Chapter 1: Back From the Dead

A/N: Hello~ I'm back! Here's my promised sequel! I hope you like it! Post-DMC, Pre-AWE! Enjoy!

It had been a year since Hector died but Melinda still felt the loss as a bitter sting in her heart. She truly loved her husband, despite the age difference, and she missed him like crazy. He told her he loved her before he died and it pained her that he was gone. Since she had nowhere else to live, she lived in Cuba with a witch doctor by the name of Tia Dalma. The woman welcomed her with open arms and let her live there as long as she wanted.

"Melinda," said Tia Dalma in her Cuban accent as she approached the woman standing on the deck of the shack they lived in. "I need to speak to you."

"What is it, Tia Dalma?" she asked dully, turning to the woman.

"Jack Sparrow is dead," replied the voodoo lady, surprising Melinda. "The Kraken killed him and brought down him precious Pearl too."

"What does that have to do with me?" asked Melinda, interest creeping into her voice.

Tia Dalma smiled mischievously and replied, "His crew is going to come here…and be in for a surprise."

Melinda cocked her head as she gazed out across the pond and saw some boats approaching the shack. No doubt, it was Jack Sparrow's crew.

Later, Jack Sparrow's crew, which consisted of Gibbs, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Pintel, Ragetti, and Cotton, sat in Tia Dalma's shack with Melinda, mourning the loss of their captain and ship. Melinda didn't know what to say because she never liked Jack Sparrow but it was strange that he was gone.

Tia Dalma came out carrying a tray of drinks and she approached Elizabeth, who was crying.

"Against de cold," said Tia Dalma softly, "and de sorrow…"

Elizabeth took the drink and took a sip out of it but said nothing to the voodoo priestess because her tears started overflowing again. In spite of herself, Melinda wrapped an arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and let her rest her head against her chest.

"It's a shame," said Tia Dalma, walking over to Will. "I know you're thinking that with the Pearl you could have captured the devil and set free your father's soul."

"Doesn't matter now," replied Will sorrowfully. "The Black Pearl is gone, along with its captain."

"Aye," said Gibbs softly, coming inside to talk. "And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right till the end, but guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow." He held out his mug to salute to the dead captain.

"Never knew another like Captain Jack," said Ragetti, crying.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was," remarked Pintel, bottom lip trembling.

"He was a good man," said Elizabeth, tears flowing into Melinda's shirt.

The woman gave Elizabeth a compassionate look but said nothing about Jack Sparrow. He murdered her husband so she couldn't forgive him but it was still a shame that he was dead.

"If there was anything that could be done to bring him back," said Will, turning to the women. "Elizabeth…"

"Would you do it?" asked Tia Dalma quickly. "What would you…What would any of you be willing to do, hmm? Would you sail to the ends of the Earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?"

There was silence but then Gibbs looked around and replied, "Aye."

"Aye," replied Pintel.

"Aye," echoed Ragetti.

"Rah!" said Cotton's parrot. "Aye!"

Tia Dalma then looked to Elizabeth and Melinda, who both nodded and said, "Yes."

Will nodded too and replied, "Aye," softly.

"All right," said Tia Dalma, satisfied. "But if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end…then you need a captain who knows those waters."

After she said that, the sound of footsteps caused everyone to look up and Will, Elizabeth, and Melinda walked over to the stairs to see who it was. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw to their surprise Hector Barbossa, looking as alive as ever. Melinda's jaw dropped and tears welled up in her eyes when she saw him. A smile graced Hector's face when he saw everyone.

"So tell me," he said humorously, "what's become of my ship?"

He held a green apple in his hand and took a bite out it, chuckling with a grin on his face. Jack the monkey jumped up onto his shoulder and screeched as he looked to the crew.

Melinda felt the relief and grief empty from her replaced with anger. She stomped up to Hector and slapped him across the face, angry tears spilling from her eyes. Her lips trembled as she glared at her husband whom she thought was dead. Hector recovered from the slap and he looked at his wife in shock.

"Melinda," he said, smiling at her, "what ails ye, lass? Are ye mad at me?"

"You—you," sputtered Melinda as she couldn't form any coherent words. "I don't…"

Before Melinda could strike him again, he caught her up into a hug and held her to his chest. All the anger Melinda felt melted away and she let herself be held by her husband. The scent of the ocean came off his chest and it intoxicated Melinda. Dare she admit but she felt so…aroused right now. She hadn't had sex since her husband died but now that spark was reawakened when she got hugged by him.

Tia Dalma seemed to sense their need to be alone so she smiled and began to speak. "Time for bed. Melinda, you and Hecta can sleep in the room upstairs. The rest of you are going to sleep down here."

"Why?" asked Elizabeth, unaware to the sexual tension in the room.

"Reasons," replied Tia Dalma, smirking. "Off ta bed, all of ya." She shooed them into their rooms so they could rest up for the upcoming journey.

Hector and Melinda laid down in the bed together, peeling off their clothing one by one. Their lips met in an explosive, passionate kiss and they got closely intertwined together in an embrace. A slight moan came from Melinda's open mouth as Hector trailed hot open-mouthed kisses down her jaw.

"Hector, please," she moaned, "take me…"

He smirked, wiggling himself out of his pants. "All right, lass," he said.

Melinda closed her eyes and smiled as she enjoyed feeling his lips on her skin.

A/N: Next, is the lemon chapter! It won't be too explicit but it'll make me blush anyway! Please R&R!