Ashes to Ashes

It was pouring rain. The cold and the darkness made me shiver. The streets had been deserted for a long time now. Ever since the major Zord attack.

People fled this area and now these streets were deserted. And I was the only one left behind.

It had been days since I slept. Suffering from insomnia, and anxiety... I just couldn't sleep at night anymore. And during the day I was always on alert. No matter what, these past 5 days had been a nightmare.

Covered in blood, dirt and sweet. I leaned against the brick wall of a neighbour's house. My eyes were getting heavy and my whole body just ached. I was so tired. I could easily fall into a deep sleep. My body ached for it. My mind felt like mush and disoriented and it begged for rest. Sleep…sleep is what I needed right now.

And all though my body hurt so much. I would not sleep. I was too afraid to sleep. My friends had been missing for 3 days. In another part of the city or in a whole other dimension altogether…I didn't know. But I did know that they were gone. Left without me during all the chaos and confusion.

I still cursed myself for being so slow to act. For not being there when everything fell apart. I wondered though…did they even try and look for me? Or did they just flee because it was all they could do? They didn't stay back. They abandoned me…or that is how it felt. But then again…maybe it was my own fault…for not being there when I should have been.

They were warned of the darkness that was coming. They were told they needed to flee and that they would return only when they would get the new powers they needed in order to fight these new demons.

You know…

They had to leave…

They had too…

No waiting…no turning back….

They probably were never given a choice. And they had to bite their tongue. Knowing that they would be leaving a ranger behind…to face the darkness alone.

My powers…only got me so far…before they faded and I was helpless again. The sharp adrenaline that overcame me only lasted for so long. Saving some poor souls as they thanked me that a ranger was still here.

Because they were told we had disappeared…we had…except for me…

I stayed behind because… and didn't even bother trying to find a way to get to the others. I knew it was hopeless. The message left by Billy as a final warning and his instructions on what to do…I listened to them…but I couldn't be bothered…because I knew…it was just too late.

When you hear those screams….how could you decide to flee and run away? If they are still here…fighting this darkness like me…than maybe I will find them. Sometime soon… if I could hold out just a little longer. How long could they take it? We had fleed in search of new powers before. And always came back.

Come back soon rangers…

I'll be here…

But these cities are pretty much dead. Deserted and closed off. No one goes in…no one goes out. The darkness is here…and I am left alone…

Stay awake…for one more day…and then…I must…I must find a way…to finally fall asleep…and get some rest…

Sighing, Rocky staggered, limped and disappeared into darkness and into the neighbours backyard...

but then... a portal off into the distance opens. Out came a young man. Dressed in a sharp white uniform. He stops…as the portal closes behind him… And waits for it to disappear…as it closes completely he takes a good scan around the area. Taking out his tracking device he begins his search…the search... for the missing zeo ranger…

And so it begins…

Okay so there you have it. First chapter! woo hoo! Let me know if you'd like to read more. Only will upload if I get reviews. Oh, and don't forget...I also have a youtube channel 'GoosieGoose2725. Don't forget to check me out! ''Catch you on the flip side'' XD