I know what you're thinking. "She's alive!" Well, yes, yes I am. I haven't updated due to homework, finals, school in general, moving, fights, and writer's block. Yeah, I have a busy life. So I have this chapter. I wasn't going to publish it because I thought it was a bit short and boring, but I thought that you deserved something. So here it is, and I'm sorry for my unpredictable updating.
Chapter 10:
"Uh…" Ron trailed off. Hermione elbowed him. "She's not asking you." She rolled her eyes. He nodded and sighed in relief.
"Well, lady Artemis, we have a big task at hand. We have to break into a wizard bank that is supposedly impossible to break into." Percy explained. Artemis and Apollo turned to look at the confused wizards and witch.
"Hey! I remember now! You're Hecate's little experiments, aren't you? You're all she ever talks about." Apollo recalled. After a long silence, Annabeth cleared her throat.
"Um… I don't think they know much about the gods, Lord Apollo." She hinted. He laughed and cleared his throat. "I feel a haiku coming!" He declared. Everyone groaned, except for the puzzled wizards.
"Wizards and witches.
They are afraid.
I am totally cool."
Artemis rolled her eyes. "What did I tell you?" She sighed. "Ok. So we have to break into the bank, find one vault from… how many vaults are there?" Percy wondered.
"Five thousand, five hundred, and fifty five." Dumbledore answered. "Ok. One vault from a lot of vaults, and we don't even know where to start. It's probably defended." Percy finished.
"Yeah! They say there are dragons in the high-security vaults." Ron added. Everyone grimaced. "I understand why you need help. Where is this bank?" Artemis asked.
"It's in Diagon Alley. Maybe we could apparate there…" Hermione trailed off, she was the only one that the girls weren't glowering at.
"Apparate? I've heard of that! No. I'll go my own way." Apollo scoffed. Everyone else nodded.
A few seconds later, the wizards, witches, hunters, demigods, god, and goddess were all in front of Gringotts.
"So this is you're bank, eh? How hard can it be to break into a bank?" Apollo questioned.
"You just jinxed it, Lord Apollo." Annabeth sighed. He grimaced, but shrugged.
"What are we looking for in this vault?" Artemis wondered.
"We're looking for pieces of a soul. They could be anything… or anyone." Nico added quietly. If Sirius hadn't been so freaked out, he would have glared.
"Okay. I have a plan." Annabeth started.
"A child of Athena always has a plan." Thalia mocked. Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"The hunters will station themselves around, and be ready to attack. You'll be hidden, and have the advantage, but don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary." She started.
"I will go with my hunters." Artemis offered. Annabeth nodded.
"I'll go too!" Apollo exclaimed. There were some groans, but no one dared say no to the god.
"Okay. But I want Thalia with Percy. You two are going to be the bait. You're going to make the obvious approach. And make it obvious that you're trying to break in. So everyone will be centered on you." Annabeth continued, ignoring Percy and Thalia's complaints.
"I'll sneak in with some wizards when everyone is distracted. Other wizards will go with Percy and Thalia to help them out. You have to take care of whoever is going to be chasing us, and then come after me with Nico who will be able to sense the parts of the soul." She finished, looking satisfied.
"What about us?" The Stolls asked at the exact same time.
"And us?" The Weasly twins chorused.
"When did you two get here?" Hermione demanded, pointing accusingly at the Weaslys.
"We just learned silent apparating. We got here ages ago!" Fred (or maybe it was George) said. Before Annabeth could modify her plans, the wizard twins turned to face the two gods.
"So you're actually real gods?" One of them admired, thinking that the ultimate prank would be on a god.
"You know, these two remind me of Hermes." Artemis mumbled, probably guessing the thoughts of the pranksters.
"Why don't you two go talk with the Stolls over there?" Apollo suggested nervously.
The two pairs of twins started talking animatedly.
Suddenly, mist appeared in the air.
"Annabeth." Chiron's voice rang out.
Much to everyone's disappointment, it was only an IM.
"What's wrong, Chiron?" Annabeth asked.
"My relatives, and the other demigods refuse to go. I am sorry, but I won't force them. You must make-do with who you have." He said sadly. Before Annabeth could protest, the mist disappeared.
"So we're on our own. We stick to the plan Annabeth said before. The twins will stay out here." Percy announced.
Nico sighed.
"Come on, let's go destroy some soul fragments."
Yeah... I'm not sure how I'm going to make this exciting, so i had to sop there. Please review! I know I take a long time, but I'm begging you! Yes, YOU! Review, PM, whatever. I'll try to update a lot faster this time. I think I took a few months... heh heh, whoops.