Hey guys! Sorry it took me sooo long to post another Chapter.I've had this chapter ready for a long time never got to post it up. And i got myself caught up in reading Gabriel's Inferno, and the sequel Gabriel's Rapture. Then on two other books Called Bared To You, and Reflected in You.. BTW they are fantastic reads... warning though.. their Erotica Book... Anyways enough of that here it is.. Hope you guys like it!
Thanks for all your comments and support! ENJOY

Chapter Three:

My eyes widen with surprise and shock. My boss is kissing me holy cow. As he presses his moist lips against mine, I relax into the kiss, and begin to kiss him back. I feel his arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I am lost in his embrace as I slide my hands over his lean shoulders, and run my hands through his hair, wanting the kiss to deepen and continue. Before I have any time to register he has broken the kiss. And I am without his touch. I don't say anything, I am unsure of what to say. He looks down at me and I up at him. We don't say anything. With fluid motion he walks back to his desk, and sits down.

" That was a mistake." he says aloud. Not sure if that was more to himself or me. I look at him questioningly. " Was it?" I ask him, he shakes his head, and again he looks right into my eyes. " You are my personal assistant, this is your first day, and we have already broken a lot of rules. Hell if I am being honest, when I took you home, and butted in between you and that guy friend of yours, I was in the wrong. And had broken many rules then." I can't believe this man, he kisses me, and then says its the wrong thing to do. It didn't feel wrong at the time, it felt damned right. Yet I know what he is saying is correct. I am his personal assistant, and we can't have any sort of relationship in the office, other then strictly professional.

Sesshomaru is now looking straight in front of him, almost ignoring me completely. I sit down in the other chair, and look straight to him. I am usually a shy girl, and I find that I won't say to much. But this this single kiss has gotten me all fired up, and I feel at this moment I need to be the bold one.

" Your right it was a mistake, and believe me Sesshomaru, this won't happen again. " he nods in agreement, and then looks directly in my eyes.

" Kagome you don't understand. I desire your body. I find you absaloutly fascinating, and from the day you came into my office for that interview, I have wanted to kiss you. But this is my empire, and I know if I have any sort of relations with you, especially now your my personal assistant, I won't concentrate on work, or will. Have any of the respect from the other COE 's from other company's." I'm in shock, he has desired me. What the hell do I say to that? Again I am at lost for words, and I nod my head numbly.

" Kagome , this must not happen, and will not happen again." I stand up, and bow for his respect." yes Mr Taisho, I understand completely." and with that I walk out the door to my office.

Grabbing my keys, my black jacket, and bag I head for the elevator, and make my way home. I'm almost sad, and then I realize to myself that I am being ridiculous. He is after all my boss.

I get home and Kikyou is already home, and started making dinner. "Kagome how was it ? How was your first day?" I place my keys on my bedside table, and walk to the kitchen, and sigh. " It was a good day, and I learned a lot. I think I am going to like it their." Kikyou smiled, she stirred the pasta, and grabbed a bag of mushrooms. " Was it weird working with Sesshomaru?"

she asked, and I hand her the peppers. " No it was fine; however I don't know about it now." I sigh, and Kikyou stops and looks at me.

" What do you mean?" I look at her and begin to laugh. "He kissed me today." Kikyou dropped what she was holding and her eyes begin to bulge out of her head. " Are you kidding me?" I shake my head, and let a laugh out again.

" No it was a complete mistake, and it won't be happening again. But gosh Kikyou it was sooo good." I lean against the counter, and Kikyou continues cooking.

" Wow Kagome, that's just so weird, I don't know what to say. Well let's hope you guys can work together." I nod in agreement.

Kikyou had made Bolognese, and we ate talking about the new guy she had just met. And how work had gone for her. We both turn in early as both of us had work the next day.

That night I had a dream. Sesshomaru was holding me, kissing me. His hand roaming over my body, i ,move towards him trying to get as close to him as I could. He deepens the kiss and pushes me down on the grass, I smile as I begin to unbutton his shirt, his eyes smoldering me. Ad then I wake up. How could I work with him tomorrow after this dream. Sighing I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I slow my heartbeat, and then head back to my bed. This is gng to be a long week.

Work had been hectic, Sesshomaru had barely said anything to her and was moody as hell. He had about 2 meetings a day, Andy twice as much paper work. Sighing to herself she placed the last few files into the filing cabinet.

" Kagome could. See you in my office when your done." and with that he walked away.

I walked into his office he was on the phone. All I could hear out of his conversation was yes and no's

I sit down in the chair, and abruptly hangs the phone up. Hr looks at me and doesn't as much just clears his throat.

" I need to apologize to you, I realize that I have been rather rude this week." I nod in agreement but don't say anything.

" Their is a banquet tomorrow evening, and my date fell through. So I was wondering if you would accompany me?" I look at home, and think for a. Moment, did I have any major plans. I realize that I am boring and don't have any plans.

"I don't believe I have anything to do tomorrow night, I could accompany you." he smiles that devilish smile. The kind that says I'm up to something.

" Good, it's formal, so please wear something presentable. I'll pick you up at seven." I nod and he gets up, and takes my hand. Pulling it towards his lios he stop before it hits contact.

" your very beautiful Kagome." he kisses my hand, and my breath hitches in my throat

"Thankyou, if that's all, I should head home, have to go see my little brother." he smiles and nods, and I get up and head out.

I swing by my brother school, I had promised him that I would pick him up, and spend some time with him. I wait outside, and he notices my car, and comes bounding up towards me.

" Kagome! " I smiles at him, and grab bag, and out it in the back seat. I give my little brother a hug, and we drive off to his favorite restaurant.

" So little brother, tell me how you doing?" he smiles at me the cute big bright smile, and looks right at me.

" I'm great Kagome, the girl koyuki said she would be my girlfriend!" his eyes began to gleam, I smiled at me as ipulled into Ti-Chi sushi restaurant.

" That's wonderful news Sota. Ready to go eat?" he smiles at me again. We enter the restaurant, and we sit down.

We have ourselves a very nice dinner, and I drop off my little brother, heading back to my apartment my phone begins t ring. Looking at the call display, it's Sesshomaru. What does he want?

" Kagome speaking," I say sweetly, trying to mask my annoyance. I wait for a moment. " Kagome, I thought you should know that I will be picking you up tomorrow during the day, we need you to look presentable." I stop to think for a seconds. " wait a minute I have dresses I can wear!" all I hear is a cruel laugh. " you might have some presentable clothes. Well Kagome maybe you should show me. I can't have you look like a common whore and the banquet, as it is for charity, and all media will be their." I snort at him, the nerve of this guy, who the hell does he think he is. " excuse me, common whore? I have you know I never once in my life dressed like a whore. Don't even wear provocative clothing." I snarl at him. He lets out another sinacal laugh. " I apologize, still I think for this function, your nice dresses won't do. I'll be round tomorrow at 10 am." and without me saying anything he hangs up on me. The nerve of the man.

Tomorrow morning came around way too quick, I had barely slept. Tossing and turning in my bed thinking about nothing else but what kind f things. My boss had planned for me.

I went to my closet, and pulled out a pair of jeans, converse shoes, and a regular band t shirt. I hope into the sower, and srub my body, and wash my hair, i began to dry it and put it into a pony tail. I may be looking for dresses, but i am sure as hell not going to be wearing a royal outfit for his royal ass. I get dressed, and my doorbell rings not too long after. That's must be the jerk come to think about it, know the hell. Did he know where I live? I open the door, and in walk Sesshomaru.

" Nice apartment, do you live alone?" he asks me. I shake my head, and sit down on the coach beside him. " My best friend Kikyou also lives here too, she didn't come home last night, maybe out with the new guy she is seeing." he smiles at me, and looks towards the paintings on my wall.

" one of you has taste." I shrug my shoulders, and smile. " That wouldn't be me." I get up, and take a look around my apartment. It wasn't a bad apartment. We had gotten all new frurniture, and the place was reasonably dated. Sesshomaru gets up, and looks down at me. I can't hel but sway to his movements. " ready to go?" he is me and I not, I grab my bagand keys. And we leave the apartment.

We get to the mall, and the firs shop he takes me to would be the most expensive out their. Dolce and Gabana. " their is no way I can afford dresses from here." I say totally not wanting to be here at all. Never mind tr the dresses on. " Good thing your not paying for it." I look at him almost puzzled. " Sesshomaru, I can't," I splutter he shakes his head, and snakes an arm around my waist, he pulls me close to him, and I've already melted against him, just from this small movement of touch. " Kagome you deserved to be spoiled, and after the week I've I'll treatment from your boss, you deserve this. Think of it as, well a work excuse to spend money." I look at him almost shocked. " I thought it was work related." he smiles his devilish grin, and releases me." No Kagome, it's a charity banquet, from my personal decision."

We try on a few dresses, and then head to another story . Pravda, and nothing we saw their that we could agree on. We headed to a few more very expensive stores, and then we hit a shabby small corner streets, with lots of beautiful dresses all lined up. " Sesshomaru, let's go their." I point to the small store. He shakes his head. "Not even a chance." he says. I look at him with small amount of puppy dog eyes, he yet again shakes his head, and I sigh.

" Gone to all tese expensive stores, and found nothing , maybe we could just try?" . He looks at me and sighs himself. " this is your only chance." I nod and run into e store, and begin to grab different types of dresses.

I grab a navy blue sleek long dress with small diamonds decorating the side, and mid section. The dress almost looks like a prom dress. I like it, I think it's gorgeous. However Sesshomaru I know wont think so fondly of it. I walk out, and clear my throat, he turns around, and just looks at me. Have I shocked the amazing Sesshomaru. "Well what do you think?" I ask him he lets that salutary smile spread across his face. " I thinks we have found the dress." he seems almost intrigued I smile. How is it that this guy can make me weak with need, just with one simple look.

I nod trying not to show the blush that spreads across my apace, and we back into the changing room, and change again.

He pays for the dress which was only about a 10000 yen, and we walk back towards his car, we get in, and head back towards my house. We don't say too much, and the goodbye is barely anything. He tells me he will pick me up at 7:30 and not to be late. I nod and walk away from the pompous ass.

Turning the key, I hear yelling, and I rush in knowing Kikyou is home, and someone is obviously here, just before I make my way towards her door, I then hear a giggle. And realize that the guy she is seeing must be here too. I shake my head and google my own room, I place the dress on the bed, and organize everything I am going to be wearing for tonight, from shoes, underwear, to hair pins. Deciding I am rather hungry I aw to the kitchen, and see a half naked Kikyou kissing a white haired demon goodbye, he almost symbolizes Sesshomaru, yet he is shorter, and nearly not as built. I wave at him, and Kikyou, and Kikyou waves goodbye to him.

"Oh Kagome, I think I am in love. This guy, he is just amazing. And rich!" I laugh and shake my head. " What's his name?" I ask. Kikyou jumps beside me on the coach I am now sat myself down on. " Inuyasha, and Kagome I need to tell you something." I look at her questioningly. "what?" I ask. She in takes a breath, as if this guy means something to me. As if when she tells me, I am going to be mad. Wait a minute I think to myself, it can't be? No not him!

" Kagome, he is Sesshomaru Taisho brother." my suspicions have been realized, and I can't say anything.

" You have got to be kidding me!" I yell, and Kikyou . She knew why I was upset, she knew that her dating my bosses brother could cause trouble. Especially since the stupid things we have already gotten up too. " Kagome I promise this won't effect your job, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru, they barely talk." I nod. She can't help who she falls in love with. "Just be careful okay?" she nods, and I give her a big hug. " I saw the dress, what's it for ?" Kikyou asks I smile, and run into my room and grab it. "Like it?" I ask she nods, and I sigh." Don't judge, but I am going to the benefit banquet with him, as his date." she gasps in shock. She then gives me a nasty smile. " I'm going too" she says extremely happy I smile, and we sit and chat, talking about Inuyasha, and the type of guy he is.

I had jumped into the shower, and scrubbed and washed myself, I wasn't sure how I should wear my hair tonight. All I knew was that it needed to be styled a little different. Kikyou had already had her shower and was currently drying her hair. I got out and pampered myself, and then got my pins and pinned up my hair into a fashionable bun, with a few locks of hair transcending down my face to add effect. The pins had almost like diamonds for added effect. I then started my makeup, I wasn't the type to put on heavy amount of makeup, just enough to add some color and such to my face, I guess to being out my natural beauty. I slid into my dress, and my navy heels I had.

Kikyou looked amazing her dress was stunning on her, and not to mention that it hugged all her curves, and made her look essential. " Kagome you look amazing, Sesshomaru won't know what hit him." I smiled at her warm comment, and made a point to tell her how fantastic she looked. Just as we began to laugh, the door bell rang. Kikyou had answered it and told me Sesshomaru was ready as was Inuyasha. I smiled at her and walked to the door. I took one look at Sesshomaru and realized I must have been the most luckiest women ever. The look that Sesshomaru however gave me was hard to grasp.

"Kagome you look stunning. I made a good choice." he said almost abruptly. I smiled and took his arm. Inuyasha had said a few sweet things to Kikyou and we all left our apartment, and headed towards the banquet.

Heads up guys.. I am working on my fourth chapter, and i am hoping i will be able to get it done soon here...feeling a little writers block... Have a fantastic day!