Hey all! So this is my first attempt at Twilight fanfiction. I am a big Bella/Paul shipper... and I have a certain weakness for baby bella stories and wolf bella stories. So I decided to combine them all!
Some things are going to be slightly different (small things like the color of her eyes) but the big thing is that Charlie is Billy's younger brother... so he is Charlie Black. Billy and Charlie were both wolves at a younger age. He imprinted on Renee who was a half human half vampire, except she could still have kids... cue Bella.
I will provide the other history as the story goes.
Let me know what you think and if I should continue!
Oh yeah, I don't own anything!
Ugh. I hate patrolling with the new wolves. I can't believe I got stuck with this shift! Just because I don't have an imprint to run home to, like the others, doesn't mean I don't have things to do. Man this sucks.
Jeez Paul. Tell me how you really feel. Don't hold back. -Collin
I rolled my eyes at that thought. Forgot they were there. Gotta love the pack mind...not.
Whatever bro. Get over and the other imprinted wolves get let off the hook for too much, it isn't fair to the rest of us. -Paul
Maybe, but they have the girls to take care of and worry about. We can cover them now and they can take over later. We're brothers, it'll all even out in the end. -Brady
How can you be so damn positive and accepting? They basically ripped you out of bed because Claire, Emily, and Kim got freaked out over something stupid. Instead of being adults and solving their own problems, they called in their wolves and we got stuck patrolling instead of catching up on sleep! You guys even have school tomorrow! I call bullshit. -Paul
Seriously, it's ridiculous. One of those girls had a bad dream and shared it with the other two and it freaked them out. They all got scared and called in their imprints because they were being babies. Not that I usually care, but then the twins, Jacob, and I got called in to cover patrolling so the others could go calm down their imprints... Totally not fair.
HEY! LANGUAGE PAUL! Watch it around the new ones, jeez. -Jacob
Jake, you need to go get your man-card back from Leah. The twins are sixteen...I'm sure they have heard swear words before. -Paul
Just focus on your patrolling and quit complaining. -Jacob
Whatever, Baby Alpha. -Paul
I hate imprinting. I hope it never happens to me. It was supposed to be rare, but so far half of the pack has imprinted, so it seems inevitable. But, seeing as I'm the oldest, next to Sam, maybe it won't. One can only hope, right?
Oh, shit. Guys, I smell a leech! -Jacob
Whatever happened to watching your language around the twins?-Paul
Shut up and get over here, it smells like more than one.-Jacob
I ran my way to where Jacob was following the scent of the leech, Brady and Collin meeting us as well. We followed it through the woods. Ugh, it was getting stronger and burning my nose even more.
Whoa, what's that? -Brady
What's what? -Collin
That smell... -Brady
That would be a leech. I thought you knew this already? -Paul
Not that smell, of course I know it's a leech. I mean that other one, it smells... flowery. Kinda like us but mixed with something flowery or fruity. -Brady
I stopped making fun of him and sniffed the air. He was right. Besides the torturous smell of the leech, I smelled something woodsy mixed with something sweet. Not human, but definitely not a leech. It made my wolf happy and excited at the same time. What the hell, wolf?
Let's spread out a bit, see if we can close in on the leeches and whatever they have with them. -Jacob
We kept following the trail, only now in a sort of wide semicircle. Hopefully we are able to surround those leeches. Suddenly, I heard a bunch of crashes and thumps in the distance. We sped up hoping to discover what was going on before anything bad happpened. As we got closer, I heard a small lupine whine.
What was that? It sounded like a baby wolf... but that's not possible. I didn't know kids that young could phase. -Paul
We're almost there, maybe it is just another girl like Leah and just sounds like a baby, let's just get... oh crap. Do you guys smell blood?-Jacob
That thought had us pushing faster simultaneously. We finally reached a clearing and saw a gropu of three vampires surrounding something on the ground. There were two men, one a dirty blonde who was wearing nothing but leather pants and a feral grin and a darker toned one with dreadlocks, and a woman with firey orange hair who was scowling at whatever they had in between them.
"Okay James, you have had your fun, let's just take the kid and go" Dreadlocks said to the other male. He was soon slapped by the female.
"Now, now, Laurent. Let's not be too mother was just the warmup, I still think there is a little fun to be had with the little runt before we head out. What do you think, Victoria?" The blonde, who appeared to be the leader of their group, turned to Victoria who broke out in a wide grin.
"That sounds like a fantastic idea, now that the mother is dead, little baby here is all weak and defenseless. I wouldn't feel right leaving her here all alone." She said with a fake pout. She bent down to pick something up it was pure white and we could see bloody streaks through its fur.
Time to break up the party guys. Let's go. -Jacob
On that note, we all charged out from our places in the trees, we had them surrounded so it shouldn't have taken long. Collin and Brady jumped on the blonde, while I took the girl, and Jacob handled Dreadlocks. Man the leech was fast, everytime I thought I had her, she would escape my grasp. I felt Collin and Brady shift out and two seconds later heard them call for a lighter. I let my gaze shift for two seconds over to the twins before turning back to the female leech. That was enough... she threw me back into a tree before escaping into the woods.
Damn. I almost had her, I thought before getting up and turning back to the others. Collin and Brady were lighting up the blonde leech and Jacob had managed to tear off one of Dreadlocks' arms before he got away. Man, we were 1 for 3. Jacob sent me a look before howling out to call the rest of the pack to us.
I turned my attention back to what the leeches were doing. There was a wolf laying in the middle of the clearing. From its smaller size, I assumed it to be a female. She wasn't moving. There were deep bloody gashes marring its light gray fur and there was no heartbeat that I could make out. Damn, we lost a wolf! It may not have been a part of our pack, but it was still a wolf.
I was sniffing around the female wolf trying to place a scent when I found the little white fluffball that Victoria had picked up earlier. It was a cub! It was whimpering and nuzzling into its mom's neck and pawing at her snout, apparently trying to wake her up. That pulled at even my heart, the poor thing.
Aww, Pauly's gone soft. -Collin
Shut up Collin, or I'll pound you into next week. -Paul
That shut him up. Haha I thought. I turned my attention back to the cub. I still can't believe that a child this young is able to phase. On that thought, I felt the shift as the rest of the pack phased.
Man I was sleeping, guys! -Embry
What's going on? -Sam
Yo guys what's up? -Quil
I was having some quality imprint time, what is so important? -Jared
It is the middle of the night guys,you couldn't take care of this yourselves? -Leah
Since I was still focused on baby wolf, Jacob and the twins replayed what happened for the others. I ignored the growling and the other questions and tried to get the attention of baby wolf.
I couldn't growl, cause that would just scare the poor kid. Hmm... I guess I could poke it. I leaned my head down and pushed my nose softly into the baby. It turned around and as I looked into its beautiful crystal blue eyes, everything else fell away. All the ties connecting me to my mom, my pack, anything, fell away and the only thing holding me to this earth was the adorable little baby wolf in front of me. I felt the strong urge to protect her, I didn't feel anything remotely close to claiming like I knew the other imprinted wolves did, but maybe that's because my imprint is still a child. I took in the scared expression and whimpering the baby was doing. And I whined and lowered myself to the ground and placed my head on my paws so she would know I wouldn't hurt her.
What the hell, Paul? Did you really imprint on a baby wolf? -Jared and the others started snickering.
Whatever happenened to, Paul Lahote, chick magnet, will never imprint? -Quil
I growled at their thoughts, which unfortunately, my baby wolf took as a threat and backed up into her mom, curling into a little ball. No! I scared my imprint! I scooted a little closer and whined again, getting her attention.
That's it Paul, just get her to trust you and we can take her back to the Res and figure all this out. Embry, Seth, and Jacob, you can stay, Jared go take over patrol with the twins, and the rest, go back to what you were doing before. -Sam
I felt their minds shift out and I ignored the other conversations going on while I focused on my baby wolf.
She had peeked her head out from her paws and uncurled from her ball a bit. Once she saw that I was not going to hurt her, she stood up and started sniffing around. She turned and saw the other four wolves and crouched down a bit again. I picked my head up and turned towards them and growled a soft warning.
Fine, we will be waiting just past the tree line since the baby wolf seems scared. Let us know if you need us. -Sam
With that, I felt them phase out and turned back to baby wolf. I really needed to stop calling her that, but I didn't know her name yet unfortunately. Baby noticed the others leaving and got back up again. She took slow hesitant steps towards me, still sniffing around. As she got closer, I ducked my head again and wagged my tail to let her know it was okay.
Yeah, okay, so I was acting a bit like a dog, but whatever. If it got my baby imprint to trust me then I was all for it.
She got close to my nose and started sniffing my snout and face, before pushing her nose into mine and staring in my eyes. It was adorable. I gave her a small wolfy grin and pushed her back a little, trying to play with her. She kinda... half barked half laughed at me and jumped forward pawing at my nose again. I chuckled and nosed her back softly again. Since she was partly standing on my snout, she did a little roll and looked back at me and huffed.
She got back up and came over to me again. This time she started sniffing me. I picked my head up so I could look down at what she was doing. She sat in between my front legs and pressed herself into my chest and closed her eyes. She did this weird burrowing thing with her head. I looked up towards the tree line at my brothers and motioned for them to come back. They had changed into human form so they jogged over to us. Baby wolf noticed and turned towards them growling and whimpering at the same time. Awww, she was protecting me. So cute.
Damn I really need to stop being a girl.
I rubbed my face on hers and slowly stood up. She looked up at me, then back at the guys, then she walked under me to in between my front legs and then looked back up at me. I wanted to phase back, but I couldn't do it in front of her and risk scarring her for life, so I nudged her forward to the guys to let her know it was okay. She took a couple steps then looked back at me, so I nudged her again. She finally got to the guys, who had knelt down to let her smell them. Apparently, she approved because she was running around them and rubbing against their legs. They distracted her by petting and scratching behind her ears, so I took off into the trees to phase and pull on my shorts and shirt.
I ran back out and joined the guys. Baby wolf turned and saw me and ran back over to me. She smelled me a little bit and then looked back in my eyes and tilted her head to the side like she was confused. After a minute, she crouched down closed her eyes and then I saw her phase back to a human girl. She was hugging her knees to her chest and looking up at me with a scared smile on her face. She looked so tiny. I realized she didn't have any clothes, so I pulled off my tee and pulled it over her head. She poked her little arms through and stood up smiling at me.
My imprint was beautiful. She had bright expressive blue eyes, that lit up her porcelain face. Although slightly smudge with bits of dirt and dried blood, she was still pretty. She had dark mahogany hair that formed slight curls to the middle of her back.
"Paul, we should head back" Sam's deep voice cut into my thoughts. I knelt down in front of my imprint and asked,
"Hello, little one. I'm Paul. What's your name?"
She reached forward and touched my cheek and said in her little musical voice "Bella"
Soooo? Review and let me know what you think! I know mostly where it is going to go, but if anyone wants to voice an idea or something, have at it!