(PS, if you don't know who Kitty Carlo is, check out my first story Wild Cat. Please.)
"Let me see... catalogs... papers... blueprints... books... and-... a banana?" Martin Kratt said as he pulled things out of an old box. He was a blue clad man, with muddy blond hair, who was trying to sort through boxes with his brother.
Chris Kratt, Martin's brother, looked up from the box he was searching through, and just stared at the old rotten banana, "What's that doing in there?"
Martin shrugged and tossed the banana in the trash, "I have no idea bro, all these boxes are so old, who knows what else we will find!"
The Kratt brothers were cleaning out the Tortuga's basement, as they did every two years, and as always, the basement was piled with stuff. From things they thought they had lost, to trash, to things they had in storage.
"Just make sure you guys don't miss any boxes!" called Aviva, a smart Spanish girl who was on the Kratt's tech team, "I'd help, but, Jimmy's cleaning the main control room, Koki's getting the laundry, and Kitty and I are washing the windows!"
"We'll make sure not to miss any! Don't worry!" Chris called back to her.
"Thanks!" Aviva called back, before heading back to help Kitty. Kitty was a blond haired, dark blue eyed young woman, who had joined the Kratt team not to long ago, during an incident when Chris had been shot by poachers. Kitty was now even dating Martin.
Martin sighed, and looked up at his brother, "Don't you just love spring cleaning?" He asked sarcastically.
Chris rolled his eyes and chuckled as he started looking through another of the many boxes, "I love it as much as you love being a model for Donita..."
Martin cringed, "I'd take cleaning over Donita any day..."
The both laughed in agreement, and got back to cleaning.
"Chris look at this!" Martin said as he went through a box, "This stuff belongs to Jimmy, and I found an old trophy for-..." he dusted it off a little, "- Bowling!... Wait, bowling?" he checked in again and started laughing, "Yep, it's bowling alright."
Chris smiled, "Now that's just hilarious! Oh look!" he said as he pulled something out of another box, "This was in one of Koki's boxes..." and he held up a poster of Wonder Woman.
Martin blinked, "Hm... I thought Jimmy was the only one into super heroes..."
"Me too..." Chris said shrugging as he put the poster back, and took out a glass bird, "Now I think this is Kitty's..."
Martin nodded, "Be careful with that Chris," Martin started as Chris messed with the beak, "You don't want it to-"
Suddenly the beak of the bird snapped off.
"-Break..." Martin finished slowly, blinking.
Chris's eyes widened, "Oh crud! I'm going to get it now! I bet this was special to Kitty... Oh crud!" he said shaking his head slowly.
Martin sighed, "Might as well hide it and tell her later..."
Chris nodded, and quickly put the bird back in the box.
"Are you guys cleaning or sight seeing?" Aviva called down with a giggle.
"Er... both!" Martin answered quickly as he went back to cleaning through boxes.
After 15 more minutes or so, Martin had found some interesting stuff, "Hm..." he thought, "Looks like some of Aviva's old prototypes..." and he observed a few objects.
He finally found something that resembled a gun. Of course this gun looked more alien gun, then a real gun. For a second he was pretending to shoot it, wondering what it did, and, by accident he actually made it fire right next to Chris.
Chris was startled, and looked at the burnt floor beside him, then up to his brother who was laughing nervously, "Jeese, watch it Martin! For all I know you could've killed me! You know I have a thing with guns..."
Martin nodded slowly, "Sorry bro... I just fired it by accident..." and he put down on the box next to Chris.
Chris forgave his brother easily, but his gaze trailed back to the gun, as his brother wasn't looking. There was a label on it, and what it said made Chris's eyes widened with excitement; Gender Changing Ray. GCR for short.
Chris eyed his brother, who wasn't looking at him, and was still going through boxes. Chris held his breath as he picked up GCR quietly, and pointed it as his brother.
Martin turned around, to see his brother pointing the gun at him, "Chris? Chris what are you doing- GAH! CHRIS NO!"
And Chris pulled the trigger.
SWOOSH, a blue ray of light shot out of the GCR and struck Martin. Martin was on his hands and knees, and shaking as the blue light seemed to cover him.
Chris covered his eyes from the light. And when the light died down, he looked back to where his brother had sat.
"M-Martin?" Chris asked carefully.
"CHRIS, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!" called out an angry voice... an angry voice of a woman. There now, standing before Chris, was a tall, slender young woman, with long muddy blond hair and blazing blue eyes.
The clothes she wore were definitely Martin's, and were a bit big on her.
"Oh my-... Martin is that you?" Chris said almost on the verge of laughing.
The woman blinked, "Well of course it's me you dum-dum, who else would it be?" but, then the woman, or supposedly Martin, realized her voice sounded much different, "Wait a second... what's going on with me?"
Chris broke out laughing, "It worked! The ray gun worked! You're now a girl!"
It only took Martin a few seconds to realize what Chris had done to him. And it only took a few more seconds for Martin to snatch the GCR from Chris, and fire it at CK.
A green ray of light shot out and hit Chris, and just like with Martin, Chris transformed into a young woman, with long brown hair, and brown eyes.
And, Chris's voice was definitely a woman's now as well, "What the?" Chris looked down, "AHHHHHHHH!"
Martin laughed, which, being a girl it was more of a giggle, "See! It's not that fun, is it?"
Chris glared up at her brother- er, sister, "Oh just be quiet 'Madeline'!"
Martin, er- I mean Madeline gasped, "What? Well, two can play at that game-... erm... Chrissy!"
Chrissy blinked, and rolled her eyes, "Seriously, Chrissy? Is that all you can think of?"
Madeline pouted, "Just shut up... at least I'm prettier then you..." and it was true Madeline was actually very pretty.
"Not at all!" Chrissy shouted, "I'm definitely more pretty!" and it also was true, Chrissy was equally pretty.
Madeline was about to shout back, but she stopped and blinked, "Wait, why are we fighting over this? We're suppose to be guys remember?"
Chrissy looked down at herself, and shrugged, "Well we don't look like guys..."
Madeline looked at the GCR, "Well, at least it should be able to turn us back."
Chrissy nodded, "Yeah..." then she and Madeline had the same idea at the same time.
They both exchanged mischievous glances, as they headed towards the stairs with the GCR. For fun, they had a plan to transform their team, into the opposite gender!
It's my first chapter of my new story so you all better review!
I mean, *voice goes nicer* I would really love it if you could review my story, I worked hard on it, and I really want to know if you all liked it.
Better? XD