
Chapter 1: Hurt Feelings

Kisshu's POV

Kisshu was hurt- in more ways than one. It was a few days after the battle with the Blue Knight, and his wound from that wasn't healed yet. But what really hurt was what he had heard that green fish Mew say after he saved them from the dream Chimera Anima.

"It seems those people really do have feelingsā€¦" That's what she said. Kisshu heard that, even though he was barely conscious. Did the Mews really believe that the Cyniclons had no feelings? Of course they did! Cyniclons may not have been human (and what was so great about that anyways?), but they had feelings and emotions too. In fact, all living creatures had feelings, in one way or another.

Hearing that from the Mews had really hurt Kisshu. Did that mean Ichigo thought he had no feelings? He wasn't nearly as emotionless as Pai; in fact he basically wore his feelings on his sleeve- sort of like Ichigo. Hearing that until that time the Mews didn't believe the Cyniclons had feelings had a pretty bad effect on Kisshu. Sure, the Mews and Cyniclons were enemies, but thinking that just because your enemy isn't the same species, they don't have feelings- that's just wrong.

Kisshu was becoming more and more depressed. It didn't help that he was on his own now; Deep Blue had kicked him out for destroying Pai's plan, and Pai being the loyal servant that he was, ignored Kisshu's plight and Taruto's pleas, and sent Kisshu out into the unforgiving weather of Tokyo in winter. Thinking back, Kisshu remembered that Pai had seemed a bit reluctant, but did as he was told nonetheless.

Since it was pretty obvious that Deep Blue now hated him, and would probably brainwash Pai into doing the same, Kisshu could think of three options: find another way to save his people, join the Mews- or commit suicide. That last one wasn't all that appealing to Kisshu, but he knew in his condition, in this weather, it might be out of his hands soon.

The first option sounded like the best. Kisshu never really liked Deep Blue anyways, so it wouldn't feel wrong to find a better way to save his people, one that didn't involve listening to a ball of light. Joining the Mews wouldn't work too well; Blondie probably wouldn't let him anyways. The only good thing he could see about joining the Mews was seeing more of Ichigo, but she hated him too, much as he hated to admit it, so she'd probably take Blondie's side. And there was no way he was working with the Blue Knight.

Kisshu really liked the first option, but he didn't know if he could do it alone. Pai would never help him, and Taruto was too attached to Pai to disobey him, even though Kisshu was his brother too. Kisshu knew he wasn't as smart as Pai, and that would be his downfall if he went with option one. Making up his mind, he decided to go with option three- suicide. "It's not like anyone would care anyways," he reasoned.

Before he found some way of doing this, though, he decided to go see Ichigo one last time.

Nice cliffhanger, huh? Would people who read this PLEASE review? I NEED reviews!