at each other as they watched everyone fuse over their new daughter. It was then that they both felt complete in life.

Well everyone this is the end. Not the ending I was looking for but my computer crashed on me and I lost everything including the chapter that I had written so I had to rake my brain and remember what I wrote. Which is most of this.

Thanks to everyone that helped me with this story. MALAIZJAN DEJESUS gets a major thank you for all her help with this story.

As of this moment there will NOT be another story for this one.