OMIGERD! Guess wat guise? I got my laptop back :3 Now I can update a bit more frequently x3

I just want to know, is Tony a bit OOC? I just want to know, I just hate OOC unless it's a crack fic. And this is not crack :p

Now, whose ready for some feels? :D

Hulk and Brucie feels all the way! (Told you it was a bit longer)

"You're skinny. Seriously, you need food, Brucie." Banner scoffed, swiping his failed data to the side from his holo-screen.

"I have heard many stories where you would forget to eat and/or sleep while on an experiment," Bruce quipped, trying figure out the relationship between Loki's staff and the Tesseract. Now if Tony would just shut up...

It was Tony's turn to scoff.

"As I do recall, you are a child. And children need nutrition. I suggest something green. It will make you big and strong. Or, at least that's what Pepper tells me." Bruce couldn't exactly help it- he laughed. Though it did seem to have a manic edge in it. He already had something green inside him that made him huge and strong. Tony seemed to ignore his laughter, instead just shook his head muttering about scotch and how he was sounding like Pepper. After the laughter died down, a silence fell. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it did cause Tony to shift his feet and clear his throat.

"So...don't mean to be rude or anything, but, uh, could you be more talkative? As much as I love to hear my own voice, one sided conversations get boring." Bruce raised an eyebrow at Tony's words.

"Talkative? Why would you want to talk with me? And what about? I'm not exactly interestin-"

"Brucie! What's wrong with you?" Stark looked genuinely irritated, confusing Bruce even further.

"Uh, wai- what?"

"Oh, don't what me, Brucie. You've been bagging on yourself the whole time you've been in this lab. For Christ's sake, even in the conference room. Yeah, I heard when you called yourself a 'freak'. Not cool, Brucie." To say Bruce was shocked was an understatement. The feeling in his stomach that the Hulk gave him spread to his chest, making him feel uncertain. He narrowed his eyes dangerously, trying to push the feeling away. He had that feeling once before. The person who gave it to him wanted his head.

"And why the hell do you care," He spat. Tony started, staring down at the fragile black haired boy with utter shock.

"Woah, woah. Don't freak out on me Mr. Multiple Personality," Stark tried to amend, raising his hands up in mock defense. "I'm just saying, your really hard on yourself. Besides, prodigies gotta stick together, right?" he winked. Bruce's cold look diminished slightly. Tony sighed.

'God, and I thought I was a fucked up kid.'

"Whatever," Bruce mumbled, returning to the work at hand. Making friends (it's not like they were going to stay friends. Tony would leave and Bruce would stay in the helicarrier, or wherever he is if he runs away.) was not in the job description. All he needed to do was produce weapons, design new tech, find the Tesseract, and a cure. Who cares if the Hulk was nice. He never came out to be nice, only to destroy.


"Don't call me that!" He hissed. Bruce was shaking with anger. He felt the creature just below his skin, and he hates it. He wanted him gone. He wanted everyone gone!

'Hulk help Banner's wish...'

'No! Control...control...I don't need his help.'

"Just leave me alone, Stark." he muttered venomously, regaining slight composure, concentrating on his heart beat monitor. He refused to look at the CEO, knowing full well that anger would sweep him. Maybe even guilt.

"Jesus, Brucie, what the hell is wrong with you?"

'Again, he insists on that aggravating nickname.' What angered Bruce more was the fact he didn't mind as much anymore.

Suddenly there was a warm hand on his shoulder. He froze, trying with all his might not to scream. Trying so hard not to run, hide in a corner and pray for it not to be his father. He willed himself to believe that his father was gone, he was in a mental institution, and that this was not his hand. So he lifted his head and meet the man in the eyes.

He was terrified at the unsettling resemblance; from the graying sideburns to the facial hair.

"Don't touch me!" He screeched, falling on his still sore bottom. With trembling hands he scooted himself away, pressing his body against the wall. He screwed his eyes shut, wanting only for him to disappear with his surroundings, so he wouldn't see him anymore. For this to be a nightmare from a lost piece of memory.


"Stop! Don't come near me, p-please!" Banner sobbed. He heard footsteps. And they were coming closer. Oh God, they were coming closer! "P-please! I-I'm sorry!"

"I didn't do anything! It's me, Tony Stark. That pretty cool guy who beats up villains, not kids." Still shaking, he hesitantly raised his tear streaked face.

"Y-you''re...not him," Bruce shakily said.

"Who?" Tony asked softly , kneeling to Bruce's eye level.

"You're not him..." Tears of relief pricked his puffy red eyes.

"Not who?" Tony urged. Bruce's eyes snapped up to his, lips trembling as a small ghost of a smile washed over his features. He launched himself onto Tony, shaking violently as a strange deranged laugh escaped him.

"You're not him," he whispered.

Tony was slightly uncomfortable, but refrained from saying anything. The S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist holding onto him like a life-line just had a panic attack. At the age of 10.

He really needed a drink...

When Bruce pushed himself off of Tony, he didn't apologize. He just gave a weak nod, covering his sickly pale face into his hands and sighed. Tony said nothing. He got up and began fiddling with his work awkawardly, knowing full well that touching him would be a trigger. A trigger to what exactly?

Dozens of possibilities flooded his mind as he decided to abandon his work all together. He knew little to nothing about S.H.E.I.L.D. and even less about his little science buddy. Casting a quick glance in Bruce's general direction, he hummed at the sight of the child's hand in his knees, snoring softly.

'Now, let's see what my little bug has dug up.'

You may have deceived your mother, but I know what you truly are!

Hey look! That's Bruce from our class. What a loner. Ha, always by himself.

What were you thinking young man? A bomb? In school! You should be in jail!

You- how did you...? That puzzle... Your only two! You little freak!

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Ross, but please call me Betty.

You ruined everything! You cost me a star! Damn you Banner!

You're going to burn in the tars of Hell!

Bruce, RUN!

He blinked his tired eyes, wiping cold sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, and assessed his situation. It was black again, like how it was when he talked to the Hulk. His stomach clenched as he thought about him. He didn't need him. He messed with him. He could have stayed with Betty and General Ross.

'No.' A deep voice rumbled.

He raised his head and gazed around the dark void with half-lidded eyes. The voice echoed through the void, causing ripples in the blackness. Bruce was entranced by the small ripples, making his own as he touched the floor beneath him.

"Yes," he breathed. A low growl vibrated through, causing more ripples "You're a monster..."

'Hulk Banner,' It hissed. Bruce shook his head, moving his finger through the blackness as if it were pond water. He blinked tiredly, watching as faces of people he knew flicker across ripple upon ripple.

"Then I'm a monster too." A violent roar shook the void, startling Bruce from his stupor. He snapped his neck up, whimpering as the ripples started to grow. Voices escaped from them, berating him and threatening him.

'We should have aborted you' One ripple hissed. 'Your mother's dead, and it's all your fault!'

He shook his head. No, not his. He didn't do anything. His father killed her!

'Bruce, you shouldn't have done that experiment,' Another cooed with a slight cold edge in its voice. 'Now my father wants to kill you. You should have just listened.'

He covered his head in his hands, shaking his head. No, he did it for her. He did it for good. He did it for-

'Banner, you ruined me and my poor daughter. You're a freak that I should have let rot in jail when you were a kid. It's all your fault,' A rasspier voice spat from another ripple.

No, no. This isn't- it can't be happening. This is all the Hulk's fault. He made them come back, he's making them attack him.

'Hulk do nothing,' he growled softly. 'Banner cause people to talk. Hulk do nothing.'

"Go away," Bruce whispered, pulling his head deeper between his knees. "Just leave me alone."


'Banner no need Hulk?' He asked quietly. Bruce tried his hardest not to compare him to a lost child.

"No!" he hissed. "I don't need you! You ruin everything!" he yelled, causing an echo. Causing more ripples. More talking. More memories.

'Hulk...Hulk go then.'

"Good," Bruce muttered to himself. He didn't need him. He was a monster children fear. The one that causes them to cry for their parents so they could check for in their closets or under their beds.

"You are not a monster, little one." He gazed up at the new voice, one that was familiar, but shrouded from his memory. A figure stood there in the center of the void, walking forward with a hand out, his whole body emitting a warm green glow.


"I am a friend," He said simply, waving his hand, causing the ripples to disappear. The voices were gone. The torture was gone. A friend in its place.

"A...friend?" He questioned cautiously.

"Oh, please, don't be afraid. I am merely a friend. One who wishes to help you." he leaned closer, sitting next to Bruce, head tilted to the side. Bruce could not see a face, but hoped he was smiling. His mother smiled like that, head tilted, ruby red lips spread wide.

"You made them go away..."

"They were hurting you."

"You didn't hurt them?"

"Oh no, you wouldn't like that, right, Bruce." He shivered as the man let out a small chuckle. "No, I wouldn't want to hurt you too."

"How- who are you mister?" The man twirled his fingers making a green bird pop into view, flying away with soft chirps.

"A magical friend," Was the answer.

"No," Bruce chided, a small smile on his lips. "What do I call you?" the man chuckled again, letting loose another green animal from his emerald colored fingers.

"Call me Fox." Bruce knitted his eyebrows.

"Okay..." He sounded nervous, looking around the void hesitantly.

"What is it, little one?" Bruce shrugged, biting his lower lips softly. He cast his eyes downward, his voice little more than a whisper:

"Will they come back?"

Fox shook his head. He pulled the boy into a hug, scaring Bruce. He shushed him, massaging soothing circles into his back.

"It is alright, little one. They shall hurt you no longer." Bruce let out a sigh of relief, hugging the man back with all his might. This is what he wanted. For someone to make all the bad things go away. He wanted someone to check his closet an under his bed.

'Fox' smirked, suppressing his chuckle as the boy- no, the monstrous beast, molded like putty in his glowing green hands.

Hulk stepped over many of Bruce's memories, walking down the lonely void with a unfamiliar feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't like the feeling. It made Hulk not feel like Hulk. It made him feel sad. With an angry snort he slammed his massive fist into a wall filled with pictures of people from Banner's past. Hulk shouldn't feel sad, nor should he feel guilty for leaving that puny human.

"Banner want Hulk to leave him alone? Fine. Hulk leave puny Banner alone," he hissed, leaving another gaping whole in the wall. A picture of his mother fell and shattered on the floor. Hulk grunted at the picture, gingerly picking it up and unconsciously caressing the woman's face with his thumb.

Was this his mom? It is puny Banner's mom, but is it his? Technically, Banner created him, but could this also be his mother. He is still Banner.

He shook his head, throwing the picture across the void. It doesn't matter. He doesn't care. He's just Hulk, and apparently Hulk isn't wanted. So he stomped away, trying to escape Banner's mind, or at least hide in it so he could not find him.

'Least puny Banner had friends,' Hulk thought suddenly. He tilted his head as he smacked a cobweb away a strange cave he found. 'Was Betty Hulk's friend too?' He decided he didn't want to know. Better safe than sorry.

He plopped down on the hard cave floor, leaning against the cool black walls. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. Cool air filtered his lungs, making him shiver involuntarily.

He glanced around the cave, hoping for something to occupy his mind. He was afraid it would drift back to that puny human, and he didn't want to make a fit and destroy his new cave. Nothing really his attention, the only thing in side the cave was darkness.

Then he saw a gleam of light.

Curiosity got the better of Hulk as he picked himself up, walking over to the light. As he edged closer, the light seemed to magnify, nearly blinding the green giant. He growled lowly, covering his eyes as he flailed his other unoccupied arm in front of him in a vain attempt to knock the light away.

The bright burning rays of light eventually passed, revealing an empty chest. He placed a calloused green hand on the chestnut wood, his massive digit followed every slim detail carved. It seemed familiar to him. But, he was sure he has never seen this box in his life. With the same hand placed on the chest, he heaved the lid up with little difficulty.

Inside was a VHS tape with the label: Bruce is not alone.

Hulk blink owlishly at the tape, unsure if he should touch it, or close the chest. While a low growl he decided to just slam the lid, causing the wood to rattle and groan in protest. With a snort, he sat down next to the wooden chest, gazing out of the cave.

No matter where he was he was always reminded of the puny human. He sent another glance to the box and it's strange designs, heaving a tired sigh.

'Maybe Hulk see tomorrow. If Hulk feel like it...'

So, any guesses on Fox? :D Or what's in the VHS tape? Hmmmm, do I smell a plot? not just making Bruce miserable? Dun Dun Dun!

The voices were his father, Betty, General Ross, random Kid from school, school principal.

Also: Dem Feels. Dem feels everywhere T^T

P.S. Tony doesn't look like Bruce's dad, but there is a weird resemblance in the mustache, and how Tony was graying in the comics. Besides, Bruce was panicking, only picking up familiar sights and just blew off Tony all together.

Reviews make me happy :D Just Saiyan (-DBZ Pun.)