A/N: I know, I know, I should be typing the next chapter for "Love Runs Deep". Whatever, I already gave myself a time out. This is actually a bit awkward-I originally gave this as a prompt for chalantness and then realized that I want to write a Wally/Zatanna friendship fic, too. So if she uses the prompt, all similarities are purely coincidental. Also I don't own Young Justice (This is the first time I've put a disclaimer, I think! Wow!)

Wally's stomach twisted into another knot as he watched Robin dip Artemis down deeply, then spin her for the fourth time in a row. His grip on the cup tightened, and it would've broken the glass if it wasn't made out of cut crystal.

"Can you believe them?" he muttered quietly to Zatanna, standing next to him.

"I'm not the jealous type," she began.

"Me neither," he put in hurriedly, but that was a total lie.

"But they've been dancing together…for an awfully long time." They glanced uncertainly at each other.

"Raquel and Connor are dancing together, and M'gann and Kaldur don't seem to mind." Wally said slowly. "But then again, they've taken turns. Have you danced with Robin yet?"

"No," Zatanna sounded horribly disappointed. "Have you danced with Artemis yet?"

"No." Wally resentfully stared at the Sprite he was holding, then downed it all in one gulp. "Let's dance." He abruptly turned to Zatanna, who looked at him, eyes wide. "C'mon, it'll be fun. It's not like we're gonna get to dance with our actual girlfriend or boyfriend tonight, so we might as well just do it together, right? Two lonely souls on what's probably the best night of our teenage years." She sighed, then flashed her trademark grin.

"Let's show those two jerkfaces what they're missing."

He led the young magician onto the dance floor, and bowed deeply. She laughed and imitated him. Grasping her hands, they twirled around, never out of sight from their respective partners.

"Have you noticed they've gotten a lot closer over the past few weeks?" Zatanna asked Wally quietly. "Ever since Artemis figured out Robin was Dick?" She gives a half-hearted smile at the memory.

"Yeah, and it's bugging the shit outta me," he whispered back. "I know they're good friends, being the only non-metas" he spoke the word with derision, "but this might be one of the fanciest galas the Team will ever get to attend, even if we're here undercover. And it's in Paris, the city of love. I'm supposed to be sweeping Artemis off her feet, and you and Rob should be dancing under a moonlight balcony, or something."

"Calm down, Romeo." Zatanna rolled her eyes in exasperation, but they were twinkling with laughter. "I'm sure there will be other galas and balls. Of course, maybe not as high-class as this, and probably not in Paris, and Artemis swore she'd never put on another dress after tonight, and Batman did say this was the first and last time he'd let us into something so important-"

"Stop!" Wally pulled her close and slapped a hand over her mouth. "You're making my stomach uncomfortable!" She frowned and licked the inside of his hand, and he let go with a yelp.

"I'm making your stomach uncomfortable?" she questioned, indignation written over her face. "You're the one whose got us squished tighter than a peanut-butter and glue sandwich!" They looked down, flushing at the sudden closeness of their bodies. Robin and Artemis chose that moment to casually waltz over.

"Hey, we were looking for you-what are you doing?"

Wally instinctively pushed Zatanna away, who cried out in surprise.

"I think," he puffed out his chest, "the question is 'What were YOU two doing?'" Artemis narrowed her eyes and Robin looked confused.

"What does it look like we're doing? We're keeping our cover, same as everyone else." Zatanna scoffed put her hands on her hips.

"Then why can't you keep your cover with me, Rob? Or Artemis with Wally?" Wally moves to stand next to her and crosses his arms.

"Yeah, exactly! Why is it only you two can dance and not us? Those four mix it up!" He gestures to the other half of their Team, on a snack break in the back. Robin looks at the identical expressions of frustration on Zee and Wally's face, then cracks a grin.

"Oh, I see where this is going," he says playfully. Artemis raises an eyebrow.

"Enlighten me. I have no idea what the hell is going on."

He leans into her and stage whispers one word: "Jealousy." Her whole face splits into a wide smirk. They look at each other, to their respective partners, then back to each other again. After a moment, they both crack up.

"Oh geez, that is too funny." Artemis chortles, clapping Zatanna on the back. "You can have him. I don't date people three inches shorter than me." Robin smiles at her.

"I've grown a ton in the past few months, as you know very well, Arty. Soon I'll be towering above you, so you better watch out!"

"In your dreams, Bird Brain," she punches his shoulder.

"Stop that!" Wally cries out in desperation, because if he doesn't put a stop to this banter now, he can see his whole relationship with the archer going down the drain. This causes Rob and Artemis to laugh even harder.

"What's going on? What are we missing?" Zatanna frantically whispers to him. He shrugs helplessly.

"They're just like Babs," Rob manages to choke out, which sets Artemis off again. Wally briefly wonders who "Babs" is. "You guys can't seriously think there is something going on." He added to the other two.

"Well, with you off gallivanting with my best friend…" Zatanna scowls.

"You fail to remember she is one of my best friends, too," Robin said, "And my other best friend's girlfriend. So dating Artemis would be like dating my sister, or dating my brother's lover, or my lover's sister. Basically any relationship with her would be incest." Artemis grinned at Wally.

"And any relationship with him would be social suicide. No offense, Zatanna, you guys are perfect together."

"Then why have you two been dancing like honeymooners all night?" Wally demands, and Zatanna nod her head in agreement.

"Because," Artemis says like it's painfully obvious. "If Robin and I dance together, we don't actually need to focus on dancing. We can keep an eye out for any members of the Shadows instead of drooling over each other." There was a pregnant pause.

"You'd really drool over me?" Wally has to ask, because that was pretty much his reaction when he saw Artemis walk in with that sparkly, floor length silver ball gown. With that slit up the side. And those strappy heels. Oh, boy, that plunging neckline…He hastily whips his eyes back up, and he can tell Rob totally caught him looking, as he is currently hiding his snickers behind his hand. Artemis rolls her eyes.

"It was a figure of speech, Kid Idiot," but the blush across her face betrays her. Robin and Zatanna laugh at the same time, but Zee quiets up fast. Wally can tell she's still trying to be mad, but he knows her heart isn't really into it. Robin takes her hand and tugs her toward him.

"C'mon, Zee," he smiles sweetly. "I see a few moonlight balconies with our names written all over it." Zatanna casts an astonished look in Wally's way, and he shrugs as if he knew all along.

"Okay, fine." She's still scowling, until Rob (the dog) kisses her on the cheek. She relents, smiling softly, and they glide away.

"You're cute when you're jealous." He turns and sees Artemis with this smug smile spread on her lips. He feels the heat rush to his face, giving him the semblance of a tomato.

"I was not." Wally lifts his nose into the air, as if such an action was below his dignity. She throws her head back and laughs, then crosses her arms and scowls.

"Stop that!" she taunts in an annoying, soprano voice.

"I-what-my voice isn't that high!" he splutters. She laughs again, (why is she in such a good mood?), and hugs him tightly.

"C'mon, Kid. Whisk me off into my wildest dreams, and all that crap." He finally beams at her, and together they gravitate toward the food table. In between dips and turns he'd sneak a piece of food into his mouth and chew it as fast as he can, and he thinks Artemis doesn't notice.

"Baywatch," she whispers in his ear during a slow dance.

"Yeah, babe?" he asks. Her breath tickles him, and he shivers involuntarily.

"Stop eating all the hors d'oeuvres." He flushes and puts an éclair back down on the table.

"…Right. Sorry."

The twirl and meander around absentmindedly, not really caring where they were going, just happy they were together. Wally's almost one-hundred percent content, but there is a small (it's miniscule, really) hint of doubt nagging in the back of his mind. He doesn't want to ruin a rare, peaceful moment between him and Artemis, but he just has to be sure.

"Artemis," he breathes. She turns slightly and looks at him.


"When you were dancing with Rob," he doesn't know how to continue, so he falls silent.

"Yes?" she prompts. Confusion is clouded in her eyes, mirroring the feelings of his heart. He rubs his neck awkwardly and begins again.

"Artemis, I just-"He's cut off when the ceiling explodes.