Title: Disengage

Authors: NUWANDA (in her 1st Harry angst) AND QUILLOW (in her triumphant return to Harry!Angst) (Nuwanda would like to remark that, "Dear God, you're (Quillow) rubbing off on me!")

Summary: Fencing, angst, portkeys, thoughts of Cedric, angst, a new and mysterious DADA teacher, a rather surprising Draco, angst. Did we mention angst? Well, it has angst.

Disclaimer: We do not own Harry Potter because if we did we'd be filthy rich and not wasting our time writing fanfic.  In fact, I think we'd both be living in a gothic chateau with count Von Groovy by our side.  And perhaps we'd both go to French and live on top of the Empire state building… so whatever.

Author's note to follow


"Catch, Potter!" Draco called, tossing a fencing foil towards Harry.  Harry swung around, and saw the thin sword flying at his head.  He reached out, grabbed a hold of it, and promptly vanished.

            The room full of people fell deathly silent.  There was a loud clatter towards the center of the room. Draco had dropped his foil. He stood there, mouth agape, staring at the spot where Harry Potter had been only moments before.  And then, all Hell broke loose.


August 21st Before the Start of Term 5

            "En garde, boy!" Lucius Malfoy spat.  Raising his foil, Draco immediately got into defense position.  Lucius ran at Draco, advancing swiftly.  Rather than retreating or staying where he was (as regular fencing rules would require) Draco responded by rushing his father.  A clash of heated metal resounded through the sprawling ebony marble chamber.  The blades of their foils crossed, Lucius and Draco stood less than a foot apart, staring each other down, waiting for someone to make the first move.  Lucius acted first, disengaging, bringing his foil down and pushing Draco's blade out of the way before immediately attacking again, thrusting the blade forwards.  Draco felt the tip of the blade connect with his chest…hard.  He retreated immediately, regaining proper fencing distance and silently fumed at himself for allowing his father to gain the upper hand. 

            "You're still too easy, boy," Lucius taunted, knowing full well how to get under his son's skin.  Draco glared and turned his back on Lucius, who stared at his son in confusion.  Draco smirked inwardly.  'The element of surprise…' Turning suddenly, Draco rushed at Lucius, who stared in surprise as his son drove his foil forward with angry determination, successfully touching off a hit.  Lucius stood momentarily stunned before smiling slightly in admiration of Draco's cleverness.  "That was pretty good, boy."

            Draco simply stared at his father, his face betraying no emotion.  Lucius sneered at his son.

            "Well, well, well…a tie.  I think I can remedy that."  The room was silent except for the sound of their footsteps as Lucius began to circle his son.  Draco raised his foil warily, prepared to fight off his father's attack.  Lucius advanced upon his son. Draco tried desperately to parry his father's attacks, but was finally unsuccessful.

            Draco stalked off to the corner, angrily stripping off his fencing jacket.  Lucius stared at his son's retreating back, smiling.  He walked over to join Draco, who was still pouting, and glared at the house elf, who immediately began pouring them water in fright.  Lucius handed a goblet of water to Draco.  "Not bad, boy." Draco accepted the glass of water.  "Did you know, there is going to be a fencing team at Hogwarts next year? Snape is going to be running it." Lucius said slowly and deliberately.  Draco looked up at his father with interest.  "Perhaps, you can finally beat Potter at something." Draco turned away.  "Here, maybe this will help." Lucius took out another fencing foil, and handed it to Draco.  "Give this to Potter, and I guarantee you will win." Draco glowered at his father, took the foil, and heatedly left.

            Lucius watched Draco, smiling evilly, "Yes, you will win… once and for all."


September 1st

            Harry Potter had mixed feelings when he returned to Hogwarts after summer holiday.  He was happy that he finally escaped the Dursley's care.  The Dursley's were still mad about the ton tongue toffee incident, and absolutely refused to let Harry leave the house anytime over the summer.  It didn't matter anyways; halfway through summer break Ron wrote to him and told him that Dumbledore was not letting Harry visit the Weasley's over the summer because it wasn't safe.  With his books and broom locked in the closet under the stairs and no refuge from his family in sight, it had been the summer from Hell.  Yet also, it was painful returning to Hogwarts.  The atmosphere was different now.  'Cedric…' 


            Harry turned from where he had been staring out the window of the train.  Ron and Hermione were looking worriedly at him.

            "You all right?" Ron asked anxiously.  Harry nodded wordlessly and turned back to the window.  Hermione looked at Ron and shrugged. 

            The train pulled into Hogsmeade and the students proceeded to the horseless carriages.  Harry walked as if he was in a dream, Hermione and Ron following closely behind him, whispering urgently to one another. 

            "What's gotten into him?" Ron asked, frustrated. 

            "I don't know," Hermione whispered, "but I think we should maybe write to Snuffles…don't you think?"

            "All right…" The two of them climbed into the carriage behind Harry, who was looking out the window…again.

            Suddenly, the door opened, and someone stuck his head in.

            "This all taken?"  It was Draco Malfoy.  Ron glared and Hermione put a restraining hand on his arm.  Harry simply glanced at Draco, then turned his gaze back to the window.  Draco grinned, and looked around the carriage.  "No, then?  Jolly good!"  He climbed in, seating himself directly across from Harry.  "I haven't talked to Potter in a while!"  Draco continued to grin at Harry, who continued to ignore the blond boy.  Ron was seething with anger.

            "What do you want, Draco?!" he demanded.  Draco slowly turned his gaze on Ron.

            "I just wanted," he drawled innocently, "to see how our resident murderer is doing-"

            Whatever Draco was going to say next, he never did.  Ron dove at Draco and grabbed him by the collar.

            "You stupid bastard!" Ron roared. 

            "Ron!" Hermione grabbed the back of Ron's robes in attempt to pull him off of Draco, but failed.  Livid beyond reason, Ron refused to relinquish his hold on Draco, only succeeding in tripping out of the carriage and dragging Draco down with him.

            "You slimy, Death Eater, shit-for-brains, ferret-faced…" Ron grappled for insults to throw at Malfoy, who was still grinning at him, despite the fact that his nose was bleeding in a most undignified manner and a shiner was already forming around one eye.

            "Ron!  Stop it this instant!  You're going to get in trouble before school even starts!" Hermione yelled from the carriage door.  Harry stood next to her, glancing out the door at the fracas outside.

            "You boys!  Stop that!"  A tall man with light brown hair and warm brown eyes strode over. He was wearing maroon robes that were obviously new.  Ron took no notice as he came over, if anything only glancing quickly over his shoulder before punching Draco again.  He grabbed the back of Ron's robes, pulling him off of Draco.  "Stop, I said!"

            Draco gently touched one finger to the corner of his mouth, checking to see if it was bleeding or not.  It was.  He reached into his robes and pulled out a handkerchief of the finest silk, and wiped the blood from his face.  After tucking the now bloody handkerchief out of sight, he eyed the man with the same lack of respect he showed to most people.  "Who are you?"

            "I'm Professor Goddard, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher…who are you?!"

            "A slimy git," Ron mumbled.  Professor Goddard obviously stifled a smile and tried to look reproachfully at Ron before looking back to Draco.

            "Draco Malfoy," Draco responded boredly, as if this was all a waste of his time. 

            "Well, Mr. Malfoy," Goddard said, "That will be five points from Slytherin."

            Ron snickered.

            "-And as for you, Mr. Weasley," Goddard continued, glancing at Ron, "five points from Gryffindor.  If I see any more of this fighting from you two, you'll be facing detention…"

            "Detention?" Ron interrupted indignantly.  Goddard looked once again as if he was suppressing a smile.

            "…For a week.  That is all.  Now, get back in your carriage.  I suggest separate carriages this time, hmmm?"  Turning to go, Goddard caught sight of Harry in the door of the carriage and froze.  Harry looked small, and underweight.  His green eyes were a stark contrast to his pale skin.  Goddard felt the urge to reach out to him, but he held back. "All right there, Harry?" He asked. 

            Harry was startled out of his deep thoughts, when Goddard used his first name.  'How did he know my name? What's going on?' Harry thought to himself.  Goddard continued to stare at him. Harry nodded slowly, "I'm all right."


September 1st

            "Really, Albus, he doesn't look well," Goddard informed Dumbledore, while they entered the Great Hall.

            "Harry?" Dumbledore inquired.

            "No, the other boy who has faced Voldemort countless times."

            "Really, Atticus, that was a bit unnecessary." Dumbledore admonished. Goddard sighed. Dumbledore stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Well, do you think I should send him to Poppy?"

            "I think that would be best," Goddard replied, "I'll take him."

            "Don't let your guard down. Don't mention… just… don't let your emotions get in the way." Dumbledore finished.

            "Don't worry.  I've got it under control."




Quillow: Hey, that was fun… we should try sticking post it notes on our butts next time instead of the wall.

Nuwanda: …and that would help…how?

Quillow: For one thing, I think the plot would be much more interesting.  And post it notes on your butt can be a great icebreaker or conversation piece.

Nuwanda:  True, true.  I still can't believe I let you talk me into writing an angst fic w/ you, especially without slash in it.  Meh.  I like Harry/Draco fanfic…just…meh.

Quillow: ANGST! drools ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nuwanda:  SLASH!  drools  SLAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!  Well, if it can't be slash, I still think that Draco should be in leather.

Quillow: Meh, I personally want to see Goddard in leather sigh. Anyways please be kind and review… it will greatly improve both our pathetic lives. 

Nuwanda:  Any and all flames will be used to….to…well, they sure won't be used for anything helpful. 

Quillow: We do, however, accept constructive criticism.  Muah! Have a great night!

Nuwanda:  passes out from a nosebleed at the thought of Goddard AND Draco BOTH wearing leather