September 6

Today was the first day of third grade. I wore a light pink skirt, a white shirt, a gray sweater, and these silver shoes called ballet flats. I wore them because I want to be a professional ballerina when I grow up.

We had this assignment where we had to write our favorite foods. Mine went like this:

Cupcakes, chocolate kisses, grilled cheese, salad, and grapes.

So there's this girl named Alice in Mrs. A's class with me. She said she liked my sweater. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She also said she had a twin brother, Alex. She showed me a picture. She said they were going to move away in fourth grade though. It's too bad, Alex was cute.

Mrs. A gave me a time out for talking during math, which made me angry, because math is one of my best subjects. I shouldn't have to pay so much attention. I mean, I can already multiply 6 x 8. It's 48.

Missy is my best friend right now. Today she had pigtails in her hair. She has bangs, though, which make her look like a first grader. I didn't tell her that. She said she liked my skirt, and I know she's jealous of my outfit, because she just wore jeans and sneakers and a purple top with a blue butterfly.

Mrs. A said she would teach us a quote every day. Here is the one from today:

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. ~Dr. Seuss.



P.S. Hey, that rhymes. Bye, Skye. Bye, Skye! I love rhymes.